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Автор - Зеб Уэллс

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Творчество Зеба Уэллса

На нашем сайте представлены 23 книги автора Зеба Уэллса. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

A+X Volume 3: = Outstanding
A+X Volume 3: = Outstanding

A+X shakes things up with its first book-length story, as Captain America and Cyclops find themselves on a collision course! Cap is hell-bent on arresting the fugitive Cyclops - but that's only half of this duo's troubles, as they must defeat a horde of menacing Skrulls and find Professor X's former students...the Skrull mutants known as Cadre K! But there's more! Emma Frost an...

Civil War Prelude: New Warriors
Civil War Prelude: New Warriors

It's the return of the New Warriors, drawn by superstar artist Skottie Young (Rocket Raccoon)! When Night Thrasher strikes a mysterious deal with a reality TV producer, the New Warriors move out of New York - and into a very cramped van - to travel across America, help small-town residents deal with the roving villains and superhuman threats that the major super-teams are too busy to tackle! ...

X-23: Innocence Lost (X-Men)
X-23: Innocence Lost (X-Men)

X-23: Innocence Lost reveals the full story behind the origin of X-23 - who she is, where she came from and the exact nature of her relationship to Wolverine. You think you know, but you have no idea. In NYX: Wannabe, X-23 joins up with a pack of

Nova: Volume 2: Rookie Season
Nova: Volume 2: Rookie Season

Now that we've learned the origin of the all-new Nova, there's only one thing standing between Sam Alexander and being an Avenger...he needs to ask his mom. Zeb Wells ("Robot Chicken") and Paco Medina (Ultimate X-Men) continue the story of Marvel's newest, least experienced hero, as he takes on the Superior Spider-Man and encounters the madness that is Infinity! But can Nova handle ...

Человек-Паук. Новый день. Том 1
Человек-Паук. Новый день. Том 1

После событий "Ещё одного дня" жизнь Питера Паркера перевенулась с ног на голову, но он решил оставить прошлое позади и уверенно пойти навстречу "Новому дню". Такой смены статус-кво вы ещё не видели: тут есть новые враги и новые друзья, но без знакомых лиц тоже не обошлось. Теперь жизнь Питера безумнее некуда! Мало того что в "Дэйли Бьюгл" произошли большие изменения, на дворе бушует ураган, а по ...

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