Брайан К. Вон - автор 98 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Львы Багдада, Y. Последний мужчина. Книга 1, Сага. Книга 7. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
The saga of Yorick Brown, the last man on Earth, continues in PAPER DOLLS, writer Brian K. Vaughan and artist Pia Guerra's award-winning VERTIGO series. In addition to catching up on the adventures of Yorick's monkey Ampersand (whose body holds the key to stopping the male-killing plague) and telling the origin of Agent 355, PAPER DOLLS chronicles Yorick and 355's search for Yorick&...
Алана и Марко принадлежат к разным расам. Бесконечная галактическая война должна была развести их по разные стороны баррикад, но они полюбили друг друга и теперь вынуждены скитаться, пытаясь отыскать в галактике мирный уголок для себя и своей новорожденной дочери. САГА - это увлекательный сюжет, приключения, любовь и огромная удивительная вселенная, в которой возможно буквально всё.
Таинственный преступник по прозвищу Зловещий начинает охоту на мутантов. Профессор Хавьер отправляет шестерых студентов на поиски злодея, в то время как их младшие товарищи остаются в стенах Института. И пока Люди Икс заняты поисками, Зловещий отправляется прямиком в Институт, чтобы принести юных мутантов в жертву своему богу - Апокалипсису!
All young people believe their parents are evil - but what if they really are? Meet Alex, Karolina, Gert, Chase, Molly and Nico - whose lives are about to take an unexpected turn. — Six young friends discover their parents are all secretly super-powered villains! Finding strength in one another, the shocked teens run away from home and straight into the adventure of their lives - vowing to turn th...
The smash-hit series from BRIAN K. VAUGHAN and CLIFF CHIANG continues with a bold new direction, as intrepid young newspaper deliverers Erin, Mac, and Tiffany find themselves launched from 1988 to a distant and terrifying future...the year 2016.
Y the last man dlx bk 05
As this deluxe edition begins, we catch up on the adventures of Yorick's monkey Ampersand (whose biology may hold the key to stopping the male-killing plague) and tells the origin of Yorick's mysterious protector, Agent 355 as Yorick searches for his fiancee in Australia, with deadly results. From Australia, Yorick and his companions continue on to Japan to learn the truth behind Ampersa...
The hottest new ongoing series of the year continues, as the Paper Girls witness the impossible.
In the early hours after Halloween of 1988, four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls uncover the most important story of all time. Suburban drama and otherworldly mysteries collide in this smash-hit series about nostalgia, first jobs, and the last days of childhood.
The multiple Eisner and Harvey Award-winning series from BRIAN K. VAUGHAN and CLIFF CHIANG continues, as newspaper deliverers Erin, Mac and Tiffany finally reunite with their long-lost friend KJ in an unexpected new era, where the girls must uncover the secret origins of time travel... or risk never returning home to 1988.
They were six normal teenagers linked only by their wealthy parents' annual business meeting...until a chance discovery revealed the shocking truth: their parents are the secret criminal society known as the Pride! For years, the Pride controlled all criminal acti vity in Los Angeles, ruling the city with an iron fist...and now, with their true natures exposed, the Pride will take any measure...
The hottest new ongoing series of the year continues, as the Paper Girls witness the impossible.
The mind-bending, time-warping adventure from BRIAN K. VAUGHAN and CLIFF CHIANG continues, as intrepid newspaper deliverer Tiffany is launched from the prehistoric past into the year 2000! In this harrowing version of our past, Y2K was even more of a cataclysm than experts feared, and the only person who can save the future is a 12-year-old girl from 1988.
17 июля 2002 года, таинственная эпидемия одновременно убивает всех живых млекопитающих с Y-хромосомой - в том числе эмбрионов, за исключением молодого художника в бегах Йорика Брауна и его капуцина Амперсанда. Множество женщин погибает из-за стихийных мужских смертей. Общество погрузилось в хаос распада инфраструктур, в веру того, что человечество обречено на вымирание. Генетик доктор Эллисон Манн...
Years after the digital cloud “bursts” and exposes all of our worst secrets, THE PRIVATE EYE is set in an inevitable future where everyone has a secret identity. Following an unlicensed P.I. who is thrust into the most important case of his life, this sci-fi mystery explores the nature of privacy with frightening prescience.
The world as we know it is about to end and the Runaways are the only hope to prevent it! But if our fledgling teenage heroes are going to succeed, they may have to become just as evil as their villainous parents. The Runaways have learned how their parents' criminal organization began, and now they must decide how it should end. As the Runaways' epic battle against their evil parents reaches its ...
This deluxe hardcover collects Runaways Vols. 5-7, plus extras. In True Believers, it's an all-new beginning for the book that Wizard calls "the best original concept from Marvel in thirty years!" When a group of teenagers discovers that their parents are actually super-villains, they run away from home... but that's only step one! Now that the evil Pride is gone, nearly every bad guy in the Marve...
This second volume of Eisner Award-winner(Best Writer, Best New Series) Brian K. Vaughan's Ex Machina collects the TAG story arch. Plus, learn how much the National Security Agency had on the career of the Great Machine. What forced Mayor Hundred to make one of the most controversial decisions in the history of New Yrok politics.
When a group of teenagers discovers that their parents are actually super-villains, they run away from home... but that's only step one! Now that the evil Pride is gone, nearly every bad guy in the Marvel Universe is trying to fill the power vacuum in Los Angeles, and the Runaways are the only heroes who can stop them! Plus: What does a mysterio... more »us new team of young heroes want with the ...
Award-winning writer Brian K. Vaughan (PRIDE OF BAGHDAD, Y-THE LAST MAN) deftly combines big city politics and superheroes in this much lauded series. Now, the entire critically acclaimed series written by Brian K. Vaughan, one of the writers of LOST, is collected into a five volume series. In this fourth volume, Mayor Mitchell Hundred is summoned to Rome for an audience with the Pope. But as H...
In this last EX MACHINA volume, Mayor Mitchell Hundred descends into the NYC sewers to learn why he was given the strange powers that helped him become the heroic Great Machine while a powerful new foe reveals a terrifying plan that's been in the works since the series began Then, in the very last EX MACHINA adventure, will Mitchell Hundred's new archenemy, a dogged reporter with powers far bey...
The team's lineup changes forever. - When a dangerous alien invades Los Angeles, the Runaways' own Karolina Dean may be the only hero in the Marvel Universe who can stop him... but at what cost? - Plus: The Runaways embark on a coast-to-coast adventure, guest-starring Cloak and Dagger AND the New Avengers! When Cloak is accused of a crime he didn't commit by the heroes of New York C...
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