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Автор - Michael Fitzgerald
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Творчество Michael Fitzgerald

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Michael Fitzgerald. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Qiological 75. Shen Nong Society Conference
Qiological 75. Shen Nong Society Conference

We will start with Kevin Ergil and go into into the history and impact of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. There is a lot in the background that we don’t think about on a daily basis, and yet it provides a foundation for being able to practice with herbs. Listen in to this deep dive into the regulations that affect our practices, but which we rarely consider on a day to ...

Альтернативная медицина
Qiological 3. A Walk Along the River, translation and practice of medicine
Qiological 3. A Walk Along the River, translation and practice of medicine

Studying medicine can be both a joyous exploration and a dry mind-numbing slog through endless technical material. In this episode we discuss the Eastland Press book “A Walk Along the River.” This book is not just a glimpse into the mind of a seasoned and well-read practitioner, but also brings in the aspect of dialogue, as his clinical cases and considerations are further illuminated by the qu...

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