Страна: США Марк дель Франко — американский писатель.Несколько лет проработал в издательствах на разных редакторских и административных должностях, а также занимался написанием заявок для финансового отдела. В настоящее время он занимается примерно тем же, но уже на внештатной основе, в качестве “фрилансера”. Марк вместе со своим другом Джеком Касти живет в Бостоне, «где орхидеи трепещут от страха с тех пор, как он убил высаженные Джеком пальмы».«Лишенное формы» — дебютный роман автора, первая...
Страна: США Марк дель Франко — американский писатель.Несколько лет проработал в издательствах на разных редакторских и административных должностях, а также занимался написанием заявок для финансового отдела. В настоящее время он занимается примерно тем же, но уже на внештатной основе, в качестве “фрилансера”. Марк вместе со своим другом Джеком Касти живет в Бостоне, «где орхидеи трепещут от страха с тех пор, как он убил высаженные Джеком пальмы».«Лишенное формы» — дебютный роман автора, первая часть цикла «Коннор Грей», рассказывающего про детектива-друида Коннора Грея. В феврале 2008 года вышел второй роман из этого цикла — «Unquiet Dreams». Издательство «Ace» сочло эти книги достаточно удачными, так что подписало с дель Франко контракт еще на два романа цикла. В январе 2009 года вышла третья часть — «Unfallen Dead». Кроме того, в 2009 году был опубликован роман «Skin Deep», который открыл новый цикл «Laura Blackstone».
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На нашем сайте представлены 8 книг автора Марка Франко. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
After a night of riots and fires, the Boston neighborhood known as the Weird is in ruins. And when a body is found drained of its essence, ex-Guild investigator Connor Grey is drawn into the case against his will. And he has reason to be wary. Because the case will lead to an explosive secret that threatens to tear apart the city-and the world.
Connor Grey, a druid consultant for the Boston P.D., usually helps the cops solve their “strange” cases, but now he’s the suspect in the midst of one. Wrongly accused of a terrorist act that rocked the city to its core, Connor evades arrest by going underground, where rumors of war are roiling. A final confrontation between the Celtic and Teutonic fey looks inevitable—with Boston as the battlefiel...
For a century since the Convergence of Faerie and modern reality, the Ways between this world and the next have been closed. But now signs point to the chance that the veil may lift again. Connor Grey has enough problems with a vengeful Queen of Faerie and the return of his old Guild partner. Add an occult string of murders, and it?s another case that just may kill him.
In the Boston neighborhood known as the Weird, a decapitated body floats out of the sewer, and former Guild investigator Connor Grey uncovers a conspiracy that may bring down the city's most powerful elite. As the violence escalates, Connor is determined to stop it-with help from one of the most dangerous beings of Faerie. Even if it means unleashing the darkness that burns within him.
Fueled by a mysterious new drug, Celtic fairies and Teutonic elves battle for turf and power-with humans caught in the middle. As the body count rises, Connor Grey uncovers a vast conspiracy that threatens to destroy not only the city, but the world.
Laura Black is a druid who can change her appearance. She is both the Fey Guild's public relations director and a secret agent for the International Security Agency. And now she'll have to choose where her loyalties lie when a political war breaks out between the fey and human populations...
A THRILLING NEW URBAN FANTASY SERIES FROM THE AUTHOR OF UNFALLEN DEAD AND UNQUIET DREAMS. She'll need to keep up appearances—if she wants to stay alive... Being an undercover agent has its occupational hazards, but Laura Blackstone makes it look easy. As a spy for a fey intelligence agency, she uses her magical abilities to create disguises that are skin deep glamours that must never be comp...
Однажды врата между мирами распахнулись — и с тех пор вот уже почти сто лет бок о бок с людьми обитают странные, таинственные существа — дананны, их собратья и вечные соперники фейри и эльфы, суровые гномы и обладающие великим даром полукровки — друиды, у которых давно стали проходить обучение колдуны человеческой крови. Один из таких «смертных» магов — Коннор Грей, исключенный из клана друидо...
