Дженни Колган - британская писательница, автор многочисленных бестселлеров.Пишет под своим именем и использует псевдонимы Джейн Битон и Дж. Т. Колган.Дженни Колган училась в Эдинбургском университете. После выпуска она шесть лет проработала в министерстве здравоохранения, подрабатывая карикатуристом и комиком. Дженни замужем за Эндрю и воспитывает троих детей: Уоллес, Майкл-Фрэнсис и Дельфи. В настоящее время живет во Франции.В 2000 году она опубликовала свой первый роман - "Свадьба Аманды", а в...
Дженни Колган - британская писательница, автор многочисленных бестселлеров.
Пишет под своим именем и использует псевдонимы Джейн Битон и Дж. Т. Колган.
Дженни Колган училась в Эдинбургском университете. После выпуска она шесть лет проработала в министерстве здравоохранения, подрабатывая карикатуристом и комиком. Дженни замужем за Эндрю и воспитывает троих детей: Уоллес, Майкл-Фрэнсис и Дельфи. В настоящее время живет во Франции.
В 2000 году она опубликовала свой первый роман - "Свадьба Аманды", а в июле 2012 года новая книга писательницы - "Доктор Кто" была опубликована под именем Дж.Т.Колган.
На нашем сайте представлены 26 книг автора Дженни Колган. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Melanie and Fran are two charmingly wisecracking young Londoners who simply can't believe it when their old schoolfriend Amanda, Satan's own PR agent, manages to get herself hitched to a laird (Scottish for lord). Who cares that Fraser McConnel has worn the same ratty Converse sneakers for years and that his castle is really a pile of rubble -- all the social -climbing que...
It's Christmas in the Cornish coastal village of Mount Polbearne - a time for family, friends and feasting. Polly Waterford loves running the Little Beach Street Bakery. She's at her happiest when she's creating delicious treats and the festive season
On the quayside next to the Endless Beach sits the Summer Seaside Kitchen. It's a haven for tourists and locals alike, who all come to eat the freshest local produce on the island and catch up with the gossip. Flora, who runs the cafe, feels safe and content - unless she thinks too hard about her relationship with Joel, her gorgeous but emotionally (and physically) distant boyfriend. While Flora i...
Несмотря на свою застенчивость, Нина Редмонд одержима подлинной, всепоглощающей страстью. Она любит книги — и конечно, читателей, ведь Нина работает в одной из старых библиотек Бирмингема. Но библиотеку закрывают. Как жить дальше, а главное — на что жить? Все, что Нина умеет делать в свои двадцать девять лет, — искать «конкретные книги для конкретных людей». И тут она понимает, что больше всего на...
Izzy est une fee de la patisserie. Elle a passe son enfance dans la boulangerie de son grand-pere, et a indeniablement herite de son talent. Chaque semaine, ses collegues du bureau se regalent de ses cupcakes colores et autres brownies ultrafondants... Lorsqu'elle se fait licencier par son futur ex-petit-ami, Izzy sent grandir en elle une idee folle : et si elle ouvrait son propre cupcake caf...
Issy Randall, proud owner of the Cupcake Cafe, is in love and couldn't be happier. Her new business is thriving and she is surrounded by close friends, even if her cupcake colleagues Pearl and Caroline aren't quite as upbeat about the upcoming season of snow and merriment. But when her boyfriend Austin is scouted for a possible move to New York, Issy is forced to face up to the prospect of a long-...
Evie is desperate for a holiday - a good one. Not only because she's been working all hours as a receptionist for two high-powered plastic surgeons, but also because every holiday she's ever been on has involved sunburn, arguments and projectile vomiting - sometimes all three at once. Why can't she have a normal holiday like everyone else: peaceful beaches, glorious sunshine and (fingers crossed) ...
Summer has arrived in the Cornish town of Mount Polbearne and Polly Waterford couldn't be happier. Because Polly is in love: she's in love with the beautiful seaside town she calls home, she's in love with running the bakery on Beach Street, and she's in love with her boyfriend, Huckle. And yet there's something unsettling about the gentle summer breeze that's floating through town. Selina, recen...
Rosie Hopkins is about to face major upheaval. Her elderly aunt Lilian - feisty, independent Aunt Lily who never talked about her past - needs her help, so Rosie is moving to the depths of the countryside for a few months to look after her. Plus Rosie will be away from Gerard, the man she hopes to settle down with soon, and they'll miss each other dreadfully... won't they? Lilian Hopkins has s...
