На нашем сайте представлены 8 книг автора Ланди Банкрофт. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Even if you’ve read Why Does He Do That?, it may be hard to see the truth of what is happening to you. You may feel overwhelmed by confusion, loss, and fear, and find yourself looking away from the truth and falling back into traumatic patterns. What you need is something that is there for you every day—to help you make a long series of little changes that will ultimately add up to a big one. L...
Moving beyond the narrow clinical perspective sometimes applied to viewing the emotional and developmental risks to battered children, The Batterer as Parent: Addressing the Impact of Domestic Violence on Family Dynamics, Second Edition offers a view that takes into account the complex ways in which a batterer's abusive and controlling behaviors are woven into the fabric of daily life. This book i...
Ланди Бэнкрофт последние семнадцать лет посвятил специализации в сфере бытовой жестокости и поведения жестоких мужчин. Он автор книг «When Dad Hurts Mom» («Когда папа обижает маму») и «The Batterer as a Parent» («Домашний агрессор в роли отца»), а также нескольких статей для «The New England Journal of Medicine» (одного из старейших медицинских журналов мира) и других профессиональных публикаций. ...
In this book, domestic violence expert Lundy Bancroft uses his perspective as a therapist for abusive and controlling men to help women, their children, and other family members who have been touched by abuse understand why abusers behave the way they do and what can be done about it. Bancroft teaches women how to survive and improve an abusive relationship; how to determine how dangerous an abuse...
Он не хочет признавать, что делает тебе больно. Для него нормально повышать голос, оскорблять или применять силу. Он ни во что не ставит твое мнение. Он не остановится, пока ты сама не прекратишь это безумие. Советы, изложенные здесь, помогут распознать абьюзера и вооружат вас инструментами самозащиты, физической или психологической, от агрессивных и контролирующих мужчин. А также позволят скор...
In this supportive and straightforward guide, Lundy Bancroft, the author of Why Does He Do That?, and communication specialist Jac Patrissi offer a way for women to practically take stock of their relationships and move forward, with or without their partners. Women involved in chronically frustrating or unfulfilling relationships will learn to: - Tell the difference between a healthy-yet-di...
Even if you’ve read Why Does He Do That?, it may be hard to see the truth of what is happening to you. You may feel overwhelmed by confusion, loss, and fear, and find yourself looking away from the truth and falling back into traumatic patterns. What you need is something that is there for you every day—to help you make a long series of little changes that will ultimately add up to a big one. L...
Moving beyond the narrow clinical perspective sometimes applied to viewing the emotional and developmental risks to battered children, The Batterer as Parent: Addressing the Impact of Domestic Violence on Family Dynamics, Second Edition offers a view that takes into account the complex ways in which a batterer's abusive and controlling behaviors are woven into the fabric of daily life. This book i...
Ланди Бэнкрофт последние семнадцать лет посвятил специализации в сфере бытовой жестокости и поведения жестоких мужчин. Он автор книг «When Dad Hurts Mom» («Когда папа обижает маму») и «The Batterer as a Parent» («Домашний агрессор в роли отца»), а также нескольких статей для «The New England Journal of Medicine» (одного из старейших медицинских журналов мира) и других профессиональных публикаций. ...
In this book, domestic violence expert Lundy Bancroft uses his perspective as a therapist for abusive and controlling men to help women, their children, and other family members who have been touched by abuse understand why abusers behave the way they do and what can be done about it. Bancroft teaches women how to survive and improve an abusive relationship; how to determine how dangerous an abuse...
Он не хочет признавать, что делает тебе больно. Для него нормально повышать голос, оскорблять или применять силу. Он ни во что не ставит твое мнение. Он не остановится, пока ты сама не прекратишь это безумие. Советы, изложенные здесь, помогут распознать абьюзера и вооружат вас инструментами самозащиты, физической или психологической, от агрессивных и контролирующих мужчин. А также позволят скор...
In this supportive and straightforward guide, Lundy Bancroft, the author of Why Does He Do That?, and communication specialist Jac Patrissi offer a way for women to practically take stock of their relationships and move forward, with or without their partners. Women involved in chronically frustrating or unfulfilling relationships will learn to: - Tell the difference between a healthy-yet-di...
Even if you’ve read Why Does He Do That?, it may be hard to see the truth of what is happening to you. You may feel overwhelmed by confusion, loss, and fear, and find yourself looking away from the truth and falling back into traumatic patterns. What you need is something that is there for you every day—to help you make a long series of little changes that will ultimately add up to a big one. L...
Moving beyond the narrow clinical perspective sometimes applied to viewing the emotional and developmental risks to battered children, The Batterer as Parent: Addressing the Impact of Domestic Violence on Family Dynamics, Second Edition offers a view that takes into account the complex ways in which a batterer's abusive and controlling behaviors are woven into the fabric of daily life. This book i...
Ланди Бэнкрофт последние семнадцать лет посвятил специализации в сфере бытовой жестокости и поведения жестоких мужчин. Он автор книг «When Dad Hurts Mom» («Когда папа обижает маму») и «The Batterer as a Parent» («Домашний агрессор в роли отца»), а также нескольких статей для «The New England Journal of Medicine» (одного из старейших медицинских журналов мира) и других профессиональных публикаций. ...
In this book, domestic violence expert Lundy Bancroft uses his perspective as a therapist for abusive and controlling men to help women, their children, and other family members who have been touched by abuse understand why abusers behave the way they do and what can be done about it. Bancroft teaches women how to survive and improve an abusive relationship; how to determine how dangerous an abuse...
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