На нашем сайте представлены 24 книги автора Келли ДеКонник. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Spider-Man continues to rub shoulders with the Marvel Universe's best and brightest! First, it's a night out on the town with Spider-Man and She-Hulk! All the thwipping and quipping...and none of the calories! Then, Spidey plummets into action with the all new Captain Marvel! Unfortunately, they're 50,000 feet up - and only one of them can fly! And when a Boston-based brawl breaks out between a 50...
Кио Аизава безумно рада тому, что будет учиться в Академии Сейсю, которая знаменита своей восхитительной школьной формой для девочек. Однако счастью приходит конец, когда открыв пакет со школьной формой, она обнаруживает форму для мальчика. Отец объясняет ей это тем, что, поскольку Академия Сейсю также известна мужской баскетбольной программой, он зарегистрировал ее как мальчика, чтобы Кио таким о...
Eisner Award-nominated writer KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (PRETTY DEADLY, Captain Marvel) and VALENTINE DE LANDRO (X-Factor) present the premiere volume of BITCH PLANET, their critically acclaimed and deliciously vicious sci-fi satire. Think Margaret Atwood meets Inglourious Basterds. Discussion guide included.
He's lost his memory. And his kingdom. Can Arthur Curry find the hero within in order to reclaim his throne? The tides turn for the Sea King as superstar scribe Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel, Pretty Deadly) and red-hot artist Robson Rocha (Teen Titans, Supergirl) take the rudder to steer Aquaman into uncharted waters. In the wake of "Drowned Earth," an amnesiac Arthur washes ashore o...
The "Mightiest" of Earth's Mightiest Heroes is back! Ace pilot. Legendary Avenger. One hundred percent pure bad-^&*. Carol Danvers has a new name, a new mission - and all the power she needs to make her own life a living hell. As the new Captain Marvel, Carol is forging from a challenge from her past! It's a firefight in the sky as the Banshee Squadron debut - but who are the Prowlers, a...
После того, как Прометей не вернулся из своего судьбоносного путешествия к LV-223, вопросы, окрыжавшие происхождение человечества, остались без ответов. Теперь новая команда исследователей стремится раскрыть мрачную тайну, скрывающую не только судьбу изначальной миссии, но, возможно, и их собственное проклятие.
"Grand and majestic storytelling." -Warren Ellis (Gun Machine, Red) KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (CAPTAIN MARVEL, BITCH PLANET) and EMMA RIOS (ISLAND, MIRROR) present the follow up to the Eisner-nominated, New York Times best-selling PRETTY DEADLY VOL. 1: THE SHRIKE. Sarah Fields is dying and her children strike a bargain with the Immortals: give them one month more, until the moon is full again, to...
The moon of LV-223--resting place of the doomed Prometheus expedition, enigmatic source of all organic life, and nightmarish source of ultimate destruction. Now a new generation of explorers hopes to uncover the mysteries of this strange and dangerous world, but what they find may lead to humanity's undoing. Collects Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1-#4, Aliens: Fire and Stone #1-#4, Alien vs....
Two scientists, two giant egos. One wears a tank...one is a tank. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are science bros! And when a fellow big-brain goes missing, the two heroes take bets who can find him first! It's Amazing Race, Avengers-style, as Iron Man and Hulk embark on a global manhunt with the ultimate prize at stake...bragging rights! But what happens when a 20 million-year-old evolutionary catal...
Inhumanity tie-in! Mad scientist June Covington, aka the Toxic Doxie, has her very own Inhuman...one with a unique ability that, in the wrong hands, could change everything. Now Covington's at war with A.I.M. for control of new Inhuman abilities! Meanwhile, young hero Spider-Girl is being mentored by Spider-Woman and Wolverine...but when she follows in the footsteps of her investigative repor...
Spider-Man continues to rub shoulders with the Marvel Universe's best and brightest! First, it's a night out on the town with Spider-Man and She-Hulk! All the thwipping and quipping...and none of the calories! Then, Spidey plummets into action with the all new Captain Marvel! Unfortunately, they're 50,000 feet up - and only one of them can fly! And when a Boston-based brawl breaks out between a 50...
Кио Аизава безумно рада тому, что будет учиться в Академии Сейсю, которая знаменита своей восхитительной школьной формой для девочек. Однако счастью приходит конец, когда открыв пакет со школьной формой, она обнаруживает форму для мальчика. Отец объясняет ей это тем, что, поскольку Академия Сейсю также известна мужской баскетбольной программой, он зарегистрировал ее как мальчика, чтобы Кио таким о...
