Лайонел Шрайвер (при рождении была названа Маргарет Энн Шрайвер, родилась 18 мая 1957) – американская журналистка и писатель. Она родилась в г. Гастония, штат Северная Каролина, в глубоко верующей семье – ее отец пресвитерианский священник. Ей не нравилось имя, которым ее назвали при рождении и она поменяла его в 15 лет с Маргарет Энн на Лайонел, т.к. она была девочкой-сорванцом и считала, что мужское имя подходит ей больше. Лайонел получила образование в Barnard College, Университете Колумбии....
Лайонел Шрайвер (при рождении была названа Маргарет Энн Шрайвер, родилась 18 мая 1957) – американская журналистка и писатель. Она родилась в г. Гастония, штат Северная Каролина, в глубоко верующей семье – ее отец пресвитерианский священник. Ей не нравилось имя, которым ее назвали при рождении и она поменяла его в 15 лет с Маргарет Энн на Лайонел, т.к. она была девочкой-сорванцом и считала, что мужское имя подходит ей больше. Лайонел получила образование в Barnard College, Университете Колумбии. Она жила в Найроби, Бангкоке и Белфасте, сейчас проживает в Лондоне.В 2006 году была удостоена премии Orange Prize за свою восьмой изданный роман «We Need to Talk About Kevin» (в России известна как "Цена Нелюбви"). Книга является триллером о раздвоении материнских чувств, которое, возможно, сыграло решающую роль в убийстве ее сыном семерых одноклассников. Книга вызвала большое количество полемик и получила огромный успех только при помощи информации, передающейся из уст в уста.Предыдущие романы Шрайвер: The Female of the Species (1986), Checker and the Derailleurs (1987), Ordinary Decent Criminals (1990), Game Control (1994), A Perfectly Good Family (1996) and Double Fault (1997). Ее девятый роман «The Post-Birthday World» был издан в 2007 году издательством HarperCollins.В июле 2005 года Шрайвер начала вести колонку для The Guardian, в которой она делилась своим мнением о нраве матерей западного общества, мелочности Британского правительства и важности библиотек (она планирует после смерти передать все свое имущество в библиотеку Белфаста, в которой она брала книги во время своего проживания в Северной Ирландии). Лайонел Шрайвер замужем за барабанщиком Джефом Вильямсом.
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На нашем сайте представлены 17 книг автора Лайонела Шрайвера. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Beautiful and charismatic, nineteen-year-old Checker Secretti is the most gifted and original drummer that the club-goers of Astoria, Queens, have ever heard. When he plays, conundrums seem to solve themselves, brilliant thoughts spring to mind, and couples fall in love. The members of his band, The Derailleurs, are passionately devoted to their guiding spirit, as are all who fall under Checker�...
Still unattached and childless at fifty-nine, world-renowned anthropologist Gray Kaiser is seemingly invincible—and untouchable. Returning to make a documentary at the site of her first great triumph in Kenya, she is accompanied by her faithful middle-aged assistant, Errol McEchern, who has loved her for years in silence. When sexy young graduate assistant Raphael Sarasola arrives on the scene, Gr...
In each of the hot spots she favors around the world, Estrin Lancaster manages an apartment, a job, and a lover, leaving at the first sign of boredom. she becomes involved with a man who also flees domesticity, but his efforts to escape have not been quite as successful as hers....
It is 2029. The Mandibles have been counting on a sizable fortune filtering down when their 97-year-old patriarch dies. Yet America?s soaring national debt has grown so enormous that it can never be repaid. Under siege from an upstart international currency, the dollar is in meltdown. A bloodless world war will wipe out the savings of millions of American families. Their inheritance turned t...
Книга построена повторяющий вид записей Евы, эффективной дамы у коей есть фактический все возлюбленный благоверный, элитное дело... все помимо малыша. И она принимается решение родить отпрыска. Какую ведь стоимость понадобиться оплатить ей за данный сознательный шаг вы отыщите в книжке "Цена нелюбви".
Филип Рот (р. 1933) - признанный классик американской литературы. Это единственный писатель, трижды награжденный премией Уильяма Фолкнера: в 1994 г. - за "Операцию "Шейлок"", в 2001 г. - за "Людское клеймо", в 2007 г. - за роман "Обычный человек". Ф. Рот является обладателем множества литературных наград, в том числе Пулицеровской премии, двух Национальных книжных премий, двух премий Национальной ...
Love me, love my game' says twenty-three year-old Willy Novinsky. Ever since she picked up a racquet at the age of four, tennis has been Willy's one love, until the day she meets Eric Oberdorf. She's a middle-ranked professional tennis player and he's a Princeton graduate who took up playing tennis at the age of eighteen. Low-ranked but untested, Eric, too, aims to make his mark on the internation...
Following the death of her worthy liberal parents, Corlis McCrea moves back into her family's grand Reconstruction mansion in North Carolina, willed to all three siblings. Her timid younger brother has never left home. When her bullying black-sheep older brother moves into "his" house as well, it's war. Each heir wants the house. Yet to buy the other out, two siblings must team against one. Jus...
A scalpel sharp political satire from the Orange Prize winning writer of We Need to Talk about Kevin. Edgar Kellogg has always yearned to be popular. Leaving his lucrative career as a lawyer for the sexier world of journalism, he’s thrilled to be offered the post of foreign correspondent in a Portuguese backwater with a home-grown terrorist movement. Barrington Saddler, the disappeared la...
