На нашем сайте представлены 9 книг автора Деанны Рэйборн. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Partners now in marriage and in trade, Lady Julia and Nicholas Brisbane have finally returned from abroad to set up housekeeping in London. But merging their respective collections of gadgets, pets and servants leaves little room for the harried newlyweds themselves, let alone Brisbane's private enquiry business. Among the more unlikely clients: Julia's very proper brother, Lord Bellmont, who swe...
Англия, 1887 год. Похоронив обеих тетушек, молодая исследовательница Вероника Спидвелл планирует посвятить свою жизнь науке и путешествиям. Однако, вернувшись с печальной церемонии, она обнаруживает у себя дома взломщика, который к тому же пытается ее похитить! И лишь своевременное вмешательство загадочного немецкого барона избавляет девушку от печальной участи. Ее спаситель уверен, что Веронике г...
Лондон, 1887 год. В прогрессивном женском обществе "Клуб любопытных" юная искательница приключений Вероника Спидвелл знакомится с таинственной леди Сандридж. Высокородная дама просит Веронику о невыполнимой услуге – спасти известного мецената Майлза Рамсфорта, приговоренного к повешению за кровавое убийство своей возлюбленной – художницы Артемизии. На то, чтобы разыскать настоящего убийцу, у Верон...
London, 1888. As colorful and unfettered as the butterflies she collects, Victorian adventuress Veronica Speedwell can’t resist the allure of an exotic mystery—particularly one involving her enigmatic colleague, Stoker. His former expedition partner has vanished from an archaeological dig with a priceless diadem unearthed from the newly discovered tomb of an Egyptian princess. This disappearance i...
These ominous words, slashed from the pages of a book of Psalms, are the last threat that the darling of London society, Sir Edward Grey, receives from his killer. Before he can show them to Nicholas Brisbane, the private inquiry agent he has retained for his protection, Sir Edward collapses and dies at his London home, in the presence of his wife, Julia, and a roomful of dinner guests. Prepar...
After eight idyllic months in the Mediterranean, Lady Julia Grey and her detective husband are ready to put their investigative talents to work once more. At the urging of Julia's eccentric family, they hurry to India to aid an old friend, the newly widowed Jane Cavendish. Living on the Cavendish tea plantation with the remnants of her husband's family, Jane is consumed with the impending birth of...
Lady Julia returns home to Sussex to find her father's estate crowded with family and friends— but dark deeds are afoot at the deconsecrated abbey, and a murderer roams the ancient cloisters. Much to her surprise, the one man she had hoped to forget—the enigmatic and compelling Nicholas Brisbane—is among her father's houseguests… and he is not alone. Not to be outdone, Julia shows him that two c...
Despite his admonitions to stay away, Lady Julia arrives in Yorkshire to find Brisbane as remote and maddeningly attractive as ever. Cloistered together, they share the moldering house with the proud but impoverished remnants of an ancient family—the sort that keeps their bloodline pure and their secrets close. Lady Allenby and her daughters, dependent upon Brisbane and devastated by their fall in...
Partners now in marriage and in trade, Lady Julia and Nicholas Brisbane have finally returned from abroad to set up housekeeping in London. But merging their respective collections of gadgets, pets and servants leaves little room for the harried newlyweds themselves, let alone Brisbane's private enquiry business. Among the more unlikely clients: Julia's very proper brother, Lord Bellmont, who swe...
Англия, 1887 год. Похоронив обеих тетушек, молодая исследовательница Вероника Спидвелл планирует посвятить свою жизнь науке и путешествиям. Однако, вернувшись с печальной церемонии, она обнаруживает у себя дома взломщика, который к тому же пытается ее похитить! И лишь своевременное вмешательство загадочного немецкого барона избавляет девушку от печальной участи. Ее спаситель уверен, что Веронике г...
Лондон, 1887 год. В прогрессивном женском обществе "Клуб любопытных" юная искательница приключений Вероника Спидвелл знакомится с таинственной леди Сандридж. Высокородная дама просит Веронику о невыполнимой услуге – спасти известного мецената Майлза Рамсфорта, приговоренного к повешению за кровавое убийство своей возлюбленной – художницы Артемизии. На то, чтобы разыскать настоящего убийцу, у Верон...
London, 1888. As colorful and unfettered as the butterflies she collects, Victorian adventuress Veronica Speedwell can’t resist the allure of an exotic mystery—particularly one involving her enigmatic colleague, Stoker. His former expedition partner has vanished from an archaeological dig with a priceless diadem unearthed from the newly discovered tomb of an Egyptian princess. This disappearance i...
These ominous words, slashed from the pages of a book of Psalms, are the last threat that the darling of London society, Sir Edward Grey, receives from his killer. Before he can show them to Nicholas Brisbane, the private inquiry agent he has retained for his protection, Sir Edward collapses and dies at his London home, in the presence of his wife, Julia, and a roomful of dinner guests. Prepar...
After eight idyllic months in the Mediterranean, Lady Julia Grey and her detective husband are ready to put their investigative talents to work once more. At the urging of Julia's eccentric family, they hurry to India to aid an old friend, the newly widowed Jane Cavendish. Living on the Cavendish tea plantation with the remnants of her husband's family, Jane is consumed with the impending birth of...
Lady Julia returns home to Sussex to find her father's estate crowded with family and friends— but dark deeds are afoot at the deconsecrated abbey, and a murderer roams the ancient cloisters. Much to her surprise, the one man she had hoped to forget—the enigmatic and compelling Nicholas Brisbane—is among her father's houseguests… and he is not alone. Not to be outdone, Julia shows him that two c...
Despite his admonitions to stay away, Lady Julia arrives in Yorkshire to find Brisbane as remote and maddeningly attractive as ever. Cloistered together, they share the moldering house with the proud but impoverished remnants of an ancient family—the sort that keeps their bloodline pure and their secrets close. Lady Allenby and her daughters, dependent upon Brisbane and devastated by their fall in...
Partners now in marriage and in trade, Lady Julia and Nicholas Brisbane have finally returned from abroad to set up housekeeping in London. But merging their respective collections of gadgets, pets and servants leaves little room for the harried newlyweds themselves, let alone Brisbane's private enquiry business. Among the more unlikely clients: Julia's very proper brother, Lord Bellmont, who swe...
Англия, 1887 год. Похоронив обеих тетушек, молодая исследовательница Вероника Спидвелл планирует посвятить свою жизнь науке и путешествиям. Однако, вернувшись с печальной церемонии, она обнаруживает у себя дома взломщика, который к тому же пытается ее похитить! И лишь своевременное вмешательство загадочного немецкого барона избавляет девушку от печальной участи. Ее спаситель уверен, что Веронике г...
Лондон, 1887 год. В прогрессивном женском обществе "Клуб любопытных" юная искательница приключений Вероника Спидвелл знакомится с таинственной леди Сандридж. Высокородная дама просит Веронику о невыполнимой услуге – спасти известного мецената Майлза Рамсфорта, приговоренного к повешению за кровавое убийство своей возлюбленной – художницы Артемизии. На то, чтобы разыскать настоящего убийцу, у Верон...
London, 1888. As colorful and unfettered as the butterflies she collects, Victorian adventuress Veronica Speedwell can’t resist the allure of an exotic mystery—particularly one involving her enigmatic colleague, Stoker. His former expedition partner has vanished from an archaeological dig with a priceless diadem unearthed from the newly discovered tomb of an Egyptian princess. This disappearance i...
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