На нашем сайте представлена 41 книга автора Саманты Янг. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
LIVE YOUNG. LIVE HARD. LOVE DEEP. Charley and Jake’s story concludes in Out of the Shallows… Somehow, after everything they’ve been through, Jake Caplin and Charley Redford made their way back to one another. But finding each other and staying together are two completely different things. When Charley’s world is flipped upside down, she begins to question the choices and decisions she’s mad...
Czy mozna przyjaznic sie z kims, kto byl miloscia twojego zycia? Ona byla najfajniejsza dziewczyna w miescie, on wlasnie sie sprowadzil z rodzicami i szybko zdazyl zlamac niejedno serce. Charley i Jake. Zakochali sie w sobie niemal od pierwszego wejrzenia. Byli dla siebie stworzeni, snuli wielkie plany. Az do tamtego feralnego dnia... Na urodzinowym przyjeciu bylego chlopaka Charley docho...
Перевод: : Группа Сильвия Дэй|Саманта Янг На улице нашей любви # 1.2 Веселая история о праздновании Хэллоуина парочки Брэден-Джосс.
Joss & Braden. Ellie & Adam. Jo & Cam. Olivia & Nate. Hannah & Marco. Shanon & Cole. And one Valentine’s Day they’ll never forget. It’s Valentine’s Day! How do Joss & Braden, Ellie & Adam, Jo & Cam, Olivia & Nate, Hannah & Marco and Shannon & Cole keep the fire burning in their relationships while trying to juggle busy careers and the joyful chaos of parenthood? Find out in VALENTINE, six sexy a...
В планы Хейзел Бенни не входило четыре раза за последние десять лет провести день Святого Валентина в одиночестве. Поэтому когда парень, с которым она встречалась три месяца, бросил ее за неделю до праздника, она решила сделать перерыв и отправиться в горы на трейлере брата, чтобы избежать унижения, встречая пятый день Святого Валентина подряд, брошенной мужчиной. Жизнь налаживалась: свежий воздух...
Небольшой рассказ о первом Рождестве, проведенном Джоселин и Брэденом вместе.Не читайте рассказ, если не прочитали книгу "На улице нашей любви", так как в нем содержатся кое-какие спойлеры!
Ari Johnson wishes adjusting to living with her boyfriend was her only source of excitement and anxiety. She wishes a lot of things. But then wishing was what got her here in the first place. Ari chose to be a Guild Hunter. She wanted to hunt dangerous Jinn and destroy them before they could harm innocent people. But now that Ari is a member of The Guild, she finds herself in the impossible p...
Logan spent two years paying for the mistakes he made. Now, he’s ready to start over. He has a great apartment, a good job, and plenty of women to distract him from his past. And one woman who is driving him to distraction… Grace escaped her manipulative family by moving to a new city. Her new life, made to suit her own needs, is almost perfect. All she needs to do is find her Mr. Right — or at...
Live young. Live hard. Love deep. Charley Redford was just an ordinary girl until Jake Caplin moved to her small town in Indiana and convinced her she was extraordinary. Almost from day one Jake pulled Charley into the deep and promised he was right there with her. But when a tragic incident darkened Jake’s life he waded out into the shallows and left Charley behind. Almost four years later Ch...
LIVE YOUNG. LIVE HARD. LOVE DEEP. Charley and Jake’s story concludes in Out of the Shallows… Somehow, after everything they’ve been through, Jake Caplin and Charley Redford made their way back to one another. But finding each other and staying together are two completely different things. When Charley’s world is flipped upside down, she begins to question the choices and decisions she’s mad...
Czy mozna przyjaznic sie z kims, kto byl miloscia twojego zycia? Ona byla najfajniejsza dziewczyna w miescie, on wlasnie sie sprowadzil z rodzicami i szybko zdazyl zlamac niejedno serce. Charley i Jake. Zakochali sie w sobie niemal od pierwszego wejrzenia. Byli dla siebie stworzeni, snuli wielkie plany. Az do tamtego feralnego dnia... Na urodzinowym przyjeciu bylego chlopaka Charley docho...
