На нашем сайте представлены 87 книг автора Стив Диллон. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
A white skull on a field of black. In the Marvel Universe, no symbol inspires fear in the hearts of criminals like the stark calling card of the Punisher. His wife and children killed in a mob shootout, former serviceman Frank Castle wages a one-man war on crime, and he won't stop until he's won no matter how many bullets it takes. Originally a character who rose to popularity in the law and...
The bestselling saga that defined one of the Marvel Universe's most unique characters! Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon deliver a wild ride of innovative chaos, reinstating the Punisher as an unstoppable force dispensing his vigilante justice on the streets of New York City. But not everyone is happy to see him return: Two unlucky cops draw the unenviable task of capturing him, while the ruthless...
John Constantine heads towards a final showdown with a revenge-crazed Satan during a raging race riot, and in addition to desperately trying to save his dwindling number of living friends, Constantine also has one final reunion with his lost love Kit. This re-cut volume features Garth Ennis' and Steve Dillon's final John Constantine, Hellblazer arc, collecting issues #78-83, as well as ...
John Constatine celebrates his fortieth birthday alongside his friends and loved ones, including Swamp Thing and Zatanna, and the love of his life, Kit. However, things never burn bright too long for John Constantine, and he soons finds himself at his lowest point ever. Drunk and homeless, John must pull himself together if he is going to survive against the King of the Vampires, who comes looking...
Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon's groundbreaking Vertigo series is finally given the Absolute Edition treatment with ABSOLUTE PREACHER VOL. 1! Merging with a bizarre spiritual force called Genesis, Texan Preacher Jesse Custer becomes completely disillusioned with the beliefs that he had dedicated his entire life to. Now possessing the power of "The Word," an ability to make people do whatever...
From the moment Cable jumped into the time stream with the infant "mutant messiah," he's had only one goal: keep Hope alive until she can choose her own destiny. But now, stranded on a planet in its death throes, eating fried rat on a stick for the millionth time, Hope turns to Cable and tells him she's ready to go home. Thus begins Homecoming, the penultimate chapter in the X-Men saga ...
Ultimate Wolverine makes his explosive return! Storm travels to the Great White North to find her missing friend, but there's no time for celebration for the impetuous and troubled duo! They're about to take on an all-new threat to the Ultimate Universe... Lady Deathstrike! Plus: When a dangerous young mutant immune to psychic control takes Charles Xavier and the rest of a Manhattan bank...
In Hard Lessons, Ultimate Wolverine makes his explosive return! Storm travels to the Great White North to find her missing friend, but there's no time for celebration for the tempestuous and troubled duo! They're about to take on an all-new threat to the Ultimate Universe... Lady Deathstrike! Plus: When a dangerous young mutant immune to psychic control takes Charles Xavier and the rest of a Manha...
In the continuing saga of the bizarre adventures of faithless Texas preacher Jesse Custer, Jesse, along with his girlfriend Tulip, and their friend Cassidy, the Irish vampire, head west to a party of Babylonian proportions. Then, Jesse heads for France to rescue Cassidy from the clutches of religious fanatics. His search leads him into a no-holds-barred battle against the forces of the mysterious ...
A white skull on a field of black. In the Marvel Universe, no symbol inspires fear in the hearts of criminals like the stark calling card of the Punisher. His wife and children killed in a mob shootout, former serviceman Frank Castle wages a one-man war on crime, and he won't stop until he's won no matter how many bullets it takes. Originally a character who rose to popularity in the law and...
The bestselling saga that defined one of the Marvel Universe's most unique characters! Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon deliver a wild ride of innovative chaos, reinstating the Punisher as an unstoppable force dispensing his vigilante justice on the streets of New York City. But not everyone is happy to see him return: Two unlucky cops draw the unenviable task of capturing him, while the ruthless...
John Constantine heads towards a final showdown with a revenge-crazed Satan during a raging race riot, and in addition to desperately trying to save his dwindling number of living friends, Constantine also has one final reunion with his lost love Kit. This re-cut volume features Garth Ennis' and Steve Dillon's final John Constantine, Hellblazer arc, collecting issues #78-83, as well as ...
John Constatine celebrates his fortieth birthday alongside his friends and loved ones, including Swamp Thing and Zatanna, and the love of his life, Kit. However, things never burn bright too long for John Constantine, and he soons finds himself at his lowest point ever. Drunk and homeless, John must pull himself together if he is going to survive against the King of the Vampires, who comes looking...
Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon's groundbreaking Vertigo series is finally given the Absolute Edition treatment with ABSOLUTE PREACHER VOL. 1! Merging with a bizarre spiritual force called Genesis, Texan Preacher Jesse Custer becomes completely disillusioned with the beliefs that he had dedicated his entire life to. Now possessing the power of "The Word," an ability to make people do whatever...
From the moment Cable jumped into the time stream with the infant "mutant messiah," he's had only one goal: keep Hope alive until she can choose her own destiny. But now, stranded on a planet in its death throes, eating fried rat on a stick for the millionth time, Hope turns to Cable and tells him she's ready to go home. Thus begins Homecoming, the penultimate chapter in the X-Men saga ...
Ultimate Wolverine makes his explosive return! Storm travels to the Great White North to find her missing friend, but there's no time for celebration for the impetuous and troubled duo! They're about to take on an all-new threat to the Ultimate Universe... Lady Deathstrike! Plus: When a dangerous young mutant immune to psychic control takes Charles Xavier and the rest of a Manhattan bank...
In Hard Lessons, Ultimate Wolverine makes his explosive return! Storm travels to the Great White North to find her missing friend, but there's no time for celebration for the tempestuous and troubled duo! They're about to take on an all-new threat to the Ultimate Universe... Lady Deathstrike! Plus: When a dangerous young mutant immune to psychic control takes Charles Xavier and the rest of a Manha...
In the continuing saga of the bizarre adventures of faithless Texas preacher Jesse Custer, Jesse, along with his girlfriend Tulip, and their friend Cassidy, the Irish vampire, head west to a party of Babylonian proportions. Then, Jesse heads for France to rescue Cassidy from the clutches of religious fanatics. His search leads him into a no-holds-barred battle against the forces of the mysterious ...
A white skull on a field of black. In the Marvel Universe, no symbol inspires fear in the hearts of criminals like the stark calling card of the Punisher. His wife and children killed in a mob shootout, former serviceman Frank Castle wages a one-man war on crime, and he won't stop until he's won no matter how many bullets it takes. Originally a character who rose to popularity in the law and...
The bestselling saga that defined one of the Marvel Universe's most unique characters! Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon deliver a wild ride of innovative chaos, reinstating the Punisher as an unstoppable force dispensing his vigilante justice on the streets of New York City. But not everyone is happy to see him return: Two unlucky cops draw the unenviable task of capturing him, while the ruthless...
John Constantine heads towards a final showdown with a revenge-crazed Satan during a raging race riot, and in addition to desperately trying to save his dwindling number of living friends, Constantine also has one final reunion with his lost love Kit. This re-cut volume features Garth Ennis' and Steve Dillon's final John Constantine, Hellblazer arc, collecting issues #78-83, as well as ...
John Constatine celebrates his fortieth birthday alongside his friends and loved ones, including Swamp Thing and Zatanna, and the love of his life, Kit. However, things never burn bright too long for John Constantine, and he soons finds himself at his lowest point ever. Drunk and homeless, John must pull himself together if he is going to survive against the King of the Vampires, who comes looking...
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