На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Lucy Moore. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Lord Hervey — strikingly handsome courtier, confidant of Queen Caroline and right-hand man to Prime Minister Walpole — was the darling of the glittering court of George II. Painted by Hogarth and satirized by Fielding and Pope, he counted among his friends and enemies some of the most brilliant men and women of the eighteenth century. In private, however, he led a rakish life that was — ev...
This is an exhilarating portrait of the era of invention, glamour and excess from one of the brightest young stars of mainstream history writing. Bracketed by the catastrophes of the Great War and the Wall Street Crash, the 1920s was a time of fear and hedonism. The decade glittered with seduction: jazz, flappers, wild all-night parties, the birth of Hollywood, and a glamorous gangster-led crime s...
The bestselling author of ‘Maharanis’ recreates the lives of six remarkable women who, in a time of violent revolution, leapt at the chance to exercise their considerable charm, intelligence and acumen, and make their mark on history.Germaine de Stael was an intellectual and an aristocrat, equally obsessed by politics and love affairs, who is said to have helped write the 1791 Constitution. Her fe...
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