На нашем сайте представлены 6 книг автора Linda Sejic. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
POSTAL returns to find Mark struggling with the responsibilities and horrors of being the new Mayor of Eden, as the newest member of their community has brought his own personal war with him. Mark's mother, Laura Shiffron, tries to enjoy her retirement in Florida, but violence finds her... and violence might the only way Laura Shiffron can find peace. Collects POSTAL: DELIVERANCE #1-4
Does everyone deserve redemption? As the FBI tightens its noose around Eden, Mark and his mother Laura must either choose to let one of their own suffer at the hands of revenge, or help him take a stand against his enemies...the Aryan Brotherhood.
Upon arriving to her new workplace, and meeting her new boss under some rather unflattering circumstances, Elly tries desperately to leave a good impression first day on the job. The only problem is-- both she and her new employer seem to be clueless as to what her job is supposed to be.
Now that Elly has a general idea of what her job is supposed to be, she is eager to impress (and hopefully not get fired). Ironically enough...
FBI Agent Chris Bremble comes face to face with Isaac Shiffron, the sociopath who gave birth to Eden, and to find the truth of the past, Bremble will have to endure Isaac's madness. Laura puts Mark in charge of Eden to see if her son has the ability to lead a town full of criminals who don't trust or believe in him. His mother, Maggie, and Molly all have a vision for what Mark should be...but whic...
Mad science at its finest. Chemistry major, Elliot Torres has been unable to keep a steady job and eventually accepts a job by a rumored mad scientist Dr. Vlad Stein. Humorous hijinks ensue as their collaboration becomes epic.
POSTAL returns to find Mark struggling with the responsibilities and horrors of being the new Mayor of Eden, as the newest member of their community has brought his own personal war with him. Mark's mother, Laura Shiffron, tries to enjoy her retirement in Florida, but violence finds her... and violence might the only way Laura Shiffron can find peace. Collects POSTAL: DELIVERANCE #1-4
Does everyone deserve redemption? As the FBI tightens its noose around Eden, Mark and his mother Laura must either choose to let one of their own suffer at the hands of revenge, or help him take a stand against his enemies...the Aryan Brotherhood.
Upon arriving to her new workplace, and meeting her new boss under some rather unflattering circumstances, Elly tries desperately to leave a good impression first day on the job. The only problem is-- both she and her new employer seem to be clueless as to what her job is supposed to be.
Now that Elly has a general idea of what her job is supposed to be, she is eager to impress (and hopefully not get fired). Ironically enough...
FBI Agent Chris Bremble comes face to face with Isaac Shiffron, the sociopath who gave birth to Eden, and to find the truth of the past, Bremble will have to endure Isaac's madness. Laura puts Mark in charge of Eden to see if her son has the ability to lead a town full of criminals who don't trust or believe in him. His mother, Maggie, and Molly all have a vision for what Mark should be...but whic...
Mad science at its finest. Chemistry major, Elliot Torres has been unable to keep a steady job and eventually accepts a job by a rumored mad scientist Dr. Vlad Stein. Humorous hijinks ensue as their collaboration becomes epic.
POSTAL returns to find Mark struggling with the responsibilities and horrors of being the new Mayor of Eden, as the newest member of their community has brought his own personal war with him. Mark's mother, Laura Shiffron, tries to enjoy her retirement in Florida, but violence finds her... and violence might the only way Laura Shiffron can find peace. Collects POSTAL: DELIVERANCE #1-4
Does everyone deserve redemption? As the FBI tightens its noose around Eden, Mark and his mother Laura must either choose to let one of their own suffer at the hands of revenge, or help him take a stand against his enemies...the Aryan Brotherhood.
Upon arriving to her new workplace, and meeting her new boss under some rather unflattering circumstances, Elly tries desperately to leave a good impression first day on the job. The only problem is-- both she and her new employer seem to be clueless as to what her job is supposed to be.
Now that Elly has a general idea of what her job is supposed to be, she is eager to impress (and hopefully not get fired). Ironically enough...
FBI Agent Chris Bremble comes face to face with Isaac Shiffron, the sociopath who gave birth to Eden, and to find the truth of the past, Bremble will have to endure Isaac's madness. Laura puts Mark in charge of Eden to see if her son has the ability to lead a town full of criminals who don't trust or believe in him. His mother, Maggie, and Molly all have a vision for what Mark should be...but whic...
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