На нашем сайте представлены 15 книг автора Эмили Локхарт. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Ruby Oliver is in love. Or it would be love, if Noel, her real live boyfriend, would call her back. But Noel seems to have turned into a pod-robot lobotomy patient, and Ruby can't figure out why. Not only is her romantic life a shambles: Her dad is eating nothing but Cheetos, Her mother's got a piglet head in the refrigerator, Hutch has gone to Paris to play baguette air guitar, Gideon...
Here is how things stand at the beginning of newly-licensed driver Ruby Oliver's junior year at Tate Prep: - Kim: Not speaking. But far away in Tokyo. - Cricket: Not speaking. - Nora: Speaking--sort of. Chatted a couple times this summer when they bumped into each other outside of school--once shopping in the U District, and once in the Elliot Bay Bookstore. But she hadn't called...
Ruby is back at Tate Prep, and it’s her thirty-seventh week in the state of Noboyfriend. Her panic attacks are bad, her love life is even worse, and what’s more: Noel is writing her notes, Jackson is giving her frogs, Gideon is helping her cook, and Finn is making her brownies. Rumors are flying, and Ruby’s already-sucky reputation is heading downhill. Not only that, she’s also: running a ...
Богатая наследница и прилипала подружка. Дьявольское очарование. Американская мечта. Исчезновение. Любовная история, и не одна. Убийство? Тоже несколько.
Ruby Oliver is 15 and has a shrink. She knows it?s unusual, but give her a break?she?s had a rough 10 days. In the past 10 days she: lost her boyfriend (#13 on the list), lost her best friend (Kim), lost all her other friends (Nora, Cricket), did something suspicious with a boy (#10), did something advanced with a boy (#15), had an argument with a boy (...
Джесси, Вик и Мэл. У каждой из них есть особая причина, чтобы сбежать из родного городка. Потрепанный путеводитель "Удивительная Флорида", ключи от старого "Доджа", и немного денег - этого вполне достаточно, чтобы отправиться в путешествие, во время которого сердца будут разбиты, дружба пройдет суровую проверку, а встреча с загадочным незнакомцем изменит все дорожные карты.
Frankie Landau-Banks at age 14: Debate Club. Her father’s “bunny rabbit.” A mildly geeky girl attending a highly competitive boarding school. Frankie Landau-Banks at age 15: A knockout figure. A sharp tongue. A chip on her shoulder. And a gorgeous new senior boyfriend: the supremely goofy, word-obsessed Matthew Livingston. Frankie Laundau-Banks. No longer the kind of girl to ...
Локхарт Э. ?Это моя вина?. Фрэнки невероятно повезло. За лето из невзрачного ?книжного червя? она превратилась в прелестное создание и начала встречаться с красавцем-старшеклассником Мэттью. Мэттью, как когда-то и отец Фрэнки, состоит в тайном школьном обществе. Но девушкам путь туда заказан. Впрочем, мы же знаем, что для женщины (в нашем случае - очаровательной девушки) ничего невозможного нет...
Фрэнки невероятно повезло. За лето из невзрачного "книжного червя" она превратилась в прелестное создание и начала встречаться с красавцем-старшеклассником Мэттью. Мэттью, как когда-то и отец Фрэнки, состоит в тайном школьном обществе. Но девушкам путь туда заказан. Впрочем, мы же знаем, что для женщины (в нашем случае – очаровательной девушки) ничего невозможного нет! Однако устремляясь к своей...
At the Manhattan School for Art and Music, where everyone is “different” and everyone is “special,” Gretchen Yee feels ordinary. She’s the kind of girl who sits alone at lunch, drawing pictures of Spider-Man, so she won’t have to talk to anyone; who has a crush on Titus but won’t do anything about it; who has no one to hang out with when her best (and only real) friend Kat...
Ruby Oliver is in love. Or it would be love, if Noel, her real live boyfriend, would call her back. But Noel seems to have turned into a pod-robot lobotomy patient, and Ruby can't figure out why. Not only is her romantic life a shambles: Her dad is eating nothing but Cheetos, Her mother's got a piglet head in the refrigerator, Hutch has gone to Paris to play baguette air guitar, Gideon...
Here is how things stand at the beginning of newly-licensed driver Ruby Oliver's junior year at Tate Prep: - Kim: Not speaking. But far away in Tokyo. - Cricket: Not speaking. - Nora: Speaking--sort of. Chatted a couple times this summer when they bumped into each other outside of school--once shopping in the U District, and once in the Elliot Bay Bookstore. But she hadn't called...
