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Книги Michael Max

Michael Max - автор 73 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Qiological 60. Treating Inflammation with Chinese Medicine, Qiological 36. Power of The Matrix: Clinical Application of the Jing Fang Tradition of Hu Xi-Shu & Feng Shi-Lun, Qiological 61. The Medicine of Motion. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Qiological 43. The Resonant Hum of Yin and Yang
Qiological 43. The Resonant Hum of Yin and Yang

Chinese is not that easy, and the 文言文 (wen yan wen) the classical Chinese, that stuff is a whole other order of magnitude in challenge to the modern Western mind. And yet if we are going to practice this medicine with deep roots into a long gone time and culture, we need access to the stepping stones that have been handed down to us over centuries through books and writing. Translating lan...

Qiological 25. Vitality, Attention, & Sensing: Learning to Listen in Stillness
Qiological 25. Vitality, Attention, & Sensing: Learning to Listen in Stillness

There are many ways to attend to our patients in clinic. We can work through mental models that we’ve acquired from our schooling, study, and clinical experience. We can also use our innate human ability to touch, palpate and sense. In this episode we discuss the importance of down-regulating our nervous system. Along with the use of palpation and sensing references to anchor our ideas about wh...

Qiological 60. Treating Inflammation with Chinese Medicine
Qiological 60. Treating Inflammation with Chinese Medicine

Inflammation is a popular topic in the worlds of both alternative and conventional medicine. It’s a pathologic process that is the result of certain disease processes and the generator of others. It is also something that can be treated very well with East Asian medicine. In this episode we explore how the fundamentals of the Liver/Spleen relationship, the Heart/Kidney axis and digestion in gen...

Qiological 36. Power of The Matrix: Clinical Application of the Jing Fang Tradition of Hu Xi-Shu & Feng Shi-Lun
Qiological 36. Power of The Matrix: Clinical Application of the Jing Fang Tradition of Hu Xi-Shu & Feng Shi-Lun

No one gets through Chinese medicine school without some exposure to the Shang Han Lun, and if you're lucky, the Jin Gui Yao Lue as well. But there is a big difference between reading the classics, and understanding how to apply them in our clinical work. What's more, throughout the ages there have been various 專家 (zhuan jia) experts, who have deeply engaged these texts and distilled out a uni...

Qiological 71. Coming to Our Senses: Exploring Evidence and Logic
Qiological 71. Coming to Our Senses: Exploring Evidence and Logic

How we make sense in clinic is not as simple as ticking items off a list. It’s more than mentally sorting through the models, theories, admonitions from our teachers and some chatter from a recent glimpse at Facebook. While the theories and mental models we crafted through our experience have a place in clinic, there is also the experience of sensing without a story being attached. If we are at...

Qiological 44. Trigger Points: An Investigation of Dry Needling, Intra-Muscular Therapy and Acupuncture
Qiological 44. Trigger Points: An Investigation of Dry Needling, Intra-Muscular Therapy and Acupuncture

Beyond the conflicts around scope of practice, the theories and practice of dry needling and intra-muscular therapies give us a deeper look into how acupuncture works on ahshi or trigger points from a bio-medicine physiological perspective. Practitioners of this rebranded form of acupuncture have a modern biomedicine perspective on how trigger points, as well as how localized qi and blood stag...

Qiological 61. The Medicine of Motion
Qiological 61. The Medicine of Motion

We tend to think of movement in mechanical terms. How this muscle contracts, how blood perfuses a certain kind of tissue or how tendons and bones allow for particular kinds of movement. But beyond this we we can see that movement is a kind of vocabulary of the body. It has nuance or not. It has a range of expression or not. And just like micro-nutrients are vital to our metabolism, so to micro ...

Qiological 4. Considering the Classics and the Study of Complexity
Qiological 4. Considering the Classics and the Study of Complexity

Our guest in this episode is a long time practitioner and teacher of Chinese medicine. Our discussion ranges through a number of different topics from approaching the classics in Chinese medicine, to how our practices season us and lead us in certain directions over the years, to some considerations that new practitioners might find helpful. We also discuss how to keep our growing edge vital and a...

