На нашем сайте представлены 15 книг автора Энди Куберт. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Batman receives the shock of his life when he discovers that he has a son, Damian! After violent conflict with Robin and Damian, Batman must teach his son what it means to carry the legacy of Gotham's Dark Knight. Meanwhile, mysterious Batman imposters begin to appear on the streets of Gotham. One of these imposters begins to kill cops, working his way towards Police Commissioner Jim Gordon. ...
One of the greatest storytellers of his generation, Grant Morrison's arrival onto the Dark Knight was one of the most hyped debuts in industry history. This collection includes time-spanning epic graphic novels featuring the cataclysmic events of FINAL CRISIS and the introduction of Batman's son, Damian Wayne! These blockbuster stories featured a deconstruction of super hero comics like ...
Англия, 1602 год - Елизаветинская эпоха подходит к концу, страну будоражат странные грозы и слухи о могущественных потусторонних существах, которые бродят по земле. По всей Европе такие знакомые и вместе с тем такие совершенно новые герои и злодеи, включая Ника Фьюри, Человека-Паука, Людей Икс и Доктора Дума, оказываются впутанными в хитроумный заговор, который может приблизить конец света.
Крестоносец в Маске лежит в гробу в Преступном переулке, в том самом месте, где он и появился на свет. Лучшие друзья и злейшие враги собрались вокруг него, чтобы попрощаться. И каждый рассказывает свою историю о Бэтмене, о том, как он жил и как умер. Как тень в ночи, темная фигура наблюдает за этим зловещим прощанием. Она знает, что эти противоречащие друг другу истории не имеют никакого отношени...
Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows by Dan Slott (Author), Andy Kubert (Illustrator), Scott Hanna (Illustrator) Not even The Amazing Spider-Man is safe from Secret Wars! In this new Marvel Universe, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson and their daughter Annie have to scrape by to make ends meet, but they have each other...However, who is Regent and what is his nefarious plan that has already claimed Dare...
The Gang War to end all Gang Wars begins! The Kingpin is in retreat - and that kind of a power vacuum won't last long. It's about to be filled by a figure of unabashed dread in the underworld: Hammerhead! Plus: the Ultimate debut of several Marvel characters, including Moon Knight! And Spidey thinks he's had trouble before... but nothing has ever made him declare "Peter Parker" no m...
It is the moment you've all been waiting for! Gambit returns to Ultimate X-Men! Because the fans demanded it, the Cajun thief is back! But what is he going to steal? And can the X-Men stop him? It's all about the Ragin' Cajun as the mysterious Gambit gives hints of where he's been, what he wants and why the X-Men will not be happy about it.
They're young, they're proud, they're cantankerous! They are the mighty X-Babies! Seeking to capitalize on the success of the X-Men broadcasts to his race of couch potatoes, otherdimensional media mogul Mojo gets a new idea that is sure to be a hit: revert the mutant heroes into babies! And if that doesn't work, he'll just create his own X-Babies! Witness the heroic spirit...
DC collects the Batman stories by Andy Kubert, the acclaimed comics artist whose work includes BEFORE WATCHMEN: NIGHT OWL, FLASHPOINT and much more, in pencil form in this new hardcover. With stories written by №1 New York Times bestselling authors Neil Gaiman and Grant Morrison, these tales introduced Damian Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne who becomes the new Robin. Also included is the now classic sto...
Batman receives the shock of his life when he discovers that he has a son, Damian! After violent conflict with Robin and Damian, Batman must teach his son what it means to carry the legacy of Gotham's Dark Knight. Meanwhile, mysterious Batman imposters begin to appear on the streets of Gotham. One of these imposters begins to kill cops, working his way towards Police Commissioner Jim Gordon. ...
One of the greatest storytellers of his generation, Grant Morrison's arrival onto the Dark Knight was one of the most hyped debuts in industry history. This collection includes time-spanning epic graphic novels featuring the cataclysmic events of FINAL CRISIS and the introduction of Batman's son, Damian Wayne! These blockbuster stories featured a deconstruction of super hero comics like ...
