Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik (born 11 December 1970) is an Indian physician turned leadership consultant, mythologist and author whose works focus largely on the areas of myth, mythology, and also management. He has written a number of books related to Hindu mythology, including 'Myth = Mithya: A Handbook of Hindu Mythology', a novel, 'The Pregnant King', and 'Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata (2010)'. Interesting facts: * He is the former chief belief officer of Future Group, one of In...
Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik (born 11 December 1970) is an Indian physician turned leadership consultant, mythologist and author whose works focus largely on the areas of myth, mythology, and also management. He has written a number of books related to Hindu mythology, including 'Myth = Mithya: A Handbook of Hindu Mythology', a novel, 'The Pregnant King', and 'Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata (2010)'.
Interesting facts:
* He is the former chief belief officer of Future Group, one of India's largest retailers.
* He worked in the pharma and healthcare industry for 14 years before starting to write books and columns about mythology and delivering lectures on the subject. He worked as a consultant at Ernst and Young and has illustrated most of his own books.
* He was a speaker at the first TED conference in India held in November 2009.
* He is also a story consultant to Indian television network Star TV
На нашем сайте представлены 8 книг автора Девдутт Паттанаик. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Автор этой книги - ведущий индийский специалист по мифологии. Рассказывая о различных ликах Богини в индийских мифах и религии, Дэвдатт Паттанаик увлекательно и авторитетно раскрывает нам, людям западной культуры, глубокие философские и психологические идеи, стоящие за легендами, ритуалами, иконографией и священными символами индуизма. Книга содержит множество информативных иллюстраций. Предна...
Это книга-сказка. Несмотря на то, что не все персонажи книги полностью выдуманы, ситуации, случаи и диалоги этого повествования являются продуктом авторского воображения, и их не следует воспринимать как реальные. Они не нацелены на то, чтобы описывать действительные события или изменять полностью вымышленный сценарий.
Hindus have one God. They also have 330 million gods: male gods, female gods, personal gods, family gods, household gods, village gods, gods of space and time, gods for specific castes and particular professions, gods who reside in trees, in animals, in minerals, in geometrical patterns and in man-made objects. Then there are a whole host of demons. But no Devil. In this groundbreaking book ...
n the forest of insecurities, is it possible to discover humanity through pleasure? Can we stop seeing each other as predator, prey, rival or mate, and rediscover ourselves as lovers? Does the divine reside in sensual delight, in emotional intimacy and in aesthetic experience? Yes, yes, yes. That is the promise of the Bhagavata. The Bhagavata is the story of Krishna, known as Shyam to those...
An exploration of 99 classic myths of India from an entirely non-Western paradigm that provides a fresh understanding of the Hindu spiritual landscape • Compares and contrasts Indian mythology with the stories of the Bible, ancient Egypt, Greece, Scandinavia, and Mesopotamia • Looks at the evolution of Indian narratives and their interpretations over the millennia • Demonstrates how the m...
Дэвдатт Паттанаик - один из ведущих современных специалистов по мифологии. Его книги увлекательны и читаются на одном дыхании. Они обильно и необычно иллюстрированы. Они очень информативны, оригинальны по содержанию и заставляют читателя размышлять об очень важных вопросах жизни. Рассказывая о различных ипостасях Бога Вишну в индийских священных писаниях, Паттанаик мастерски раскрывает глубокие фи...
Smeared with ash, draped in animal hide, he sits atop the snow-capped mountain, skull in hand, withdrawn, with dogs for company, destroying the world with his indifference. He is God who the Goddess shall awaken. His name is Shiva. Locked in his stories, symbols and rituals are the secrets of our ancestors. This book attempts to unlock seven.
In this landmark book, best-selling author, leadership coach and mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik shows how, despite its veneer of objectivity, modern management is rooted in Western beliefs and obsessed with accomplishing rigid objectives and increasing shareholder value. By contrast, the Indian way of doing business-as apparent in Indian mythology, but no longer seen in practice-accommodates subjec...
Автор этой книги - ведущий индийский специалист по мифологии. Рассказывая о различных ликах Богини в индийских мифах и религии, Дэвдатт Паттанаик увлекательно и авторитетно раскрывает нам, людям западной культуры, глубокие философские и психологические идеи, стоящие за легендами, ритуалами, иконографией и священными символами индуизма. Книга содержит множество информативных иллюстраций. Предна...