Qiological 72. Center and Root: The Gentle And Effective Women's Health Medicine From Zhejiang
Qiological 72. Center and Root: The Gentle And Effective Women's Health Medicine From Zhejiang

It’s not uncommon for children of doctors to also become doctors. Sometimes there will be a string of docs that run for a number of generations. Which can be a good thing as you can learn at lot at your grandparents knee. In today’s conversation we talk about a lineage of practice that goes not just a few generations, but a handful of centuries. Zhejiang province is well known for its fu ke...

Qiological 27. Research methods for East Asian medicine practitioners
Qiological 27. Research methods for East Asian medicine practitioners

Research can be a problematic area for practitioners of East Asian medicine. While many acupuncturists are keen to share research with patients that paints acupuncture in a positive light, especially for marketing purposes, there are not many of us that are generating that research. And there is the issue of double-blind studies, which are the gold standard in conventional medical research, but di...

Qiological 62. Constitution, Korean Medicine and the Power of Food
Qiological 62. Constitution, Korean Medicine and the Power of Food

Chinese medicine and Korean medicine share a lot of similarities. But there are a few differences. And when it comes to constitutional types, there are some significantly dissimilar perspectives. This is one of the delights of East Asian medicine. Coming across a perspective that is close to something we understand, but different enough to edge us toward either a feeling of “wrong, this can’t...

Qiological 5. Treating Back Pain During Pregnancy with Acupuncture
Qiological 5. Treating Back Pain During Pregnancy with Acupuncture

It is common knowledge that acupuncture is quite effective in the treatment of pain. However, for many of us acupuncturists we feel a bit uneasy about treating back pain in pregnant women, as we don’t want to move too much qi and blood in a pregnant woman. In this episode our guest Debra Betts shares her long and deep experience in working with women in pregnancy, and in particular how to effec...

Qiological 73. Connective and Conductive- Theory and Practice of Electro-acupuncture
Qiological 73. Connective and Conductive- Theory and Practice of Electro-acupuncture

Electro-acupuncture is a fairly new innovation. And thinking about its use in clinic does not quite match up with the traditional ways we’ve been taught to think about acupuncture and how it works. We know the body has a profound reliance on electricity for everything from how our brain’s function to how we sense and move our body. But how does electro-acupuncture influence our systems? And how...

Qiological 18. Can You Acupuncture My Cat? Considerations on Treating Animals From a Veterinarian Acupuncturist
Qiological 18. Can You Acupuncture My Cat? Considerations on Treating Animals From a Veterinarian Acupuncturist

Practice acupuncture long enough and one of your patients is bound to mention some issues their pet is having. They might ask for some herbal advice, or see if you'd be up for treating their furry friend. Perhaps you've tried your hand at treating your own critters. Found that your cat is more frisky after acupuncture or that the dog's hips aren't such a bother after a few needles. In this e...

Qiological 46. Investigation of Dreams in East Asian Medicine
Qiological 46. Investigation of Dreams in East Asian Medicine

We know that the language and perspective of Chinese and east Asian medicine gives us a whole different glimpse into physiology, health, illness and healing. And if you’ve learned a foreign tongue, then you’ve had experience how language shapes thought, perspective and possibility. The systems or currents of medicine we practice, that too gives a framework, a perspective, that helps us to orie...

Qiological 59. Engaging the channels: learning acupuncture with Dr. Wang Ju Yi
Qiological 59. Engaging the channels: learning acupuncture with Dr. Wang Ju Yi

The best teachers are perpetual students. They are ones who when things don’t work as expected don’t say the medicine doesn’t work. These people dig into finding out why they don’t yet know how to make it work. While aspects of medicine can be taught, there is much more than can only be discovered. Discovered anew within the experience of each generation. And it is those teachers who can help u...

