На нашем сайте представлены 14 книг автора Тревора Баксендейла. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
The Daleks are advancing, their empire constantly expanding. The battles rage on across countless solar systems – and the Doctor finds himself stranded on board a starship near the frontline with a group of ruthless bounty hunters. Earth Command will pay these hunters for every Dalek they kill, every eyestalk they bring back as proof. With the Doctor's help, the bounty hunters achieve the ultimat...
Wishing Well is a BBC Books original novel written by Trevor Baxendale and based on the long running science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones. It was published on December 26, 2007, alongside Peacemaker and The Pirate Loop.
The Undertaker's Gift is a BBC Books original novel written by Trevor Baxendale and based on the British science fiction television, Doctor Who spin-off series Torchwood and is set after the conclusion of the second series. It only features the characters of Captain Jack, Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones.
A BBC Books adventure book based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor.
A BBC Books adventure book based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor and Martha.
Старый деревенский колодец – любопытный объект для привлечения искателей затерянных сокровищ и желающих загадать желание. Но только в том случае, если что-то инопланетное и ужасающее не скрывается внутри. Что-то совершенно чудовищное, вызывающее смерть и разрушения. Но кто знает правду о колодце? Кто хочет узнать, какую отвратительную силу он хранит? Что последует за поиском закопанных под землей...
On a moon of the ruined planet Akoshemon, an age-old terror is about to be reborn. Something that remembers the spiral of war, pestilence and deprivation – and rejoices in it. The Fifth Doctor joins a team of archaeologists searching for evidence of the planet’s infamous past, and uncovers more than just ancient history. Forced to confront his own worst fears, even the Doctor will be pushed to bre...
На пороге третьего тысячелетия от Рождества Христова представляем Библейско-биографический словарь - жизнеописания лиц, упоминаемых в священных книгах Ветхого и Нового Заветов, а также всех, кто имел какое-либо влияние на ход и распространение
"I do hope you’re all ready to be terrified!" The Phaeron disappeared from the universe over a million years ago. They travelled among the stars using roads made from time and space, but left only relics behind. But what actually happened to the Phaeron? Some believe they were they eradicated by a superior force… Others claim they destroyed themselves. Or were they in fact the victims of a...
The Daleks are advancing, their empire constantly expanding. The battles rage on across countless solar systems – and the Doctor finds himself stranded on board a starship near the frontline with a group of ruthless bounty hunters. Earth Command will pay these hunters for every Dalek they kill, every eyestalk they bring back as proof. With the Doctor's help, the bounty hunters achieve the ultimat...
Wishing Well is a BBC Books original novel written by Trevor Baxendale and based on the long running science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones. It was published on December 26, 2007, alongside Peacemaker and The Pirate Loop.
The Undertaker's Gift is a BBC Books original novel written by Trevor Baxendale and based on the British science fiction television, Doctor Who spin-off series Torchwood and is set after the conclusion of the second series. It only features the characters of Captain Jack, Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones.
A BBC Books adventure book based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor.
A BBC Books adventure book based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor and Martha.
Старый деревенский колодец – любопытный объект для привлечения искателей затерянных сокровищ и желающих загадать желание. Но только в том случае, если что-то инопланетное и ужасающее не скрывается внутри. Что-то совершенно чудовищное, вызывающее смерть и разрушения. Но кто знает правду о колодце? Кто хочет узнать, какую отвратительную силу он хранит? Что последует за поиском закопанных под землей...
On a moon of the ruined planet Akoshemon, an age-old terror is about to be reborn. Something that remembers the spiral of war, pestilence and deprivation – and rejoices in it. The Fifth Doctor joins a team of archaeologists searching for evidence of the planet’s infamous past, and uncovers more than just ancient history. Forced to confront his own worst fears, even the Doctor will be pushed to bre...
На пороге третьего тысячелетия от Рождества Христова представляем Библейско-биографический словарь - жизнеописания лиц, упоминаемых в священных книгах Ветхого и Нового Заветов, а также всех, кто имел какое-либо влияние на ход и распространение
"I do hope you’re all ready to be terrified!" The Phaeron disappeared from the universe over a million years ago. They travelled among the stars using roads made from time and space, but left only relics behind. But what actually happened to the Phaeron? Some believe they were they eradicated by a superior force… Others claim they destroyed themselves. Or were they in fact the victims of a...
The Daleks are advancing, their empire constantly expanding. The battles rage on across countless solar systems – and the Doctor finds himself stranded on board a starship near the frontline with a group of ruthless bounty hunters. Earth Command will pay these hunters for every Dalek they kill, every eyestalk they bring back as proof. With the Doctor's help, the bounty hunters achieve the ultimat...
Wishing Well is a BBC Books original novel written by Trevor Baxendale and based on the long running science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones. It was published on December 26, 2007, alongside Peacemaker and The Pirate Loop.
The Undertaker's Gift is a BBC Books original novel written by Trevor Baxendale and based on the British science fiction television, Doctor Who spin-off series Torchwood and is set after the conclusion of the second series. It only features the characters of Captain Jack, Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones.
A BBC Books adventure book based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor.
A BBC Books adventure book based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor and Martha.
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