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Автор - Лорен Миракл

Лорен Миракл

1969 г.
Lauren Myracle

Краткая биография автора

) is an American writer of young-adult fiction. She was born in Brevard, North Carolina and is the oldest of three sisters and has three older brothers. She grew up in Atlanta, Georgia where she attended Trinity School and The Westminster Schools. Myracle earned a BA in English and Psychology from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. After that, she worked for some time as a middle-school teacher in Gwinnett County, Georgia and participated in t...

) is an American writer of young-adult fiction. She was born in Brevard, North Carolina and is the oldest of three sisters and has three older brothers. She grew up in Atlanta, Georgia where she attended Trinity School and The Westminster Schools. Myracle earned a BA in English and Psychology from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. After that, she worked for some time as a middle-school teacher in Gwinnett County, Georgia and participated in the JET Programme in Japan.Myracle later earned an MA in English from Colorado State University, where she taught for two years and an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College.[1] She has written many novels, including the three best-selling "IM" books, ttyl, ttfn and l8r, g8r. Her book Thirteen Plus One was released May 4, 2010. Myracle's younger sister, Susan Rebecca White, writes adult fiction, including Bound South (2009), A Soft Place to Land (2010), and A Place at the Table (2013).
is an American writer of young-adult fiction. She was born in Brevard, North Carolina and is the oldest of three sisters and has three older brothers. She grew up in Atlanta, Georgia where she attended Trinity School and The Westminster Schools.[1][2] Myracle earned a BA in English and Psychology from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. After that, she worked for some time as a middle-school teacher in Gwinnett County, Georgia and participated in the JET Programme in Japan.[3] Myracle later earned an MA in English from Colorado State University, where she taught for two years and an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College.[1] She has written many novels, including the three best-selling "IM" books, ttyl, ttfn and l8r, g8r. Her book Thirteen Plus One was released May 4, 2010. Myracle's younger sister, Susan Rebecca White, writes adult fiction, including Bound South (2009), A Soft Place to Land (2010), and A Place at the Table (2013).

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Творчество Лорена Миракла

На нашем сайте представлены 14 книг автора Лорена Миракла. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Современная проза
Как быть плохой
Как быть плохой

Джесси, Вик и Мэл. У каждой из них есть особая причина, чтобы сбежать из родного городка. Потрепанный путеводитель "Удивительная Флорида", ключи от старого "Доджа", и немного денег - этого вполне достаточно, чтобы отправиться в путешествие, во время которого сердца будут разбиты, дружба пройдет суровую проверку, а встреча с загадочным незнакомцем изменит все дорожные карты.

О вампирах
О вампирах

Любовь и кровь, мистика и реальность. Голову кружит, ароматом дурманит? Всемирно известные истории: "Сумерки" и "Дневники вампира". Мистические саги, ставшие культовыми "сериалами" среди взрослых и подростков.

This boy
This boy

Lauren Myracle brings her signature frank, funny, and insightful writing to this novel of a teenage boy’s coming-of-age. Paul Walden is not an alpha lobster, the king lobster who intimidates the other male lobsters, gets all the lady lobsters, and wins at life. At least not according to anyone in his freshman seminar. But Paul has found a funny, faithful friend in Roby Smalls and, just maybe, c...

Волшебство наизнанку
Волшебство наизнанку

Быть не таким, как все, нелегко. И уж тем более, если ты учишься на волшебника. Превратиться в котёнка - что может быть проще! Как бы не так! У Нори, к примеру, получается дратёнок. Элиот, вместо того, чтобы разжечь огонь, обращает всё вокруг в лёд. Андрес стоит на потолке вверх тормашками или парит в воздухе. О том, что выделывает Бэкс, лучше вообще не вспоминать! В этой школе учатся не только са...

Современная проза
Пусть идет снег
Пусть идет снег

Лучшие и незабываемые Джон Грин, Морин Джонсон и Лорен Миракл дарят вам все волшебство новогодних праздников в веселых, очаровательных рассказах о любви, снежной метели и поцелуях, которые заставят ваше сердце биться чаще!

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