На нашем сайте представлены 12 книг автора Лорена Стефано. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Рейн Эллери всего шестнадцать лет, но она уже стала женой молодого человека по имени Линден, отпрыска богатого и влиятельного семейства. Точнее – одной из многих его жен…В мире, где люди умирают, не достигнув зрелости, девушка не может позволить себе роскошь выходить замуж по любви. Она просто обязана стать женою и матерью, чтобы вымирающий человеческий род не прекратился. Но Рейн не из тех, кто п...
В мире, где женщины доживают только до двадцати лет, а мужчины — до двадцати пяти, каждая минута на счету. И нет времени разменивать свою жизнь на нелюбимого человека. Для семнадцатилетней Рейн Эллери побег из дома ненавистного мужа стал настоящим глотком свободы. Но за все нужно платить. И долгожданная свобода вполне может обернуться кошмаром. Вместе со своим другом Габриэлем Рейн отправляется на...
Step into the Chemical Garden with an all-new eBook sampler! Discover the world author Lauren DeStefano created in Wither, a riveting dystopian thriller. In the not-so-distant future, fallout from genetic engineering causes all females to die at age twenty, and all males to die at twenty-five. Kidnapped from her home and torn from her twin brother Rowan, sixteen-year-old Rhine is forced into a ...
On Internment, the floating island in the clouds where 16-year-old Morgan Stockhour lives, getting too close to the edge can lead to madness. Even though Morgan's older brother, Lex, was a Jumper, Morgan vows never to end up like him. She tries her best not to mind that her life is orderly and boring, and if she ever wonders about the ground, and why it is forbidden, she takes solace in best ...
A banished princess. A deadly curse. A kingdom at war. Wil Heidle, the only daughter of the king of the world?s wealthiest nation, has grown up in the shadows. Kept hidden from the world in order to serve as a spy for her father?whose obsession with building his empire is causing a war?Wil wants nothing more than to explore the world beyond her kingdom, if only her father would give her the c...
Pram Bellamy is special--she can talk to ghosts. She doesn't have too many friends amongst the living, but that's all right. She has her books, she has her aunts, and she has her best friend, the ghostly Felix. Then Pram meets Clarence, a boy from school who has also lost a parent and is looking for answers. Together they arrive at the door of the mysterious Lady Savant, who promises ...
Lionel is a wild boy, who doesn’t much like to be around other people. He’d rather be a purring cat or a wolf stalking the woods. Marybeth is a nice girl. She doesn’t need to be told to comb her hair or brush her teeth, and she’s kind to everyone at the orphanage . . . Lionel most of all. Different though they are, Lionel and Marybeth are best friends in a world that has forgotten about them...
Brassmere Academy for the Extraordinary is a school for orphans with strange and wonderful gifts. Twelve-year-old Plum has lived there forever, and each night, she ventures into her dreams alongside her three best friends, Vien, Gwendle, and Artem, to fight monsters and journey on dangerous quests. But one night, Plum gets a mysterious warning that she and her friends are no longer safe. And the n...
What if a machine could bring back the ones we love? When Emmaline Beaumont's father started building the ghost machine, she didn't expect it to bring her mother back from the dead. But by locking himself in the basement to toil away at his hopes, Monsieur Beaumont has become obsessed with the contraption and neglected the living, and Emmaline is tired of feeling forgotten. Nothing good has ...
With the clock ticking until the virus takes its toll, Rhine is desperate for answers. After enduring Vaughn’s worst, Rhine finds an unlikely ally in his brother, an eccentric inventor named Reed. She takes refuge in his dilapidated house, though the people she left behind refuse to stay in the past. While Gabriel haunts Rhine’s memories, Cecily is determined to be at Rhine’s side, even if Linden’...
Рейн Эллери всего шестнадцать лет, но она уже стала женой молодого человека по имени Линден, отпрыска богатого и влиятельного семейства. Точнее – одной из многих его жен…В мире, где люди умирают, не достигнув зрелости, девушка не может позволить себе роскошь выходить замуж по любви. Она просто обязана стать женою и матерью, чтобы вымирающий человеческий род не прекратился. Но Рейн не из тех, кто п...
В мире, где женщины доживают только до двадцати лет, а мужчины — до двадцати пяти, каждая минута на счету. И нет времени разменивать свою жизнь на нелюбимого человека. Для семнадцатилетней Рейн Эллери побег из дома ненавистного мужа стал настоящим глотком свободы. Но за все нужно платить. И долгожданная свобода вполне может обернуться кошмаром. Вместе со своим другом Габриэлем Рейн отправляется на...
