На нашем сайте представлены 28 книг автора Джордж Манн. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Закалённая боями воительница Фира отправляется в отчаянное и полное опасностей приключение, чтобы спасти своё королевство, погружённое в хаос и тьму. У неё мало союзников. Все костры сгорели дотла. На пути поджидают бесконечные полчища безжалостных демонических врагов. Лишь с помощью двуличного Провидца она сможет снова разжечь пламя, которое озарит своим светом этот мир… если не погибнет, пытаясь...
Complete with full-color illustrations, maps, charts, and artifacts, the definitive, essential companion to the Doctor’s world - and many more. Doctor Who: The Whoniverse is a never-before-seen history of the Human Race - from the formation of the Earth around the Racnoss eggs, and the creation of life by the destruction of the last Jagaroth spaceship, through to the eventual expansion of the sun...
Welcome to the bizarre and dangerous world of Victorian London, a city teetering on the edge of revolution. Its people are ushering in a new era of technology, dazzled each day by unfamiliar inventions. Airships soar in the skies over the city, while ground trains rumble through the streets and clockwork automatons are programmed to carry out menial tasks in the offices of lawyers, policemen, and ...
As war spreads across the sector, Imperial and Chaos forces clash on the mortuary world of Kasharat. Far from the front lines, Space Marines of the Brazen Minotaurs infiltrate an ancient temple-tomb, seeking an artefact sacred to their Chapter... one that could turn the tide of battle in the Imperium’s favour. But they are not the first to enter the tomb – as the Space Marines race to seize their ...
On the surface, life is going well for Victorian special agent Sir Maurice Newbury, who has brilliantly solved several nigh-impossible cases for Queen Victoria with his indomitable assistant, Miss Veronica Hobbes, by his side. But these facts haven't stopped Newbury from succumbing increasingly frequently to his dire flirtation with the lure of opium. His addiction is fueled in part by his ill-got...
There are Sentinels on the streets of London, killing without mercy. And as a web of intrigue unfolds, Jago and Litefoot move closer to confronting the enemy of the Crown. A battle to the death will demand the ultimate sacrifice... Can this be the end of Jago and Litefoot?
9, 10, 11 и 12 Доктора разбираются с киберлюдьми, которые каким-то образом вмешались в историю Земли
When Honore and Emily investigate the bones of a young woman in the ruins of a collapsed house, they are thrown into a thrilling adventure that takes them from London in 1951 to Venice in 1586 and then forward a thousand years, to the terrifying, devastated London of 2586, ruled over by the sinister Sodality. What is the terrible truth about Emily's forgotten past? What demonic power are t...
What links a clutch of sinister murders in Victorian London, an angel appearing in a Staffordshire village in the 1920s and a small boy running loose around the capital in 1950? When Honoré and Emily encounter a man who appears to have been cut out of time, they think they have the answer. But soon enough they discover that the mystery is only just beginning and that nightmares can turn into reali...
After losing her job and her partner in one fell swoop, journalist Elspeth Reeves is back in her mother’s house in the sleepy village of Wilsby-under-Wychwood, wondering where it all went wrong. Then a body is found in the neighbouring Wychwoods: a woman ritually slaughtered, with cryptic symbols scattered around her corpse. Elspeth recognizes these from a local myth of the Carrion King, a Saxon m...
Закалённая боями воительница Фира отправляется в отчаянное и полное опасностей приключение, чтобы спасти своё королевство, погружённое в хаос и тьму. У неё мало союзников. Все костры сгорели дотла. На пути поджидают бесконечные полчища безжалостных демонических врагов. Лишь с помощью двуличного Провидца она сможет снова разжечь пламя, которое озарит своим светом этот мир… если не погибнет, пытаясь...
Complete with full-color illustrations, maps, charts, and artifacts, the definitive, essential companion to the Doctor’s world - and many more. Doctor Who: The Whoniverse is a never-before-seen history of the Human Race - from the formation of the Earth around the Racnoss eggs, and the creation of life by the destruction of the last Jagaroth spaceship, through to the eventual expansion of the sun...
