Псевдоним автора: Miura Kentaro. Кэнтаро Миура родился в японском городе Тиба 11 июля 1966 г. В 1976, когда он еще учился в начальной школе и ему было только десять лет, Миура уже работал над мангой. Его первая работа «Miuranger» была опубликована для одноклассников в школьном издании. Со временем «Miuranger» был завершен в 40 томах. Год спустя, Миура начал работать над мангой «Путь Меча» (яп. 剣への道 Ken e No Michi). Это его первая работа, в которой он использовал индийские чернила. К 1979 и ...
Псевдоним автора: Miura Kentaro.
Кэнтаро Миура родился в японском городе Тиба 11 июля 1966 г. В 1976, когда он еще учился в начальной школе и ему было только десять лет, Миура уже работал над мангой. Его первая работа «Miuranger» была опубликована для одноклассников в школьном издании. Со временем «Miuranger» был завершен в 40 томах. Год спустя, Миура начал работать над мангой «Путь Меча» (яп. 剣への道 Ken e No Michi). Это его первая работа, в которой он использовал индийские чернила. К 1979 и в средней школе Миура начал использовать в работе растры и профессиональные методы рисования. В 1982 он поступил на художественные курсы в средней школе, где вместе со своими одноклассниками публиковали свои работы в школьных изданиях, тогда же, в журнале для фанов был выпущен его первый додзинси.В 1985 году Миура подаёт заявку на сдачу вступительного экзамена в университет Нихон на художественный факультет. В качестве вступительной работы он представил «Futanabi» и был принят. Позже за эту работу Миура был номинирован журналом Weekly Shonen Magazine как лучший начинающий автор. В том же году в нем же выходит очередная его работа — «Noa». Однако в результате разногласий с одним из редакторов журнал перестаёт печатать работы Миуры. Это время можно охарактеризовать как спад в карьере мангаки.В 1988 году Миура выпускает свою новую работу, ныне известную как Берсерк: Прототип . В нём он впервые знакомит читателя с фэнтезийным миром манги Берсерк и её главным героем. За эту работу мангака получает приз от Comi Manga School. Закончив курс и получив степень, в 1989 Миура выпустил в свет другую работу Король волков (яп. 王狼 ōrō), созданную по сценарию Ёсиюки Окамуры (Yoshiyuki «Buronson» Okamura). «Король волков» был издан в ежемесячном журнале Japanese Animal House, в 5 и 7 выпусках за тот год. Год закончился выпуском отдельного тома «Короля волков».Со 2-ого до 6-го выпуска Animal House в 1990 вышло продолжение «Волчьего короля». Оно называлось «Легенда о короле волков» (яп. 王狼伝 ōrō den)и также было основано на сценарии Окамуры. «Легенда о короле волков» выходит отдельным томом в тот же самый год, но что еще более важно — выходит первый том «Берсерка», который, однако, остался практически незамеченным. Другой работой, объединившей усилия Миуры и Окамуры в 1992, была «Япония», выходившая в Animal House с 1 по 8 выпуск, и позднее выпущенная отдельным томом. В 1992 году в Young Animal начала выходить арка «Золотой Век», которая принесла «Берсерку» и его автору долгожданную популярность. В том же году Миура решает посвятить себя исключительно «Берсерку».В 1997 году выходит аниме-сериал «Берсерк», созданный студией OLM при сотрудничестве с Миурой. Сериал насчитывал 25 серий и был показан в Японии на Nihon TV, в ночное время. В 1999 году Миура участвовал в создании игры по мотивам собственной манги для приставки Sega Dreamcast, которая вышла в 2000 году. В США она известна как Sword of the Berserk: Guts’ Rage (Меч Берсерка: Ярость Гатса), в Японии как «Глава о Цветке Забвения» (яп. 喪失花の章 WasureHana no Sho). В 2004 году вышла ещё одна видеоигра по мотивам манги, на этот раз для Sony PlayStation 2. Она называлась «Глава об истории войны со Святым Демоном» (яп. 聖魔戦記の章 Seimasenki no Sho).В 2002 за мангу «Берсерк» Кэнтаро Миура получил второе место на фестивале Osamu Tezuka Cultural Prize (первый приз получил Такехико Инуэ за мангу «Скиталец»). На данный момент манга «Берсерк» продолжает выпускаться и насчитывает уже 34 полных тома, суммарный тираж составляет более 29 миллионов копий.
