На нашем сайте представлены 25 книг автора Дэнниса Хоуплесса. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
The most explosive new X-book of Marvel NOW! begins its second smash storyline! Cable's outlaw team loses a member as Colossus goes to jail - but the armored giant doesn't fare well in the big house! Meanwhile, Cable comes face-to-face with his father...the fallen revolutionary known as Cyclops! And when Cable and his X-Force journey into space to face down an alien armada, will they be forced to ...
As tensions rise between Cable's X-Force and the Uncanny Avengers, Cable's precognitive visions grow increasingly relentless. X-Force must race against the clock to stop each terrible vision from coming true - but what happens if they fail? As the stakes grow higher, Domino and Colossus team up for the heist of the century...but their mounting feelings for one another might keep them from pulling ...
Father and daughter are reunited as Cable's and Hope's separate missions converge! Cable has finally solved one of his most vexing problems - but a dozen more are still on the horizon! There's no rest for the weary as Hope, Cable, and the rest of X-Force converge to tackle an ominous new threat!
The House of Magnus controls all, having crushed all resistance to their reign. Magneto rules with an iron fi st, while his children and grandchildren live their lives as royals - with all the privileges and pitfalls that come with that title. But is Magneto's control as all-encompassing as it seems? And what happens to a conqueror when there is no one left to conquer?
Spinning out of the universe-shattering events of Secret Wars comes a new twist on the X-Men classic that's a whole hell of a lot hotter than you remember. 5 years ago a band of demons rose up out of the fiery depths and turned Manhattan into Hell on Earth. The X-Men fought to vanquish the demon horde and... The X-Men failed. Welcome back to the Inferno. On this the fi fth anniversary of Manh...
Jessica Drew has been an agent of both S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.W.O.R.D., an Avenger and so much more. But nothing could prepare her for the multidimensional insanity that is Spider-Verse! A war is brewing, and every spider-character in the multiverse is a target! But being a target is something Jessica Drew just won't abide. She's a woman with a mission - and with Silk, the newest spider on the block a...
Cable is back! NOW!, with a new X-Force at his side, he must tackle the threats that nobody else can know about - even if it makes him and his team public enemy number one. Just who are Cable's new recruits? Where has Colossus been post-AV X, and what is wrong with his powers? And most importantly, why are Cable and his team attacking a civilian company? Caught red-handed at the scene of a terrori...
Trapped on an isolated island, 16 superhuman teens (including cult favorites like members of the Runaways, the Avengers Academy and Darkhawk) are given a chilling ultimatum by their demented captor: Fight or die...only one will walk out alive! Thus begins a primal battle that will test the skills, stamina and morals of each combatant. Welcome to Murder World, where secrets are plenty, alliances ar...
When teen heroes infiltrate the Masters of Evil, who will break bad? Damaged by their experience in Murderworld, five conflicted young superhumans go rogue and pose as villains, planning to bring the Avengers' rivals down from within. But the longer the teens spend undercover, the more they descend into darkness - and as they start to build relati onships with these multi -layered criminals, the l...
The most explosive new X-book of Marvel NOW! begins its second smash storyline! Cable's outlaw team loses a member as Colossus goes to jail - but the armored giant doesn't fare well in the big house! Meanwhile, Cable comes face-to-face with his father...the fallen revolutionary known as Cyclops! And when Cable and his X-Force journey into space to face down an alien armada, will they be forced to ...
As tensions rise between Cable's X-Force and the Uncanny Avengers, Cable's precognitive visions grow increasingly relentless. X-Force must race against the clock to stop each terrible vision from coming true - but what happens if they fail? As the stakes grow higher, Domino and Colossus team up for the heist of the century...but their mounting feelings for one another might keep them from pulling ...
Father and daughter are reunited as Cable's and Hope's separate missions converge! Cable has finally solved one of his most vexing problems - but a dozen more are still on the horizon! There's no rest for the weary as Hope, Cable, and the rest of X-Force converge to tackle an ominous new threat!
The House of Magnus controls all, having crushed all resistance to their reign. Magneto rules with an iron fi st, while his children and grandchildren live their lives as royals - with all the privileges and pitfalls that come with that title. But is Magneto's control as all-encompassing as it seems? And what happens to a conqueror when there is no one left to conquer?
Spinning out of the universe-shattering events of Secret Wars comes a new twist on the X-Men classic that's a whole hell of a lot hotter than you remember. 5 years ago a band of demons rose up out of the fiery depths and turned Manhattan into Hell on Earth. The X-Men fought to vanquish the demon horde and... The X-Men failed. Welcome back to the Inferno. On this the fi fth anniversary of Manh...
Jessica Drew has been an agent of both S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.W.O.R.D., an Avenger and so much more. But nothing could prepare her for the multidimensional insanity that is Spider-Verse! A war is brewing, and every spider-character in the multiverse is a target! But being a target is something Jessica Drew just won't abide. She's a woman with a mission - and with Silk, the newest spider on the block a...
Cable is back! NOW!, with a new X-Force at his side, he must tackle the threats that nobody else can know about - even if it makes him and his team public enemy number one. Just who are Cable's new recruits? Where has Colossus been post-AV X, and what is wrong with his powers? And most importantly, why are Cable and his team attacking a civilian company? Caught red-handed at the scene of a terrori...
Trapped on an isolated island, 16 superhuman teens (including cult favorites like members of the Runaways, the Avengers Academy and Darkhawk) are given a chilling ultimatum by their demented captor: Fight or die...only one will walk out alive! Thus begins a primal battle that will test the skills, stamina and morals of each combatant. Welcome to Murder World, where secrets are plenty, alliances ar...
When teen heroes infiltrate the Masters of Evil, who will break bad? Damaged by their experience in Murderworld, five conflicted young superhumans go rogue and pose as villains, planning to bring the Avengers' rivals down from within. But the longer the teens spend undercover, the more they descend into darkness - and as they start to build relati onships with these multi -layered criminals, the l...
The most explosive new X-book of Marvel NOW! begins its second smash storyline! Cable's outlaw team loses a member as Colossus goes to jail - but the armored giant doesn't fare well in the big house! Meanwhile, Cable comes face-to-face with his father...the fallen revolutionary known as Cyclops! And when Cable and his X-Force journey into space to face down an alien armada, will they be forced to ...
As tensions rise between Cable's X-Force and the Uncanny Avengers, Cable's precognitive visions grow increasingly relentless. X-Force must race against the clock to stop each terrible vision from coming true - but what happens if they fail? As the stakes grow higher, Domino and Colossus team up for the heist of the century...but their mounting feelings for one another might keep them from pulling ...
Father and daughter are reunited as Cable's and Hope's separate missions converge! Cable has finally solved one of his most vexing problems - but a dozen more are still on the horizon! There's no rest for the weary as Hope, Cable, and the rest of X-Force converge to tackle an ominous new threat!
The House of Magnus controls all, having crushed all resistance to their reign. Magneto rules with an iron fi st, while his children and grandchildren live their lives as royals - with all the privileges and pitfalls that come with that title. But is Magneto's control as all-encompassing as it seems? And what happens to a conqueror when there is no one left to conquer?
Spinning out of the universe-shattering events of Secret Wars comes a new twist on the X-Men classic that's a whole hell of a lot hotter than you remember. 5 years ago a band of demons rose up out of the fiery depths and turned Manhattan into Hell on Earth. The X-Men fought to vanquish the demon horde and... The X-Men failed. Welcome back to the Inferno. On this the fi fth anniversary of Manh...
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