Перевод: : Группа Сильвия Дэй|Саманта Янг На улице нашей любви # 1.2 Веселая история о праздновании Хэллоуина парочки Брэден-Джосс.
Joss & Braden. Ellie & Adam. Jo & Cam. Olivia & Nate. Hannah & Marco. Shanon & Cole. And one Valentine’s Day they’ll never forget. It’s Valentine’s Day! How do Joss & Braden, Ellie & Adam, Jo & Cam, Olivia & Nate, Hannah & Marco and Shannon & Cole keep the fire burning in their relationships while trying to juggle busy careers and the joyful chaos of parenthood? Find out in VALENTINE, six sexy a...
В планы Хейзел Бенни не входило четыре раза за последние десять лет провести день Святого Валентина в одиночестве. Поэтому когда парень, с которым она встречалась три месяца, бросил ее за неделю до праздника, она решила сделать перерыв и отправиться в горы на трейлере брата, чтобы избежать унижения, встречая пятый день Святого Валентина подряд, брошенной мужчиной. Жизнь налаживалась: свежий воздух...
Небольшой рассказ о первом Рождестве, проведенном Джоселин и Брэденом вместе.Не читайте рассказ, если не прочитали книгу "На улице нашей любви", так как в нем содержатся кое-какие спойлеры!
Ari Johnson wishes adjusting to living with her boyfriend was her only source of excitement and anxiety. She wishes a lot of things. But then wishing was what got her here in the first place. Ari chose to be a Guild Hunter. She wanted to hunt dangerous Jinn and destroy them before they could harm innocent people. But now that Ari is a member of The Guild, she finds herself in the impossible p...
Logan spent two years paying for the mistakes he made. Now, he’s ready to start over. He has a great apartment, a good job, and plenty of women to distract him from his past. And one woman who is driving him to distraction… Grace escaped her manipulative family by moving to a new city. Her new life, made to suit her own needs, is almost perfect. All she needs to do is find her Mr. Right — or at...
Live young. Live hard. Love deep. Charley Redford was just an ordinary girl until Jake Caplin moved to her small town in Indiana and convinced her she was extraordinary. Almost from day one Jake pulled Charley into the deep and promised he was right there with her. But when a tragic incident darkened Jake’s life he waded out into the shallows and left Charley behind. Almost four years later Ch...
LIVE YOUNG. LIVE HARD. LOVE DEEP. Charley and Jake’s story concludes in Out of the Shallows… Somehow, after everything they’ve been through, Jake Caplin and Charley Redford made their way back to one another. But finding each other and staying together are two completely different things. When Charley’s world is flipped upside down, she begins to question the choices and decisions she’s mad...
Czy mozna przyjaznic sie z kims, kto byl miloscia twojego zycia? Ona byla najfajniejsza dziewczyna w miescie, on wlasnie sie sprowadzil z rodzicami i szybko zdazyl zlamac niejedno serce. Charley i Jake. Zakochali sie w sobie niemal od pierwszego wejrzenia. Byli dla siebie stworzeni, snuli wielkie plany. Az do tamtego feralnego dnia... Na urodzinowym przyjeciu bylego chlopaka Charley docho...
Перевод: : Группа Сильвия Дэй|Саманта Янг На улице нашей любви # 1.2 Веселая история о праздновании Хэллоуина парочки Брэден-Джосс.
Joss & Braden. Ellie & Adam. Jo & Cam. Olivia & Nate. Hannah & Marco. Shanon & Cole. And one Valentine’s Day they’ll never forget. It’s Valentine’s Day! How do Joss & Braden, Ellie & Adam, Jo & Cam, Olivia & Nate, Hannah & Marco and Shannon & Cole keep the fire burning in their relationships while trying to juggle busy careers and the joyful chaos of parenthood? Find out in VALENTINE, six sexy a...
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