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Warrior supreme Guts, the Black Swordsman, has seen better days — and more popular — in the kingdom of Midland, a land he once defended as captain of the Band of the Hawk. But the Hawks were betrayed and slaughtered, and now the hyolier-than-thou Holy Iron Chain Knights have captured Guts and plan to whip some repentance into him — literally. But Guts isn’t so easily held at bay, at when he manage...
Hell has broken loose in the kingdom of Midland. On the death of Midland's king comes invasion, demonic forces seem to be on the rise, underground pagan cults are running wild, and the church is busily rounding up and teaching heretics the errors of their ways. While, Guts is busy testing out his newly repaired sword on the invaders, his former captain and lover, Casca, her mind wrecked by he...
The bewildered and near-mad Casca, former captain of the Band of the Hawk — and former lover of Guts, the Black Swordsman — has been adopted by Midland’s pagan cults as a witch, due to her demonic Mark of Sacrifice. But the Holy Iron Chain Knights campaign to rid the kingdom of heretics by any means necessary puts Casca in mortal danger, and Guts is having none of it, But all parties involved may ...
The Black Swordsman Guts’ former captain and lover, Casca, has been taken by the Holy Iron Chain Knights to the "Tower of Conviction" of the fanatic torturer of the Holy See, Mozgus, who plans to treat the rumored witch to the proper agonies of the damned, but Guts is on his way to rescue Casca and dish out some chastisement of his own on any who get in his way. But forces in the demonic realms ar...
Guts, the feared Black Swordsman, is on the rampage — and it's personal. Mozgus, the malefic master Inquisitor of the Holy See, in his murderous campaign against heretics, has captured Guts' former lover Casca and has her at the ready to be burned at the stake in the Tower of Conviction, little knowing that Casca's demonic Mark of Sacrifice is drawing hideous dark powers to the Tower. It'll take e...
Warrior supreme Guts has returned, and just in time to save the weakened Band of the Hawk from certain destruction… and to form an intimate bond with the beautiful warrior Casca. But job one is to find a way to free Griffith, the Hawks' leader, from the dank dungeons and round-the-clock tortures of the Hawks' former benefactor, the King of Midland. But while the flayed and starved Griffith may be ...
What Guts the Black Swordsman and his companions had seen as an island refuge for monstrous sea creatures and the ghost ship of the demonic Bonebeard is, in fact, the very lair of the malefic sea god that controls them. With no avenue of escape, Guts must once again don the Berserker armor to give his company any chance of survival. But without the protective influence of the sorceress Schierke, G...
Guts, the Black Swordsman, and his companions have finally broken free of the monster-infested wilderness and arrived at the port city of Vritannis. But the band finds out all too quickly that humans can be just as monstrous as the nightmarish creatures and apostles they battled in the forest. As Schierke and Isidro face off against pirate slavers, Farnese's power-hungry family tries to force her ...
From his days as a young mercenary to his time as captain of the Band of the Hawks’ Raiders, Guts’s life has been defined by his ability to fight and his will to win. Now cursed with the Brand of Sacrifice — a sigil that will forever mark him as prey for the damned — and with his companions dead, his lover’s mind destroyed and his one-time commander and friend reborn as a malevolent demon lord, it...
Warrior supreme Guts has been marked for sacrifice to the armies of the damned, and now he has the blood of a village of possessed children on his hands - a horde of elf-demons straight out of a fairy-tale fever dream. But now Guts must deal with the Queen of the Elves herself, and though she may be cute as a button, she has hideous power and lethal intent, and in her wake, no one lives happily ev...
Warrior supreme Guts, the Black Swordsman, has seen better days — and more popular — in the kingdom of Midland, a land he once defended as captain of the Band of the Hawk. But the Hawks were betrayed and slaughtered, and now the hyolier-than-thou Holy Iron Chain Knights have captured Guts and plan to whip some repentance into him — literally. But Guts isn’t so easily held at bay, at when he manage...
Hell has broken loose in the kingdom of Midland. On the death of Midland's king comes invasion, demonic forces seem to be on the rise, underground pagan cults are running wild, and the church is busily rounding up and teaching heretics the errors of their ways. While, Guts is busy testing out his newly repaired sword on the invaders, his former captain and lover, Casca, her mind wrecked by he...
The bewildered and near-mad Casca, former captain of the Band of the Hawk — and former lover of Guts, the Black Swordsman — has been adopted by Midland’s pagan cults as a witch, due to her demonic Mark of Sacrifice. But the Holy Iron Chain Knights campaign to rid the kingdom of heretics by any means necessary puts Casca in mortal danger, and Guts is having none of it, But all parties involved may ...