Ruby is back at Tate Prep, and it’s her thirty-seventh week in the state of Noboyfriend. Her panic attacks are bad, her love life is even worse, and what’s more: Noel is writing her notes, Jackson is giving her frogs, Gideon is helping her cook, and Finn is making her brownies. Rumors are flying, and Ruby’s already-sucky reputation is heading downhill. Not only that, she’s also: running a ...
Богатая наследница и прилипала подружка. Дьявольское очарование. Американская мечта. Исчезновение. Любовная история, и не одна. Убийство? Тоже несколько.
Ruby Oliver is 15 and has a shrink. She knows it?s unusual, but give her a break?she?s had a rough 10 days. In the past 10 days she: lost her boyfriend (#13 on the list), lost her best friend (Kim), lost all her other friends (Nora, Cricket), did something suspicious with a boy (#10), did something advanced with a boy (#15), had an argument with a boy (...
Джесси, Вик и Мэл. У каждой из них есть особая причина, чтобы сбежать из родного городка. Потрепанный путеводитель "Удивительная Флорида", ключи от старого "Доджа", и немного денег - этого вполне достаточно, чтобы отправиться в путешествие, во время которого сердца будут разбиты, дружба пройдет суровую проверку, а встреча с загадочным незнакомцем изменит все дорожные карты.
Frankie Landau-Banks at age 14: Debate Club. Her father’s “bunny rabbit.” A mildly geeky girl attending a highly competitive boarding school. Frankie Landau-Banks at age 15: A knockout figure. A sharp tongue. A chip on her shoulder. And a gorgeous new senior boyfriend: the supremely goofy, word-obsessed Matthew Livingston. Frankie Laundau-Banks. No longer the kind of girl to ...
Локхарт Э. ?Это моя вина?. Фрэнки невероятно повезло. За лето из невзрачного ?книжного червя? она превратилась в прелестное создание и начала встречаться с красавцем-старшеклассником Мэттью. Мэттью, как когда-то и отец Фрэнки, состоит в тайном школьном обществе. Но девушкам путь туда заказан. Впрочем, мы же знаем, что для женщины (в нашем случае - очаровательной девушки) ничего невозможного нет...
Фрэнки невероятно повезло. За лето из невзрачного "книжного червя" она превратилась в прелестное создание и начала встречаться с красавцем-старшеклассником Мэттью. Мэттью, как когда-то и отец Фрэнки, состоит в тайном школьном обществе. Но девушкам путь туда заказан. Впрочем, мы же знаем, что для женщины (в нашем случае – очаровательной девушки) ничего невозможного нет! Однако устремляясь к своей...
At the Manhattan School for Art and Music, where everyone is “different” and everyone is “special,” Gretchen Yee feels ordinary. She’s the kind of girl who sits alone at lunch, drawing pictures of Spider-Man, so she won’t have to talk to anyone; who has a crush on Titus but won’t do anything about it; who has no one to hang out with when her best (and only real) friend Kat...
Ruby Oliver is in love. Or it would be love, if Noel, her real live boyfriend, would call her back. But Noel seems to have turned into a pod-robot lobotomy patient, and Ruby can't figure out why. Not only is her romantic life a shambles: Her dad is eating nothing but Cheetos, Her mother's got a piglet head in the refrigerator, Hutch has gone to Paris to play baguette air guitar, Gideon...
Here is how things stand at the beginning of newly-licensed driver Ruby Oliver's junior year at Tate Prep: - Kim: Not speaking. But far away in Tokyo. - Cricket: Not speaking. - Nora: Speaking--sort of. Chatted a couple times this summer when they bumped into each other outside of school--once shopping in the U District, and once in the Elliot Bay Bookstore. But she hadn't called...
Ruby is back at Tate Prep, and it’s her thirty-seventh week in the state of Noboyfriend. Her panic attacks are bad, her love life is even worse, and what’s more: Noel is writing her notes, Jackson is giving her frogs, Gideon is helping her cook, and Finn is making her brownies. Rumors are flying, and Ruby’s already-sucky reputation is heading downhill. Not only that, she’s also: running a ...
Богатая наследница и прилипала подружка. Дьявольское очарование. Американская мечта. Исчезновение. Любовная история, и не одна. Убийство? Тоже несколько.
Ruby Oliver is 15 and has a shrink. She knows it?s unusual, but give her a break?she?s had a rough 10 days. In the past 10 days she: lost her boyfriend (#13 on the list), lost her best friend (Kim), lost all her other friends (Nora, Cricket), did something suspicious with a boy (#10), did something advanced with a boy (#15), had an argument with a boy (...
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