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Автор - Neal Sivula
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Творчество Neal Sivula

На нашем сайте представлена 1 книга автора Neal Sivula. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Qiological 18. Can You Acupuncture My Cat? Considerations on Treating Animals From a Veterinarian Acupuncturist
Qiological 18. Can You Acupuncture My Cat? Considerations on Treating Animals From a Veterinarian Acupuncturist

Practice acupuncture long enough and one of your patients is bound to mention some issues their pet is having. They might ask for some herbal advice, or see if you'd be up for treating their furry friend. Perhaps you've tried your hand at treating your own critters. Found that your cat is more frisky after acupuncture or that the dog's hips aren't such a bother after a few needles. In this e...