After a night of riots and fires, the Boston neighborhood known as the Weird is in ruins. And when a body is found drained of its essence, ex-Guild investigator Connor Grey is drawn into the case against his will. And he has reason to be wary. Because the case will lead to an explosive secret that threatens to tear apart the city-and the world.
Connor Grey, a druid consultant for the Boston P.D., usually helps the cops solve their “strange” cases, but now he’s the suspect in the midst of one. Wrongly accused of a terrorist act that rocked the city to its core, Connor evades arrest by going underground, where rumors of war are roiling. A final confrontation between the Celtic and Teutonic fey looks inevitable—with Boston as the battlefiel...
For a century since the Convergence of Faerie and modern reality, the Ways between this world and the next have been closed. But now signs point to the chance that the veil may lift again. Connor Grey has enough problems with a vengeful Queen of Faerie and the return of his old Guild partner. Add an occult string of murders, and it?s another case that just may kill him.
In the Boston neighborhood known as the Weird, a decapitated body floats out of the sewer, and former Guild investigator Connor Grey uncovers a conspiracy that may bring down the city's most powerful elite. As the violence escalates, Connor is determined to stop it-with help from one of the most dangerous beings of Faerie. Even if it means unleashing the darkness that burns within him.
Fueled by a mysterious new drug, Celtic fairies and Teutonic elves battle for turf and power-with humans caught in the middle. As the body count rises, Connor Grey uncovers a vast conspiracy that threatens to destroy not only the city, but the world.
Laura Black is a druid who can change her appearance. She is both the Fey Guild's public relations director and a secret agent for the International Security Agency. And now she'll have to choose where her loyalties lie when a political war breaks out between the fey and human populations...
A THRILLING NEW URBAN FANTASY SERIES FROM THE AUTHOR OF UNFALLEN DEAD AND UNQUIET DREAMS. She'll need to keep up appearances—if she wants to stay alive... Being an undercover agent has its occupational hazards, but Laura Blackstone makes it look easy. As a spy for a fey intelligence agency, she uses her magical abilities to create disguises that are skin deep glamours that must never be comp...
Однажды врата между мирами распахнулись — и с тех пор вот уже почти сто лет бок о бок с людьми обитают странные, таинственные существа — дананны, их собратья и вечные соперники фейри и эльфы, суровые гномы и обладающие великим даром полукровки — друиды, у которых давно стали проходить обучение колдуны человеческой крови. Один из таких «смертных» магов — Коннор Грей, исключенный из клана друидо...
After a night of riots and fires, the Boston neighborhood known as the Weird is in ruins. And when a body is found drained of its essence, ex-Guild investigator Connor Grey is drawn into the case against his will. And he has reason to be wary. Because the case will lead to an explosive secret that threatens to tear apart the city-and the world.
Connor Grey, a druid consultant for the Boston P.D., usually helps the cops solve their “strange” cases, but now he’s the suspect in the midst of one. Wrongly accused of a terrorist act that rocked the city to its core, Connor evades arrest by going underground, where rumors of war are roiling. A final confrontation between the Celtic and Teutonic fey looks inevitable—with Boston as the battlefiel...
For a century since the Convergence of Faerie and modern reality, the Ways between this world and the next have been closed. But now signs point to the chance that the veil may lift again. Connor Grey has enough problems with a vengeful Queen of Faerie and the return of his old Guild partner. Add an occult string of murders, and it?s another case that just may kill him.
In the Boston neighborhood known as the Weird, a decapitated body floats out of the sewer, and former Guild investigator Connor Grey uncovers a conspiracy that may bring down the city's most powerful elite. As the violence escalates, Connor is determined to stop it-with help from one of the most dangerous beings of Faerie. Even if it means unleashing the darkness that burns within him.
Fueled by a mysterious new drug, Celtic fairies and Teutonic elves battle for turf and power-with humans caught in the middle. As the body count rises, Connor Grey uncovers a vast conspiracy that threatens to destroy not only the city, but the world.
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