На нашем сайте представлены 7 книг автора Джима Вудринга. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
The first graphic novel from a master of the form, co-starring his beloved “Frank” character. For over 20 years now, Jim Woodring has delighted, touched, and puzzled readers around the world with his lush, wordless tales of “Frank.” Weathercraft is Woodring’s first full-length graphic novel set in this world―indeed, Woodring’s first graphic novel, period!―and it features the same hypnotically g...
The old saying "You can't unbreak an egg" holds true, especially when that egg unleashes an interstellar scourge, the dreaded Alien. But as dangerous and lethal as this species has proven itself time and time again, some men cannot resist the awful gravity of the creatures' potential when merged with human science . . . and arrogance . . . and lust for power. But the cold contracts of th...
Frank is a unique, visionary comic, exquisitely drawn and so fully realized that adults and children alike find themselves drawn deeply into Woodring’s hallucinatory mindscape. The stories, almost entirely wordless, unravel like a good puzzle, rewarding re-reading, providing an experience as immersive as that first love affair, that first samadhi, or that first breath. Simply put, the world of Fra...
На самом краю вселенной находится планета Селеста - искусственный рай, место воплощения запретных фантазий и сомнительных желаний сильных мира сего. А для трех наивных контрабандистов это всего лишь идеальный рынок сбыта особого товара, дорогого и смертельно опасного: это яйцо Чужих! Но именно в его кожистом интерьере затаилось нечто более ужасное, чем те монстры, которые обычно откладывают такие ...
Woodring, a modern master of hallucinatory cartoon fables, specializes in comics that look normal but aren't. Woodring's hallmarks are inventive, often bizarre creatures who inhabit otherworldly landscapes and dreamlike narratives. This book's hero, Frank, is a catlike anthropomorph who lives in a surreal, exotic world. Woodring uses cartoon grammar brilliantly: within a single pane...
Deep in outer space, Colonel Doctor Paul Church is conducting experiments on Aliens within a warren of tunnels in an immense space station, the "Innominata." When a man dies under mysterious circumstances aboard the "Innominata, " the Company sends Colonel Doctor Anthony Crespi to investigate. Inside the labyrinth, Crespi is about to find the true meaning of Church's experiments. With a chamb...
Фрэнк родился 17 июля 1997 года в облаке паров пропонала, бутанола и алкоголя Его первыми пеленками стало долговое извещение. В те далекие времена он выглядел точь-в-точь, как сейчас, разве что хвост у него был подлиннее, голова - побольше, а ноги - поменьше. После поистине устрашающего появления на обложке 4-го номера "Джима" он отправился бродить по холмам и долам Унифактора и, наверное, занимал...
The first graphic novel from a master of the form, co-starring his beloved “Frank” character. For over 20 years now, Jim Woodring has delighted, touched, and puzzled readers around the world with his lush, wordless tales of “Frank.” Weathercraft is Woodring’s first full-length graphic novel set in this world―indeed, Woodring’s first graphic novel, period!―and it features the same hypnotically g...
The old saying "You can't unbreak an egg" holds true, especially when that egg unleashes an interstellar scourge, the dreaded Alien. But as dangerous and lethal as this species has proven itself time and time again, some men cannot resist the awful gravity of the creatures' potential when merged with human science . . . and arrogance . . . and lust for power. But the cold contracts of th...
Frank is a unique, visionary comic, exquisitely drawn and so fully realized that adults and children alike find themselves drawn deeply into Woodring’s hallucinatory mindscape. The stories, almost entirely wordless, unravel like a good puzzle, rewarding re-reading, providing an experience as immersive as that first love affair, that first samadhi, or that first breath. Simply put, the world of Fra...
На самом краю вселенной находится планета Селеста - искусственный рай, место воплощения запретных фантазий и сомнительных желаний сильных мира сего. А для трех наивных контрабандистов это всего лишь идеальный рынок сбыта особого товара, дорогого и смертельно опасного: это яйцо Чужих! Но именно в его кожистом интерьере затаилось нечто более ужасное, чем те монстры, которые обычно откладывают такие ...
Woodring, a modern master of hallucinatory cartoon fables, specializes in comics that look normal but aren't. Woodring's hallmarks are inventive, often bizarre creatures who inhabit otherworldly landscapes and dreamlike narratives. This book's hero, Frank, is a catlike anthropomorph who lives in a surreal, exotic world. Woodring uses cartoon grammar brilliantly: within a single pane...
Deep in outer space, Colonel Doctor Paul Church is conducting experiments on Aliens within a warren of tunnels in an immense space station, the "Innominata." When a man dies under mysterious circumstances aboard the "Innominata, " the Company sends Colonel Doctor Anthony Crespi to investigate. Inside the labyrinth, Crespi is about to find the true meaning of Church's experiments. With a chamb...
Фрэнк родился 17 июля 1997 года в облаке паров пропонала, бутанола и алкоголя Его первыми пеленками стало долговое извещение. В те далекие времена он выглядел точь-в-точь, как сейчас, разве что хвост у него был подлиннее, голова - побольше, а ноги - поменьше. После поистине устрашающего появления на обложке 4-го номера "Джима" он отправился бродить по холмам и долам Унифактора и, наверное, занимал...
The first graphic novel from a master of the form, co-starring his beloved “Frank” character. For over 20 years now, Jim Woodring has delighted, touched, and puzzled readers around the world with his lush, wordless tales of “Frank.” Weathercraft is Woodring’s first full-length graphic novel set in this world―indeed, Woodring’s first graphic novel, period!―and it features the same hypnotically g...
The old saying "You can't unbreak an egg" holds true, especially when that egg unleashes an interstellar scourge, the dreaded Alien. But as dangerous and lethal as this species has proven itself time and time again, some men cannot resist the awful gravity of the creatures' potential when merged with human science . . . and arrogance . . . and lust for power. But the cold contracts of th...
Frank is a unique, visionary comic, exquisitely drawn and so fully realized that adults and children alike find themselves drawn deeply into Woodring’s hallucinatory mindscape. The stories, almost entirely wordless, unravel like a good puzzle, rewarding re-reading, providing an experience as immersive as that first love affair, that first samadhi, or that first breath. Simply put, the world of Fra...
На самом краю вселенной находится планета Селеста - искусственный рай, место воплощения запретных фантазий и сомнительных желаний сильных мира сего. А для трех наивных контрабандистов это всего лишь идеальный рынок сбыта особого товара, дорогого и смертельно опасного: это яйцо Чужих! Но именно в его кожистом интерьере затаилось нечто более ужасное, чем те монстры, которые обычно откладывают такие ...
Woodring, a modern master of hallucinatory cartoon fables, specializes in comics that look normal but aren't. Woodring's hallmarks are inventive, often bizarre creatures who inhabit otherworldly landscapes and dreamlike narratives. This book's hero, Frank, is a catlike anthropomorph who lives in a surreal, exotic world. Woodring uses cartoon grammar brilliantly: within a single pane...
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