The new novel from the Orange Prize-winning author of We Need to Talk About Kevin. When Pandora picks up her older brother Edison at her local Iowa airport, she literally doesn’t recognize him. The once slim, hip New York jazz pianist has gained hundreds of pounds. What happened? Soon Edison’s slovenly habits, appalling diet, and know-it-all monologues are driving Pandora and her...
Beautiful and charismatic, nineteen-year-old Checker Secretti is the most gifted and original drummer that the club-goers of Astoria, Queens, have ever heard. When he plays, conundrums seem to solve themselves, brilliant thoughts spring to mind, and couples fall in love. The members of his band, The Derailleurs, are passionately devoted to their guiding spirit, as are all who fall under Checker�...
Still unattached and childless at fifty-nine, world-renowned anthropologist Gray Kaiser is seemingly invincible—and untouchable. Returning to make a documentary at the site of her first great triumph in Kenya, she is accompanied by her faithful middle-aged assistant, Errol McEchern, who has loved her for years in silence. When sexy young graduate assistant Raphael Sarasola arrives on the scene, Gr...
In each of the hot spots she favors around the world, Estrin Lancaster manages an apartment, a job, and a lover, leaving at the first sign of boredom. she becomes involved with a man who also flees domesticity, but his efforts to escape have not been quite as successful as hers....
It is 2029. The Mandibles have been counting on a sizable fortune filtering down when their 97-year-old patriarch dies. Yet America?s soaring national debt has grown so enormous that it can never be repaid. Under siege from an upstart international currency, the dollar is in meltdown. A bloodless world war will wipe out the savings of millions of American families. Their inheritance turned t...
Книга построена повторяющий вид записей Евы, эффективной дамы у коей есть фактический все возлюбленный благоверный, элитное дело... все помимо малыша. И она принимается решение родить отпрыска. Какую ведь стоимость понадобиться оплатить ей за данный сознательный шаг вы отыщите в книжке "Цена нелюбви".
Филип Рот (р. 1933) - признанный классик американской литературы. Это единственный писатель, трижды награжденный премией Уильяма Фолкнера: в 1994 г. - за "Операцию "Шейлок"", в 2001 г. - за "Людское клеймо", в 2007 г. - за роман "Обычный человек". Ф. Рот является обладателем множества литературных наград, в том числе Пулицеровской премии, двух Национальных книжных премий, двух премий Национальной ...
Love me, love my game' says twenty-three year-old Willy Novinsky. Ever since she picked up a racquet at the age of four, tennis has been Willy's one love, until the day she meets Eric Oberdorf. She's a middle-ranked professional tennis player and he's a Princeton graduate who took up playing tennis at the age of eighteen. Low-ranked but untested, Eric, too, aims to make his mark on the internation...
Following the death of her worthy liberal parents, Corlis McCrea moves back into her family's grand Reconstruction mansion in North Carolina, willed to all three siblings. Her timid younger brother has never left home. When her bullying black-sheep older brother moves into "his" house as well, it's war. Each heir wants the house. Yet to buy the other out, two siblings must team against one. Jus...
A scalpel sharp political satire from the Orange Prize winning writer of We Need to Talk about Kevin. Edgar Kellogg has always yearned to be popular. Leaving his lucrative career as a lawyer for the sexier world of journalism, he’s thrilled to be offered the post of foreign correspondent in a Portuguese backwater with a home-grown terrorist movement. Barrington Saddler, the disappeared la...
The new novel from the Orange Prize-winning author of We Need to Talk About Kevin. When Pandora picks up her older brother Edison at her local Iowa airport, she literally doesn’t recognize him. The once slim, hip New York jazz pianist has gained hundreds of pounds. What happened? Soon Edison’s slovenly habits, appalling diet, and know-it-all monologues are driving Pandora and her...
Beautiful and charismatic, nineteen-year-old Checker Secretti is the most gifted and original drummer that the club-goers of Astoria, Queens, have ever heard. When he plays, conundrums seem to solve themselves, brilliant thoughts spring to mind, and couples fall in love. The members of his band, The Derailleurs, are passionately devoted to their guiding spirit, as are all who fall under Checker�...
Still unattached and childless at fifty-nine, world-renowned anthropologist Gray Kaiser is seemingly invincible—and untouchable. Returning to make a documentary at the site of her first great triumph in Kenya, she is accompanied by her faithful middle-aged assistant, Errol McEchern, who has loved her for years in silence. When sexy young graduate assistant Raphael Sarasola arrives on the scene, Gr...
In each of the hot spots she favors around the world, Estrin Lancaster manages an apartment, a job, and a lover, leaving at the first sign of boredom. she becomes involved with a man who also flees domesticity, but his efforts to escape have not been quite as successful as hers....
It is 2029. The Mandibles have been counting on a sizable fortune filtering down when their 97-year-old patriarch dies. Yet America?s soaring national debt has grown so enormous that it can never be repaid. Under siege from an upstart international currency, the dollar is in meltdown. A bloodless world war will wipe out the savings of millions of American families. Their inheritance turned t...
Книга построена повторяющий вид записей Евы, эффективной дамы у коей есть фактический все возлюбленный благоверный, элитное дело... все помимо малыша. И она принимается решение родить отпрыска. Какую ведь стоимость понадобиться оплатить ей за данный сознательный шаг вы отыщите в книжке "Цена нелюбви".
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