The Black Swordsman Guts’ former captain and lover, Casca, has been taken by the Holy Iron Chain Knights to the "Tower of Conviction" of the fanatic torturer of the Holy See, Mozgus, who plans to treat the rumored witch to the proper agonies of the damned, but Guts is on his way to rescue Casca and dish out some chastisement of his own on any who get in his way. But forces in the demonic realms ar...
Guts, the feared Black Swordsman, is on the rampage — and it's personal. Mozgus, the malefic master Inquisitor of the Holy See, in his murderous campaign against heretics, has captured Guts' former lover Casca and has her at the ready to be burned at the stake in the Tower of Conviction, little knowing that Casca's demonic Mark of Sacrifice is drawing hideous dark powers to the Tower. It'll take e...
Warrior supreme Guts has returned, and just in time to save the weakened Band of the Hawk from certain destruction… and to form an intimate bond with the beautiful warrior Casca. But job one is to find a way to free Griffith, the Hawks' leader, from the dank dungeons and round-the-clock tortures of the Hawks' former benefactor, the King of Midland. But while the flayed and starved Griffith may be ...
What Guts the Black Swordsman and his companions had seen as an island refuge for monstrous sea creatures and the ghost ship of the demonic Bonebeard is, in fact, the very lair of the malefic sea god that controls them. With no avenue of escape, Guts must once again don the Berserker armor to give his company any chance of survival. But without the protective influence of the sorceress Schierke, G...
Guts, the Black Swordsman, and his companions have finally broken free of the monster-infested wilderness and arrived at the port city of Vritannis. But the band finds out all too quickly that humans can be just as monstrous as the nightmarish creatures and apostles they battled in the forest. As Schierke and Isidro face off against pirate slavers, Farnese's power-hungry family tries to force her ...
From his days as a young mercenary to his time as captain of the Band of the Hawks’ Raiders, Guts’s life has been defined by his ability to fight and his will to win. Now cursed with the Brand of Sacrifice — a sigil that will forever mark him as prey for the damned — and with his companions dead, his lover’s mind destroyed and his one-time commander and friend reborn as a malevolent demon lord, it...
Warrior supreme Guts has been marked for sacrifice to the armies of the damned, and now he has the blood of a village of possessed children on his hands - a horde of elf-demons straight out of a fairy-tale fever dream. But now Guts must deal with the Queen of the Elves herself, and though she may be cute as a button, she has hideous power and lethal intent, and in her wake, no one lives happily ev...
Warrior supreme Guts, the Black Swordsman, has seen better days — and more popular — in the kingdom of Midland, a land he once defended as captain of the Band of the Hawk. But the Hawks were betrayed and slaughtered, and now the hyolier-than-thou Holy Iron Chain Knights have captured Guts and plan to whip some repentance into him — literally. But Guts isn’t so easily held at bay, at when he manage...
Hell has broken loose in the kingdom of Midland. On the death of Midland's king comes invasion, demonic forces seem to be on the rise, underground pagan cults are running wild, and the church is busily rounding up and teaching heretics the errors of their ways. While, Guts is busy testing out his newly repaired sword on the invaders, his former captain and lover, Casca, her mind wrecked by he...
The bewildered and near-mad Casca, former captain of the Band of the Hawk — and former lover of Guts, the Black Swordsman — has been adopted by Midland’s pagan cults as a witch, due to her demonic Mark of Sacrifice. But the Holy Iron Chain Knights campaign to rid the kingdom of heretics by any means necessary puts Casca in mortal danger, and Guts is having none of it, But all parties involved may ...
The Black Swordsman Guts’ former captain and lover, Casca, has been taken by the Holy Iron Chain Knights to the "Tower of Conviction" of the fanatic torturer of the Holy See, Mozgus, who plans to treat the rumored witch to the proper agonies of the damned, but Guts is on his way to rescue Casca and dish out some chastisement of his own on any who get in his way. But forces in the demonic realms ar...
Guts, the feared Black Swordsman, is on the rampage — and it's personal. Mozgus, the malefic master Inquisitor of the Holy See, in his murderous campaign against heretics, has captured Guts' former lover Casca and has her at the ready to be burned at the stake in the Tower of Conviction, little knowing that Casca's demonic Mark of Sacrifice is drawing hideous dark powers to the Tower. It'll take e...
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