Eisner Award-nominated writer KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (PRETTY DEADLY, Captain Marvel) and VALENTINE DE LANDRO (X-Factor) present the premiere volume of BITCH PLANET, their critically acclaimed and deliciously vicious sci-fi satire. Think Margaret Atwood meets Inglourious Basterds. Discussion guide included.
He's lost his memory. And his kingdom. Can Arthur Curry find the hero within in order to reclaim his throne? The tides turn for the Sea King as superstar scribe Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel, Pretty Deadly) and red-hot artist Robson Rocha (Teen Titans, Supergirl) take the rudder to steer Aquaman into uncharted waters. In the wake of "Drowned Earth," an amnesiac Arthur washes ashore o...
The "Mightiest" of Earth's Mightiest Heroes is back! Ace pilot. Legendary Avenger. One hundred percent pure bad-^&*. Carol Danvers has a new name, a new mission - and all the power she needs to make her own life a living hell. As the new Captain Marvel, Carol is forging from a challenge from her past! It's a firefight in the sky as the Banshee Squadron debut - but who are the Prowlers, a...
После того, как Прометей не вернулся из своего судьбоносного путешествия к LV-223, вопросы, окрыжавшие происхождение человечества, остались без ответов. Теперь новая команда исследователей стремится раскрыть мрачную тайну, скрывающую не только судьбу изначальной миссии, но, возможно, и их собственное проклятие.
"Grand and majestic storytelling." -Warren Ellis (Gun Machine, Red) KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (CAPTAIN MARVEL, BITCH PLANET) and EMMA RIOS (ISLAND, MIRROR) present the follow up to the Eisner-nominated, New York Times best-selling PRETTY DEADLY VOL. 1: THE SHRIKE. Sarah Fields is dying and her children strike a bargain with the Immortals: give them one month more, until the moon is full again, to...
The moon of LV-223--resting place of the doomed Prometheus expedition, enigmatic source of all organic life, and nightmarish source of ultimate destruction. Now a new generation of explorers hopes to uncover the mysteries of this strange and dangerous world, but what they find may lead to humanity's undoing. Collects Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1-#4, Aliens: Fire and Stone #1-#4, Alien vs....
Two scientists, two giant egos. One wears a tank...one is a tank. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are science bros! And when a fellow big-brain goes missing, the two heroes take bets who can find him first! It's Amazing Race, Avengers-style, as Iron Man and Hulk embark on a global manhunt with the ultimate prize at stake...bragging rights! But what happens when a 20 million-year-old evolutionary catal...
Inhumanity tie-in! Mad scientist June Covington, aka the Toxic Doxie, has her very own Inhuman...one with a unique ability that, in the wrong hands, could change everything. Now Covington's at war with A.I.M. for control of new Inhuman abilities! Meanwhile, young hero Spider-Girl is being mentored by Spider-Woman and Wolverine...but when she follows in the footsteps of her investigative repor...
Spider-Man continues to rub shoulders with the Marvel Universe's best and brightest! First, it's a night out on the town with Spider-Man and She-Hulk! All the thwipping and quipping...and none of the calories! Then, Spidey plummets into action with the all new Captain Marvel! Unfortunately, they're 50,000 feet up - and only one of them can fly! And when a Boston-based brawl breaks out between a 50...
Кио Аизава безумно рада тому, что будет учиться в Академии Сейсю, которая знаменита своей восхитительной школьной формой для девочек. Однако счастью приходит конец, когда открыв пакет со школьной формой, она обнаруживает форму для мальчика. Отец объясняет ей это тем, что, поскольку Академия Сейсю также известна мужской баскетбольной программой, он зарегистрировал ее как мальчика, чтобы Кио таким о...
Eisner Award-nominated writer KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (PRETTY DEADLY, Captain Marvel) and VALENTINE DE LANDRO (X-Factor) present the premiere volume of BITCH PLANET, their critically acclaimed and deliciously vicious sci-fi satire. Think Margaret Atwood meets Inglourious Basterds. Discussion guide included.
He's lost his memory. And his kingdom. Can Arthur Curry find the hero within in order to reclaim his throne? The tides turn for the Sea King as superstar scribe Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel, Pretty Deadly) and red-hot artist Robson Rocha (Teen Titans, Supergirl) take the rudder to steer Aquaman into uncharted waters. In the wake of "Drowned Earth," an amnesiac Arthur washes ashore o...
The "Mightiest" of Earth's Mightiest Heroes is back! Ace pilot. Legendary Avenger. One hundred percent pure bad-^&*. Carol Danvers has a new name, a new mission - and all the power she needs to make her own life a living hell. As the new Captain Marvel, Carol is forging from a challenge from her past! It's a firefight in the sky as the Banshee Squadron debut - but who are the Prowlers, a...
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