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Автор - Грег Пак

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Творчество Грега Пака

На нашем сайте представлены 93 книги автора Грега Пака. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

1602 Marvel: New World / 1602 Марвел: Новый Свет
1602 Marvel: New World / 1602 Марвел: Новый Свет

Действие новеллы разворачивается на острове Роанок, под управлением губернатора Анании Дейр. Его дочь Вирджиния и Питер Паркуа (в этом мире Человек-паук) борются с вторжением динозавров, а напряженность в отношениях между колонистами и коренными американцами растет благодаря усилиям англичанина Нормана Осборна, который пытается обмануть местных жителей. Нетерпимость к металюдям также растет стара...

Storm Volume 1: Make it Rain
Storm Volume 1: Make it Rain

Thief. Goddess. Headmistress. Queen. The X-Man called Storm has always defied a single ti tle. And her desire to better the world has never been limited to only her own kind. On an ongoing mission to foster goodwill and safeguard both mankind and mutants, Ororo Munroe will travel the globe, confronting villains, gods, monsters and everything in between. She will overthrow tyrants, quell tsunamis a...

DC New 52 Villains Omnibus
DC New 52 Villains Omnibus

In September 2013, every DC Universe comic book series will feature a special issue, revealing the origins, secrets and shocking fates of top super heroes including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern and many more. Written and illustrated by top talent including Geoff Johns (GREEN LANTERN, THE FLASH, JUSTICE LEAGUE) Grant Morrison (ALL-STAR SUPERMAN, BATMAN INC., NEW X-MEN), ...

Batman/Superman Vol. 3: Second Chance
Batman/Superman Vol. 3: Second Chance

Batman and Superman: the two greatest heroes the world has ever known. Surely, together, there’s no menace they can’t face. A microscopic planet so small it can float in a person’s veins. A Doomsday-infected Superman. A time-traveling chaos demon. The onslaught of threats is putting the pressure on the world’s finest. But when a rescue mission goes wrong, both heroes awake as blank slates, all ...

Batman/Superman Vol. 4: Siege
Batman/Superman Vol. 4: Siege

It’s the Man of Steel’s worst nightmare: an obsessed villain who not only knows all of Superman’s secrets, but is also willing to kill anyone who has ever stood by him in order to destroy his true target. …It’s Superman’s Joker. It falls to Batman to track down this murderous madman, but with no clues left behind and no leads to follow, will this killer outwit the World’s Greatest Detectiv...

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