Qiological 74. Constitution and Present Condition- Integrating Different Perspectives
Qiological 74. Constitution and Present Condition- Integrating Different Perspectives

Some of the most important crossroads in our lives were not marked with a big Flashing Warning Sign, but rather instead were barely notable moments of “Oh, maybe this would be interesting.” Our guest in today’s conversation had just completed a medical degree and was looking to take a little vacation. That vacation turned into a lifelong inquiry into acupuncture and East Asian medicine. List...

Qiological 29. Treating Children Through The Five Elements
Qiological 29. Treating Children Through The Five Elements

Children are full of yang qi and respond quickly to the methods of East Asian medicine. There is a lot of good you can do in using our methods to treat kids, especially in treating some conditions that conventional medicine can only offer symptomatic relief. Our guest in this episode got started with treating children by working through some health issues with her own kids. Listen as we disc...

Qiological 7. Using the Extraordinary Vessels in the Treatment of Emotional Issues
Qiological 7. Using the Extraordinary Vessels in the Treatment of Emotional Issues

Oriental medicine draws distinctions between various aspects of mind, body and spirit, but unlike Western culture, it never severed the connections between these aspects of being. We know both from our experience in clinic and writings of Chinese medicine through the ages that emotional and mental processes can effect physiology and the body can deeply influence the mind. Where Western medicine...

Qiological 75. Shen Nong Society Conference
Qiological 75. Shen Nong Society Conference

We will start with Kevin Ergil and go into into the history and impact of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. There is a lot in the background that we don’t think about on a daily basis, and yet it provides a foundation for being able to practice with herbs. Listen in to this deep dive into the regulations that affect our practices, but which we rarely consider on a day to ...

Qiological 2. Accessing and Treating the Divergent Channels
Qiological 2. Accessing and Treating the Divergent Channels

Every acupuncturist is intimately familiar with the points and functions of the 12 commonly used acupuncture channels, as well as the functions and use of the 8 extraordinary meridians. In our studies we might have heard about the divergent channels, but for the most part we don't use these in everyday practice. For many of us, they are a bit of mystery and remain so as we generally can go ab...

Альтернативная медицина
Qiological 3. A Walk Along the River, translation and practice of medicine
Qiological 3. A Walk Along the River, translation and practice of medicine

Studying medicine can be both a joyous exploration and a dry mind-numbing slog through endless technical material. In this episode we discuss the Eastland Press book “A Walk Along the River.” This book is not just a glimpse into the mind of a seasoned and well-read practitioner, but also brings in the aspect of dialogue, as his clinical cases and considerations are further illuminated by the qu...

Qiological 65. New Year Reflections, The Practice of Practice And A Look At The Small Intestine That You've Probably Not Considered
Qiological 65. New Year Reflections, The Practice of Practice And A Look At The Small Intestine That You've Probably Not Considered

Ahhh, the new year. A moment in time to reflect on the path recently traveled and what?s up around that bend in the road. This is a solo show reflecting on some of the podcast highlights of the past year, a glimpse into some things already on the calendar in the coming year. Along with my clinical observations about using the Sa?am acupuncture method in clinical practice, how it has helped m...

Qiological 8. A brief history of Eastland Press
Qiological 8. A brief history of Eastland Press

Eastland Press has been bringing books on Oriental medicine from Chinese into English since the early days of Americans studying the traditional medicine of Asia. Actually, from even before there was a market for this kind of material. In this episode we go into the early history of Eastland Press. How what seemed like a good idea at the time turned into a multi-year endeavor and how Dan and Jo...

Qiological 49. Attending to the Flow: Attention and Needle Technique
Qiological 49. Attending to the Flow: Attention and Needle Technique

Needle technique is more than knowing how to insert a needle and count the turns in a particular direction. It requires more than the memorization of some protocols, or the rote following of a recipe of steps. In this conversation we explore needle technique as a part of understanding how to feel into the tissues of the body. We discuss the creation of a treatment that relies not on someone els...