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Автор - Rick Leonardi

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Творчество Rick Leonardi

На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Rick Leonardi. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Convergence: Zero Hour, Book Two
Convergence: Zero Hour, Book Two

A CONVERGENCE tie-in graphic novel, starring the heroes of the 1990s! Once, there were infinite Earths. Then there came a Crisis…a Zero Hour…a Flashpoint. Worlds lived. Worlds died. But some worlds must now fight for their future—in the Convergence! The evil alien intelligence known as Brainiac has stolen 50 doomed cities from throughout time and space and sealed them behind impenetrable dom...

Детская литература
Avengers: Vision and the Scarlet Witch
Avengers: Vision and the Scarlet Witch

The remnants of their relationship are in ruins, but how did it begin? See how a match made in heaven started with a wedding in Limbo, and Halloween horror proves that the magic stayed in this marriage! Starring the Avengers, the Inhumans, and others against Dormammu, the Grim Reaper, and more! The Vision bonds with his brothers in all but blood, but who is the Scarlet Witch's father? Marvel's odd...

Spider-Man vs. Silver Sable
Spider-Man vs. Silver Sable

He's a wall-crawling wonder; she's a mercenary marvel! Together, they - well, get on each other's nerves, mostly - but they make a great team, as long as they're not matching blows and ideologies themselves! See their lives intertwine both in shared

21 конечная звезда
21 конечная звезда

Мальчик рождённый от мага и жрицы, передаётся на воспитание в императорскую семью. Где учится жизни у Иерофанта. Став совершеннолетним, он отказывается от престола и решает отравится странствовать, дабы найти своём место в этом мире. На пути ему встречаются как обычные люди, так и мистические сущности, которые показывают, как многогранен мир вокруг него.

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