Англия, 1602 год - Елизаветинская эпоха подходит к концу, страну будоражат странные грозы и слухи о могущественных потусторонних существах, которые бродят по земле. По всей Европе такие знакомые и вместе с тем такие совершенно новые герои и злодеи, включая Ника Фьюри, Человека-Паука, Людей Икс и Доктора Дума, оказываются впутанными в хитроумный заговор, который может приблизить конец света.
Крестоносец в Маске лежит в гробу в Преступном переулке, в том самом месте, где он и появился на свет. Лучшие друзья и злейшие враги собрались вокруг него, чтобы попрощаться. И каждый рассказывает свою историю о Бэтмене, о том, как он жил и как умер. Как тень в ночи, темная фигура наблюдает за этим зловещим прощанием. Она знает, что эти противоречащие друг другу истории не имеют никакого отношени...
Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows by Dan Slott (Author), Andy Kubert (Illustrator), Scott Hanna (Illustrator) Not even The Amazing Spider-Man is safe from Secret Wars! In this new Marvel Universe, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson and their daughter Annie have to scrape by to make ends meet, but they have each other...However, who is Regent and what is his nefarious plan that has already claimed Dare...
The Gang War to end all Gang Wars begins! The Kingpin is in retreat - and that kind of a power vacuum won't last long. It's about to be filled by a figure of unabashed dread in the underworld: Hammerhead! Plus: the Ultimate debut of several Marvel characters, including Moon Knight! And Spidey thinks he's had trouble before... but nothing has ever made him declare "Peter Parker" no m...
It is the moment you've all been waiting for! Gambit returns to Ultimate X-Men! Because the fans demanded it, the Cajun thief is back! But what is he going to steal? And can the X-Men stop him? It's all about the Ragin' Cajun as the mysterious Gambit gives hints of where he's been, what he wants and why the X-Men will not be happy about it.
They're young, they're proud, they're cantankerous! They are the mighty X-Babies! Seeking to capitalize on the success of the X-Men broadcasts to his race of couch potatoes, otherdimensional media mogul Mojo gets a new idea that is sure to be a hit: revert the mutant heroes into babies! And if that doesn't work, he'll just create his own X-Babies! Witness the heroic spirit...
DC collects the Batman stories by Andy Kubert, the acclaimed comics artist whose work includes BEFORE WATCHMEN: NIGHT OWL, FLASHPOINT and much more, in pencil form in this new hardcover. With stories written by №1 New York Times bestselling authors Neil Gaiman and Grant Morrison, these tales introduced Damian Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne who becomes the new Robin. Also included is the now classic sto...
Batman receives the shock of his life when he discovers that he has a son, Damian! After violent conflict with Robin and Damian, Batman must teach his son what it means to carry the legacy of Gotham's Dark Knight. Meanwhile, mysterious Batman imposters begin to appear on the streets of Gotham. One of these imposters begins to kill cops, working his way towards Police Commissioner Jim Gordon. ...
One of the greatest storytellers of his generation, Grant Morrison's arrival onto the Dark Knight was one of the most hyped debuts in industry history. This collection includes time-spanning epic graphic novels featuring the cataclysmic events of FINAL CRISIS and the introduction of Batman's son, Damian Wayne! These blockbuster stories featured a deconstruction of super hero comics like ...
Англия, 1602 год - Елизаветинская эпоха подходит к концу, страну будоражат странные грозы и слухи о могущественных потусторонних существах, которые бродят по земле. По всей Европе такие знакомые и вместе с тем такие совершенно новые герои и злодеи, включая Ника Фьюри, Человека-Паука, Людей Икс и Доктора Дума, оказываются впутанными в хитроумный заговор, который может приблизить конец света.
Крестоносец в Маске лежит в гробу в Преступном переулке, в том самом месте, где он и появился на свет. Лучшие друзья и злейшие враги собрались вокруг него, чтобы попрощаться. И каждый рассказывает свою историю о Бэтмене, о том, как он жил и как умер. Как тень в ночи, темная фигура наблюдает за этим зловещим прощанием. Она знает, что эти противоречащие друг другу истории не имеют никакого отношени...
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