Step into the Chemical Garden with an all-new eBook sampler! Discover the world author Lauren DeStefano created in Wither, a riveting dystopian thriller. In the not-so-distant future, fallout from genetic engineering causes all females to die at age twenty, and all males to die at twenty-five. Kidnapped from her home and torn from her twin brother Rowan, sixteen-year-old Rhine is forced into a ...
On Internment, the floating island in the clouds where 16-year-old Morgan Stockhour lives, getting too close to the edge can lead to madness. Even though Morgan's older brother, Lex, was a Jumper, Morgan vows never to end up like him. She tries her best not to mind that her life is orderly and boring, and if she ever wonders about the ground, and why it is forbidden, she takes solace in best ...
A banished princess. A deadly curse. A kingdom at war. Wil Heidle, the only daughter of the king of the world?s wealthiest nation, has grown up in the shadows. Kept hidden from the world in order to serve as a spy for her father?whose obsession with building his empire is causing a war?Wil wants nothing more than to explore the world beyond her kingdom, if only her father would give her the c...
Pram Bellamy is special--she can talk to ghosts. She doesn't have too many friends amongst the living, but that's all right. She has her books, she has her aunts, and she has her best friend, the ghostly Felix. Then Pram meets Clarence, a boy from school who has also lost a parent and is looking for answers. Together they arrive at the door of the mysterious Lady Savant, who promises ...
Lionel is a wild boy, who doesn’t much like to be around other people. He’d rather be a purring cat or a wolf stalking the woods. Marybeth is a nice girl. She doesn’t need to be told to comb her hair or brush her teeth, and she’s kind to everyone at the orphanage . . . Lionel most of all. Different though they are, Lionel and Marybeth are best friends in a world that has forgotten about them...
Brassmere Academy for the Extraordinary is a school for orphans with strange and wonderful gifts. Twelve-year-old Plum has lived there forever, and each night, she ventures into her dreams alongside her three best friends, Vien, Gwendle, and Artem, to fight monsters and journey on dangerous quests. But one night, Plum gets a mysterious warning that she and her friends are no longer safe. And the n...
What if a machine could bring back the ones we love? When Emmaline Beaumont's father started building the ghost machine, she didn't expect it to bring her mother back from the dead. But by locking himself in the basement to toil away at his hopes, Monsieur Beaumont has become obsessed with the contraption and neglected the living, and Emmaline is tired of feeling forgotten. Nothing good has ...
With the clock ticking until the virus takes its toll, Rhine is desperate for answers. After enduring Vaughn’s worst, Rhine finds an unlikely ally in his brother, an eccentric inventor named Reed. She takes refuge in his dilapidated house, though the people she left behind refuse to stay in the past. While Gabriel haunts Rhine’s memories, Cecily is determined to be at Rhine’s side, even if Linden’...
Рейн Эллери всего шестнадцать лет, но она уже стала женой молодого человека по имени Линден, отпрыска богатого и влиятельного семейства. Точнее – одной из многих его жен…В мире, где люди умирают, не достигнув зрелости, девушка не может позволить себе роскошь выходить замуж по любви. Она просто обязана стать женою и матерью, чтобы вымирающий человеческий род не прекратился. Но Рейн не из тех, кто п...
В мире, где женщины доживают только до двадцати лет, а мужчины — до двадцати пяти, каждая минута на счету. И нет времени разменивать свою жизнь на нелюбимого человека. Для семнадцатилетней Рейн Эллери побег из дома ненавистного мужа стал настоящим глотком свободы. Но за все нужно платить. И долгожданная свобода вполне может обернуться кошмаром. Вместе со своим другом Габриэлем Рейн отправляется на...
Step into the Chemical Garden with an all-new eBook sampler! Discover the world author Lauren DeStefano created in Wither, a riveting dystopian thriller. In the not-so-distant future, fallout from genetic engineering causes all females to die at age twenty, and all males to die at twenty-five. Kidnapped from her home and torn from her twin brother Rowan, sixteen-year-old Rhine is forced into a ...
On Internment, the floating island in the clouds where 16-year-old Morgan Stockhour lives, getting too close to the edge can lead to madness. Even though Morgan's older brother, Lex, was a Jumper, Morgan vows never to end up like him. She tries her best not to mind that her life is orderly and boring, and if she ever wonders about the ground, and why it is forbidden, she takes solace in best ...
A banished princess. A deadly curse. A kingdom at war. Wil Heidle, the only daughter of the king of the world?s wealthiest nation, has grown up in the shadows. Kept hidden from the world in order to serve as a spy for her father?whose obsession with building his empire is causing a war?Wil wants nothing more than to explore the world beyond her kingdom, if only her father would give her the c...
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