Melanie and Fran are two charmingly wisecracking young Londoners who simply can't believe it when their old schoolfriend Amanda, Satan's own PR agent, manages to get herself hitched to a laird (Scottish for lord). Who cares that Fraser McConnel has worn the same ratty Converse sneakers for years and that his castle is really a pile of rubble -- all the social -climbing que...
It's Christmas in the Cornish coastal village of Mount Polbearne - a time for family, friends and feasting. Polly Waterford loves running the Little Beach Street Bakery. She's at her happiest when she's creating delicious treats and the festive season
On the quayside next to the Endless Beach sits the Summer Seaside Kitchen. It's a haven for tourists and locals alike, who all come to eat the freshest local produce on the island and catch up with the gossip. Flora, who runs the cafe, feels safe and content - unless she thinks too hard about her relationship with Joel, her gorgeous but emotionally (and physically) distant boyfriend. While Flora i...
Несмотря на свою застенчивость, Нина Редмонд одержима подлинной, всепоглощающей страстью. Она любит книги — и конечно, читателей, ведь Нина работает в одной из старых библиотек Бирмингема. Но библиотеку закрывают. Как жить дальше, а главное — на что жить? Все, что Нина умеет делать в свои двадцать девять лет, — искать «конкретные книги для конкретных людей». И тут она понимает, что больше всего на...
Izzy est une fee de la patisserie. Elle a passe son enfance dans la boulangerie de son grand-pere, et a indeniablement herite de son talent. Chaque semaine, ses collegues du bureau se regalent de ses cupcakes colores et autres brownies ultrafondants... Lorsqu'elle se fait licencier par son futur ex-petit-ami, Izzy sent grandir en elle une idee folle : et si elle ouvrait son propre cupcake caf...
Issy Randall, proud owner of the Cupcake Cafe, is in love and couldn't be happier. Her new business is thriving and she is surrounded by close friends, even if her cupcake colleagues Pearl and Caroline aren't quite as upbeat about the upcoming season of snow and merriment. But when her boyfriend Austin is scouted for a possible move to New York, Issy is forced to face up to the prospect of a long-...
Evie is desperate for a holiday - a good one. Not only because she's been working all hours as a receptionist for two high-powered plastic surgeons, but also because every holiday she's ever been on has involved sunburn, arguments and projectile vomiting - sometimes all three at once. Why can't she have a normal holiday like everyone else: peaceful beaches, glorious sunshine and (fingers crossed) ...
Summer has arrived in the Cornish town of Mount Polbearne and Polly Waterford couldn't be happier. Because Polly is in love: she's in love with the beautiful seaside town she calls home, she's in love with running the bakery on Beach Street, and she's in love with her boyfriend, Huckle. And yet there's something unsettling about the gentle summer breeze that's floating through town. Selina, recen...
Rosie Hopkins is about to face major upheaval. Her elderly aunt Lilian - feisty, independent Aunt Lily who never talked about her past - needs her help, so Rosie is moving to the depths of the countryside for a few months to look after her. Plus Rosie will be away from Gerard, the man she hopes to settle down with soon, and they'll miss each other dreadfully... won't they? Lilian Hopkins has s...
Melanie and Fran are two charmingly wisecracking young Londoners who simply can't believe it when their old schoolfriend Amanda, Satan's own PR agent, manages to get herself hitched to a laird (Scottish for lord). Who cares that Fraser McConnel has worn the same ratty Converse sneakers for years and that his castle is really a pile of rubble -- all the social -climbing que...
It's Christmas in the Cornish coastal village of Mount Polbearne - a time for family, friends and feasting. Polly Waterford loves running the Little Beach Street Bakery. She's at her happiest when she's creating delicious treats and the festive season
On the quayside next to the Endless Beach sits the Summer Seaside Kitchen. It's a haven for tourists and locals alike, who all come to eat the freshest local produce on the island and catch up with the gossip. Flora, who runs the cafe, feels safe and content - unless she thinks too hard about her relationship with Joel, her gorgeous but emotionally (and physically) distant boyfriend. While Flora i...
Несмотря на свою застенчивость, Нина Редмонд одержима подлинной, всепоглощающей страстью. Она любит книги — и конечно, читателей, ведь Нина работает в одной из старых библиотек Бирмингема. Но библиотеку закрывают. Как жить дальше, а главное — на что жить? Все, что Нина умеет делать в свои двадцать девять лет, — искать «конкретные книги для конкретных людей». И тут она понимает, что больше всего на...
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