Roanoke Island, 1590. The TARDIS materialises in the past, and the Doctor's companions, Professor Litefoot and Henry Gordon Jago, find themselves prisoners of the natives in the New World. But there's something something strange here - stranger than even the colonists, led by Englishman John White. What are the ghostly children? And who is the Old Man of Croaton? The travellers are about to discover the secret of the lost colony... and it may cost Jago's life. Книга «V...
Roanoke Island, 1590.
The TARDIS materialises in the past, and the Doctor's companions, Professor Litefoot and Henry Gordon Jago, find themselves prisoners of the natives in the New World.
But there's something something strange here - stranger than even the colonists, led by Englishman John White.
What are the ghostly children? And who is the Old Man of Croaton?
The travellers are about to discover the secret of the lost colony... and it may cost Jago's life. Книга «Voyage to the New World» автора Matthew Sweet оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 4.00 из 10.
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