Джон Бёрджер — художник, критик, писатель, поэт. Автор множества художественных и документальных текстов. Родился в Хэкни, Лондоне. Получил образование в оксфордской Школе Святого Эдуарда. Его отец, доктор юридических наук, кавалер Ордена Британской империи, был офицером пехоты на западном фронте во время Первой мировой войны. Берджер служил в британской армии с 1944 по 1946, затем он поступил в школу искусств Челси (Chelsea College of Art and Design) и Центральный Колледж искусства и дизайна им...
Джон Бёрджер — художник, критик, писатель, поэт. Автор множества художественных и документальных текстов. Родился в Хэкни, Лондоне. Получил образование в оксфордской Школе Святого Эдуарда. Его отец, доктор юридических наук, кавалер Ордена Британской империи, был офицером пехоты на западном фронте во время Первой мировой войны. Берджер служил в британской армии с 1944 по 1946, затем он поступил в школу искусств Челси (Chelsea College of Art and Design) и Центральный Колледж искусства и дизайна имени Святого Мартина в Лондоне .Карьера Берджера-художника началась в 1940 году. С 1948 по 1955 он преподавал рисование. позднее стал искусствоведом, но продолжал рисовать на протяжении всей жизни. Первый роман Берджера был опубликован в 1958-м. За роман «G» получил в 1972 году Букеровскую премию. Стал известен широкой публике в том же году после выхода четырёхсерийного фильма BBC «Искусство видеть» (Ways of Seeing). Фильм и одноименная книга, выпущенная по его мотивам, подвергали жесткой и оригинальной критике сложившийся взгляд на классическое искусство, демонстрируя его исконную предвзятость и ангажированность в пользу доминирующего социального класса, а также — доминирующего пола. В своем труде Берджер прослеживает развитие традиции визуальных медиа вплоть до наших дней, во многом продолжая мысли Вальтера Беньямина.После бездетного первого брака, Берджер имеет троих детей: Иаков, режиссер, Катя, писатель и кинокритик, и Ив, художник.В настоящее время живет с семьей во Франции. Продолжает писать.
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На нашем сайте представлены 32 книги автора Джона Бёрджера. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
In this quietly revolutionary work of social observation and medical philosophy, Booker Prize-winning writer John Berger and the photographer Jean Mohr train their gaze on an English country doctor and find a universal man--one who has taken it upon himself to recognize his patient's humanity when illness and the fear of death have made them unrecognizable to themselves. In the impoverished r...
In the dusty, ramshackle town of Suse lives A’ida. Her insurgent lover Xavier has been imprisoned. Resolute, sensuous and tender, A’ida’sletters to the man she loves tell of daily events in the town, and ofits motley collection of inhabitants whose lives flow through hers. Butthe area is under threat, and as a faceless power inexorably encroachesfrom outside, so the smallest details and acts of hu...
It's an improbable city, Bologna - like one you might walk through after you have died.' A dreamlike meditation on memory, food, paintings, a fond uncle and the improbable beauty of Bologna, from the visionary thinker and art critic.
Book DescriptionOne of the most widely admired writers of our time returns us to the captivating play and narrative allure of his previous novels?G. and To the Wedding among them?with a shimmering fiction drawn from chapters of his own
An NYRB Classics Original Winner of the Scott Moncrieff Prize for Translation 1915: Jean Dartemont heads off to the Great War, an eager conscript. The only thing he fears is missing the action. Soon, however, the vaunted ?war to end all wars? seems like a war that will never end: whether mired in the trenches or going over the top, Jean finds himself caught in the midst of an uni...
In this quietly revolutionary work of social observation and medical philosophy, Booker Prize-winning writer John Berger and the photographer Jean Mohr train their gaze on an English country doctor and find a universal man--one who has taken it upon himself to recognize his patient's humanity when illness and the fear of death have made them unrecognizable to themselves. In the impoverished r...
In the dusty, ramshackle town of Suse lives A’ida. Her insurgent lover Xavier has been imprisoned. Resolute, sensuous and tender, A’ida’sletters to the man she loves tell of daily events in the town, and ofits motley collection of inhabitants whose lives flow through hers. Butthe area is under threat, and as a faceless power inexorably encroachesfrom outside, so the smallest details and acts of hu...
It's an improbable city, Bologna - like one you might walk through after you have died.' A dreamlike meditation on memory, food, paintings, a fond uncle and the improbable beauty of Bologna, from the visionary thinker and art critic.
Book DescriptionOne of the most widely admired writers of our time returns us to the captivating play and narrative allure of his previous novels?G. and To the Wedding among them?with a shimmering fiction drawn from chapters of his own
An NYRB Classics Original Winner of the Scott Moncrieff Prize for Translation 1915: Jean Dartemont heads off to the Great War, an eager conscript. The only thing he fears is missing the action. Soon, however, the vaunted ?war to end all wars? seems like a war that will never end: whether mired in the trenches or going over the top, Jean finds himself caught in the midst of an uni...
In this quietly revolutionary work of social observation and medical philosophy, Booker Prize-winning writer John Berger and the photographer Jean Mohr train their gaze on an English country doctor and find a universal man--one who has taken it upon himself to recognize his patient's humanity when illness and the fear of death have made them unrecognizable to themselves. In the impoverished r...
In the dusty, ramshackle town of Suse lives A’ida. Her insurgent lover Xavier has been imprisoned. Resolute, sensuous and tender, A’ida’sletters to the man she loves tell of daily events in the town, and ofits motley collection of inhabitants whose lives flow through hers. Butthe area is under threat, and as a faceless power inexorably encroachesfrom outside, so the smallest details and acts of hu...
It's an improbable city, Bologna - like one you might walk through after you have died.' A dreamlike meditation on memory, food, paintings, a fond uncle and the improbable beauty of Bologna, from the visionary thinker and art critic.
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