На нашем сайте представлены 22 книги автора Адама Куберта. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
It's the beginning of the FF's exploration of the mysterious N-Zone! Young Reed Richards wants to duplicate the accident that changed the four into the bizarre beings they've become and thereby reverse the process. But will his noble attempts at redress cause more harm than good?
The Hellfire Club extends an invitation for the X-Men to join them. Little do the heroes know that a dark plan has been in the works for years and is about to come to fruition!
Magneto, the X-Men's deadliest villain, returns. They've faced the Weapon X program, Proteus and even the superhuman strikeforce known as The Ultimates. Now, still licking their wounds from their prior battles, can Xavier's mutant team possibly survive the return of their most powerful foe?
The X-Men have become more than a team. They've become a family. And the death of one of their own leaves the remaining X-Men struggling to deal with the loss. And even before a moment of silence can pass, the mysterious Mr. Sinister arrives, intent on giving the X-Men a lot more to mourn!
За свою короткую жизнь Логан уже успел увидеть немало страданий. Неудивительно, что мальчик, который однажды был Джеймсом Хоулеттом, стал искать убежище в замёрзшей глуши вдали от человечества. Только он и волки. Охота. Выживание. И, наконец, жизнь. Но когда трагедия навещает дом, в котором его усыновили, Логан вынужден вернуться в цивилизованный мир. И вскоре узнает, насколько он жесток. Ибо циви...
This deluxe hardcover collects Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 3: N-Zone and Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 4: Inhuman, plus a hefty helping of DVD-style extras! In N-Zone, it's the beginning of the FF's exploration of the mysterious N-Zone! Young Reed Richards wants to duplicate the accident that changed the four into the bizarre beings they've become and thereby reverse the process. But will their no...
Professor X thought he'd solved the problem of Magneto, but the mutant master of magnetism has regained his memory and his mission! Now the X-Men are on the run, with the Ultimates hot on their trail! Can the X-Men stop Magneto before he executes
The Avengers are dead...long live the Avengers! When a threat from beyond the stars targets our world, fate draws Captain America, Thor, Vision and Iron Man together again -alongside a group of young adventurers who will reinvigorate Earth's Mightiest Heroes like never before! Welcome to the big leagues, Nova, Ms. Marvel and Miles "Spider-Man" Morales! But who is the familiar villain pulling the r...
As Requiem tears through the Marvel Universe, the very fabric of reality warps around the heroes of Earth...and the possibilities become infinite! Classifi ed 4-F by the military, Stephen Rogers was unable to serve his country in WWII - until a secret sorcerous government program transformed him into the Soldier Supreme, magical warrior embodiment of the American spirit! When Stark Odinson, the br...
Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Vision, Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel and Nova are the All-New, All-Different Avengers - but can they stay together long enough to be more than a footnote in the team's great history? Maybe not, when the events of Standoff pit them against the Uncanny Avengers. Who will prove themselves the mightiest Avengers of all? Things get worse as the mysteries of Pleasant Hill deep...
It's the beginning of the FF's exploration of the mysterious N-Zone! Young Reed Richards wants to duplicate the accident that changed the four into the bizarre beings they've become and thereby reverse the process. But will his noble attempts at redress cause more harm than good?
The Hellfire Club extends an invitation for the X-Men to join them. Little do the heroes know that a dark plan has been in the works for years and is about to come to fruition!
Magneto, the X-Men's deadliest villain, returns. They've faced the Weapon X program, Proteus and even the superhuman strikeforce known as The Ultimates. Now, still licking their wounds from their prior battles, can Xavier's mutant team possibly survive the return of their most powerful foe?
The X-Men have become more than a team. They've become a family. And the death of one of their own leaves the remaining X-Men struggling to deal with the loss. And even before a moment of silence can pass, the mysterious Mr. Sinister arrives, intent on giving the X-Men a lot more to mourn!
За свою короткую жизнь Логан уже успел увидеть немало страданий. Неудивительно, что мальчик, который однажды был Джеймсом Хоулеттом, стал искать убежище в замёрзшей глуши вдали от человечества. Только он и волки. Охота. Выживание. И, наконец, жизнь. Но когда трагедия навещает дом, в котором его усыновили, Логан вынужден вернуться в цивилизованный мир. И вскоре узнает, насколько он жесток. Ибо циви...
This deluxe hardcover collects Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 3: N-Zone and Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 4: Inhuman, plus a hefty helping of DVD-style extras! In N-Zone, it's the beginning of the FF's exploration of the mysterious N-Zone! Young Reed Richards wants to duplicate the accident that changed the four into the bizarre beings they've become and thereby reverse the process. But will their no...
Professor X thought he'd solved the problem of Magneto, but the mutant master of magnetism has regained his memory and his mission! Now the X-Men are on the run, with the Ultimates hot on their trail! Can the X-Men stop Magneto before he executes
The Avengers are dead...long live the Avengers! When a threat from beyond the stars targets our world, fate draws Captain America, Thor, Vision and Iron Man together again -alongside a group of young adventurers who will reinvigorate Earth's Mightiest Heroes like never before! Welcome to the big leagues, Nova, Ms. Marvel and Miles "Spider-Man" Morales! But who is the familiar villain pulling the r...
As Requiem tears through the Marvel Universe, the very fabric of reality warps around the heroes of Earth...and the possibilities become infinite! Classifi ed 4-F by the military, Stephen Rogers was unable to serve his country in WWII - until a secret sorcerous government program transformed him into the Soldier Supreme, magical warrior embodiment of the American spirit! When Stark Odinson, the br...
Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Vision, Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel and Nova are the All-New, All-Different Avengers - but can they stay together long enough to be more than a footnote in the team's great history? Maybe not, when the events of Standoff pit them against the Uncanny Avengers. Who will prove themselves the mightiest Avengers of all? Things get worse as the mysteries of Pleasant Hill deep...
It's the beginning of the FF's exploration of the mysterious N-Zone! Young Reed Richards wants to duplicate the accident that changed the four into the bizarre beings they've become and thereby reverse the process. But will his noble attempts at redress cause more harm than good?
The Hellfire Club extends an invitation for the X-Men to join them. Little do the heroes know that a dark plan has been in the works for years and is about to come to fruition!
Magneto, the X-Men's deadliest villain, returns. They've faced the Weapon X program, Proteus and even the superhuman strikeforce known as The Ultimates. Now, still licking their wounds from their prior battles, can Xavier's mutant team possibly survive the return of their most powerful foe?
The X-Men have become more than a team. They've become a family. And the death of one of their own leaves the remaining X-Men struggling to deal with the loss. And even before a moment of silence can pass, the mysterious Mr. Sinister arrives, intent on giving the X-Men a lot more to mourn!
За свою короткую жизнь Логан уже успел увидеть немало страданий. Неудивительно, что мальчик, который однажды был Джеймсом Хоулеттом, стал искать убежище в замёрзшей глуши вдали от человечества. Только он и волки. Охота. Выживание. И, наконец, жизнь. Но когда трагедия навещает дом, в котором его усыновили, Логан вынужден вернуться в цивилизованный мир. И вскоре узнает, насколько он жесток. Ибо циви...
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