Это книга-сказка. Несмотря на то, что не все персонажи книги полностью выдуманы, ситуации, случаи и диалоги этого повествования являются продуктом авторского воображения, и их не следует воспринимать как реальные. Они не нацелены на то, чтобы описывать действительные события или изменять полностью вымышленный сценарий.
Hindus have one God. They also have 330 million gods: male gods, female gods, personal gods, family gods, household gods, village gods, gods of space and time, gods for specific castes and particular professions, gods who reside in trees, in animals, in minerals, in geometrical patterns and in man-made objects. Then there are a whole host of demons. But no Devil. In this groundbreaking book ...
n the forest of insecurities, is it possible to discover humanity through pleasure? Can we stop seeing each other as predator, prey, rival or mate, and rediscover ourselves as lovers? Does the divine reside in sensual delight, in emotional intimacy and in aesthetic experience? Yes, yes, yes. That is the promise of the Bhagavata. The Bhagavata is the story of Krishna, known as Shyam to those...
An exploration of 99 classic myths of India from an entirely non-Western paradigm that provides a fresh understanding of the Hindu spiritual landscape • Compares and contrasts Indian mythology with the stories of the Bible, ancient Egypt, Greece, Scandinavia, and Mesopotamia • Looks at the evolution of Indian narratives and their interpretations over the millennia • Demonstrates how the m...
Дэвдатт Паттанаик - один из ведущих современных специалистов по мифологии. Его книги увлекательны и читаются на одном дыхании. Они обильно и необычно иллюстрированы. Они очень информативны, оригинальны по содержанию и заставляют читателя размышлять об очень важных вопросах жизни. Рассказывая о различных ипостасях Бога Вишну в индийских священных писаниях, Паттанаик мастерски раскрывает глубокие фи...
Smeared with ash, draped in animal hide, he sits atop the snow-capped mountain, skull in hand, withdrawn, with dogs for company, destroying the world with his indifference. He is God who the Goddess shall awaken. His name is Shiva. Locked in his stories, symbols and rituals are the secrets of our ancestors. This book attempts to unlock seven.
In this landmark book, best-selling author, leadership coach and mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik shows how, despite its veneer of objectivity, modern management is rooted in Western beliefs and obsessed with accomplishing rigid objectives and increasing shareholder value. By contrast, the Indian way of doing business-as apparent in Indian mythology, but no longer seen in practice-accommodates subjec...
Автор этой книги - ведущий индийский специалист по мифологии. Рассказывая о различных ликах Богини в индийских мифах и религии, Дэвдатт Паттанаик увлекательно и авторитетно раскрывает нам, людям западной культуры, глубокие философские и психологические идеи, стоящие за легендами, ритуалами, иконографией и священными символами индуизма. Книга содержит множество информативных иллюстраций. Предна...
Это книга-сказка. Несмотря на то, что не все персонажи книги полностью выдуманы, ситуации, случаи и диалоги этого повествования являются продуктом авторского воображения, и их не следует воспринимать как реальные. Они не нацелены на то, чтобы описывать действительные события или изменять полностью вымышленный сценарий.
Hindus have one God. They also have 330 million gods: male gods, female gods, personal gods, family gods, household gods, village gods, gods of space and time, gods for specific castes and particular professions, gods who reside in trees, in animals, in minerals, in geometrical patterns and in man-made objects. Then there are a whole host of demons. But no Devil. In this groundbreaking book ...
n the forest of insecurities, is it possible to discover humanity through pleasure? Can we stop seeing each other as predator, prey, rival or mate, and rediscover ourselves as lovers? Does the divine reside in sensual delight, in emotional intimacy and in aesthetic experience? Yes, yes, yes. That is the promise of the Bhagavata. The Bhagavata is the story of Krishna, known as Shyam to those...
An exploration of 99 classic myths of India from an entirely non-Western paradigm that provides a fresh understanding of the Hindu spiritual landscape • Compares and contrasts Indian mythology with the stories of the Bible, ancient Egypt, Greece, Scandinavia, and Mesopotamia • Looks at the evolution of Indian narratives and their interpretations over the millennia • Demonstrates how the m...
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