На нашем сайте представлены 50 книг автора Джеф Лоэб. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Hulks. Will. Fall. But who will take the biggest fall of all? The Red Hulk and Bruce Banner form an uneasy alliance to defeat a conspiracy bent on taking down the U.S. government. But will they destroy each other before they can triumph? Guest-starring Thor, Captain America, the X-Men, Black Panther, the Fantastic Four and more, this monster-sized saga kicks off with the death of a longtime Hulk l...
The World's Finest join forces in this reality-bending tale, Superman and Batman rule the Earth with an iron fist, with humanity bending to their will. Before long, the World's Finest Duo is sent careening through a series of bizarre alternate Earths, facing an assortment of classic DC characters including Darkseid, Lex Luthor, Superwoman, Kamandi, Sgt. Rock, Haunted Tank, and many more....
The iconic super-heroes unite when longtime Superman enemy Lex Luthor, now president of the United States, accuses Superman of a crime against humanity, and assembles a top-secret team of powerhouse heroes to bring Superman in - dead or alive. And in the second storyarc, prepare for the arrival of Supergirl! Batman has discovered something strange on the bottom of Gotham Bay, which leads him to a ...
Alternate worlds were once a hallmark of the DC Universe. Various Earths existed that were strikingly alike yet distinctly unique. The modern heroes of the Justice League of America existed on Earth-One while the Justice Society of America, their
В один прекрасный день на Земле воцаряется совершенно новый миропорядок - теперь здесь железной рукой правят Бэтмен и Супермен. Человечество вправе выбирать: повиноваться или умереть. Как так получилось? Неужели некому остановить тиранов? Но вскоре два самых могущественных супергероя отправляются в головокружительное путешествие по всевозможным альтернативным реальностям и сталкиваются с множество...
The fall is over. Long wage the war. Red Hulk and Banner have failed, and their worst nightmares have come to kill them. Will they die fighting M.O.D.O.K. and his army of Hulks, or die by the hands of the Hulked-Out Heroes?
Supergirl is back! After Batman discovers something strange at the bottom of Gotham Bay, he realizes it contained something even more shocking. Featuring the return of Supergirl/Kara Zor-El, this collection from Eisner Award-winning writer, Jeph Loeb, and the late Michael Turner (JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA) brings one of the most popular characters in comics back into DC Comcis continuity after a 2...
Red alert! There's a sadistic new red-skinned Hulk in the Marvel Universe, with keen intelligence and a radioactive touch! Who or what is he? And with Marvel's heroes powerless against him, will it take a Hulk to catch a Hulk? It's an explosive battle as the red and green Hulks collide! But even as Bruce Banner is attacked by a pack of wild Wendigos, She-Hulk recruits a cavalry of s...
Domino might have just discovered the Red Hulk's identity, and he just can't have that. But X-Force is protecting her, so Rulk recruits a little help of his own. Enter Code Red: Punisher! Thundra! Crimson Dynamo! Deadpool! Elektra! But whose side is the mysterious new Red She-Hulk on?! And when Red Hulk and Bruce Banner form an uneasy alliance to defeat a conspiracy bent on taking down the U.S. Go...
Hulks. Will. Fall. But who will take the biggest fall of all? The Red Hulk and Bruce Banner form an uneasy alliance to defeat a conspiracy bent on taking down the U.S. government. But will they destroy each other before they can triumph? Guest-starring Thor, Captain America, the X-Men, Black Panther, the Fantastic Four and more, this monster-sized saga kicks off with the death of a longtime Hulk l...
The World's Finest join forces in this reality-bending tale, Superman and Batman rule the Earth with an iron fist, with humanity bending to their will. Before long, the World's Finest Duo is sent careening through a series of bizarre alternate Earths, facing an assortment of classic DC characters including Darkseid, Lex Luthor, Superwoman, Kamandi, Sgt. Rock, Haunted Tank, and many more....
The iconic super-heroes unite when longtime Superman enemy Lex Luthor, now president of the United States, accuses Superman of a crime against humanity, and assembles a top-secret team of powerhouse heroes to bring Superman in - dead or alive. And in the second storyarc, prepare for the arrival of Supergirl! Batman has discovered something strange on the bottom of Gotham Bay, which leads him to a ...
Alternate worlds were once a hallmark of the DC Universe. Various Earths existed that were strikingly alike yet distinctly unique. The modern heroes of the Justice League of America existed on Earth-One while the Justice Society of America, their
В один прекрасный день на Земле воцаряется совершенно новый миропорядок - теперь здесь железной рукой правят Бэтмен и Супермен. Человечество вправе выбирать: повиноваться или умереть. Как так получилось? Неужели некому остановить тиранов? Но вскоре два самых могущественных супергероя отправляются в головокружительное путешествие по всевозможным альтернативным реальностям и сталкиваются с множество...
The fall is over. Long wage the war. Red Hulk and Banner have failed, and their worst nightmares have come to kill them. Will they die fighting M.O.D.O.K. and his army of Hulks, or die by the hands of the Hulked-Out Heroes?
Supergirl is back! After Batman discovers something strange at the bottom of Gotham Bay, he realizes it contained something even more shocking. Featuring the return of Supergirl/Kara Zor-El, this collection from Eisner Award-winning writer, Jeph Loeb, and the late Michael Turner (JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA) brings one of the most popular characters in comics back into DC Comcis continuity after a 2...
Red alert! There's a sadistic new red-skinned Hulk in the Marvel Universe, with keen intelligence and a radioactive touch! Who or what is he? And with Marvel's heroes powerless against him, will it take a Hulk to catch a Hulk? It's an explosive battle as the red and green Hulks collide! But even as Bruce Banner is attacked by a pack of wild Wendigos, She-Hulk recruits a cavalry of s...
Domino might have just discovered the Red Hulk's identity, and he just can't have that. But X-Force is protecting her, so Rulk recruits a little help of his own. Enter Code Red: Punisher! Thundra! Crimson Dynamo! Deadpool! Elektra! But whose side is the mysterious new Red She-Hulk on?! And when Red Hulk and Bruce Banner form an uneasy alliance to defeat a conspiracy bent on taking down the U.S. Go...
Hulks. Will. Fall. But who will take the biggest fall of all? The Red Hulk and Bruce Banner form an uneasy alliance to defeat a conspiracy bent on taking down the U.S. government. But will they destroy each other before they can triumph? Guest-starring Thor, Captain America, the X-Men, Black Panther, the Fantastic Four and more, this monster-sized saga kicks off with the death of a longtime Hulk l...
The World's Finest join forces in this reality-bending tale, Superman and Batman rule the Earth with an iron fist, with humanity bending to their will. Before long, the World's Finest Duo is sent careening through a series of bizarre alternate Earths, facing an assortment of classic DC characters including Darkseid, Lex Luthor, Superwoman, Kamandi, Sgt. Rock, Haunted Tank, and many more....
The iconic super-heroes unite when longtime Superman enemy Lex Luthor, now president of the United States, accuses Superman of a crime against humanity, and assembles a top-secret team of powerhouse heroes to bring Superman in - dead or alive. And in the second storyarc, prepare for the arrival of Supergirl! Batman has discovered something strange on the bottom of Gotham Bay, which leads him to a ...
Alternate worlds were once a hallmark of the DC Universe. Various Earths existed that were strikingly alike yet distinctly unique. The modern heroes of the Justice League of America existed on Earth-One while the Justice Society of America, their
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