Captain Marvel's time as an astronomical avenger has pitted her against some of the worst the galaxy has to offer (lookin' at you J'Son). The Haffensye Consortium has been tracking Captain Marvel and Tic for weeks. Now, they've finally caught up to them both! Captain Marvel was barely able to survive the last time she squared-off against the Haffensye - think she'll be so lucky again? Книга «Captain Marvel Vol. 3: Alis Volat Propriis» авторов Келли Сью ДеКонник, Давид Ло...
Captain Marvel's time as an astronomical avenger has pitted her against some of the worst the galaxy has to offer (lookin' at you J'Son). The Haffensye Consortium has been tracking Captain Marvel and Tic for weeks. Now, they've finally caught up to them both! Captain Marvel was barely able to survive the last time she squared-off against the Haffensye - think she'll be so lucky again? Книга «Captain Marvel Vol. 3: Alis Volat Propriis» авторов Келли Сью ДеКонник, Давид Лопес оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.60 из 10.
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