Welcome to the bizarre and dangerous world of Victorian London, a city teetering on the edge of revolution. Its people are ushering in a new era of technology, dazzled each day by unfamiliar inventions. Airships soar in the skies over the city, while ground trains rumble through the streets and clockwork automatons are programmed to carry out menial tasks in the offices of lawyers, policemen, and ...
As war spreads across the sector, Imperial and Chaos forces clash on the mortuary world of Kasharat. Far from the front lines, Space Marines of the Brazen Minotaurs infiltrate an ancient temple-tomb, seeking an artefact sacred to their Chapter... one that could turn the tide of battle in the Imperium’s favour. But they are not the first to enter the tomb – as the Space Marines race to seize their ...
On the surface, life is going well for Victorian special agent Sir Maurice Newbury, who has brilliantly solved several nigh-impossible cases for Queen Victoria with his indomitable assistant, Miss Veronica Hobbes, by his side. But these facts haven't stopped Newbury from succumbing increasingly frequently to his dire flirtation with the lure of opium. His addiction is fueled in part by his ill-got...
There are Sentinels on the streets of London, killing without mercy. And as a web of intrigue unfolds, Jago and Litefoot move closer to confronting the enemy of the Crown. A battle to the death will demand the ultimate sacrifice... Can this be the end of Jago and Litefoot?
9, 10, 11 и 12 Доктора разбираются с киберлюдьми, которые каким-то образом вмешались в историю Земли
When Honore and Emily investigate the bones of a young woman in the ruins of a collapsed house, they are thrown into a thrilling adventure that takes them from London in 1951 to Venice in 1586 and then forward a thousand years, to the terrifying, devastated London of 2586, ruled over by the sinister Sodality. What is the terrible truth about Emily's forgotten past? What demonic power are t...
What links a clutch of sinister murders in Victorian London, an angel appearing in a Staffordshire village in the 1920s and a small boy running loose around the capital in 1950? When Honoré and Emily encounter a man who appears to have been cut out of time, they think they have the answer. But soon enough they discover that the mystery is only just beginning and that nightmares can turn into reali...
After losing her job and her partner in one fell swoop, journalist Elspeth Reeves is back in her mother’s house in the sleepy village of Wilsby-under-Wychwood, wondering where it all went wrong. Then a body is found in the neighbouring Wychwoods: a woman ritually slaughtered, with cryptic symbols scattered around her corpse. Elspeth recognizes these from a local myth of the Carrion King, a Saxon m...
Закалённая боями воительница Фира отправляется в отчаянное и полное опасностей приключение, чтобы спасти своё королевство, погружённое в хаос и тьму. У неё мало союзников. Все костры сгорели дотла. На пути поджидают бесконечные полчища безжалостных демонических врагов. Лишь с помощью двуличного Провидца она сможет снова разжечь пламя, которое озарит своим светом этот мир… если не погибнет, пытаясь...
Complete with full-color illustrations, maps, charts, and artifacts, the definitive, essential companion to the Doctor’s world - and many more. Doctor Who: The Whoniverse is a never-before-seen history of the Human Race - from the formation of the Earth around the Racnoss eggs, and the creation of life by the destruction of the last Jagaroth spaceship, through to the eventual expansion of the sun...
Welcome to the bizarre and dangerous world of Victorian London, a city teetering on the edge of revolution. Its people are ushering in a new era of technology, dazzled each day by unfamiliar inventions. Airships soar in the skies over the city, while ground trains rumble through the streets and clockwork automatons are programmed to carry out menial tasks in the offices of lawyers, policemen, and ...
As war spreads across the sector, Imperial and Chaos forces clash on the mortuary world of Kasharat. Far from the front lines, Space Marines of the Brazen Minotaurs infiltrate an ancient temple-tomb, seeking an artefact sacred to their Chapter... one that could turn the tide of battle in the Imperium’s favour. But they are not the first to enter the tomb – as the Space Marines race to seize their ...
On the surface, life is going well for Victorian special agent Sir Maurice Newbury, who has brilliantly solved several nigh-impossible cases for Queen Victoria with his indomitable assistant, Miss Veronica Hobbes, by his side. But these facts haven't stopped Newbury from succumbing increasingly frequently to his dire flirtation with the lure of opium. His addiction is fueled in part by his ill-got...
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