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Автор - Galina Krasskova
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Творчество Galina Krasskova

На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Galina Krasskova. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Сказания мифы легенды
Exploring The Northern Tradition: A Guide To The Gods, Lore, Rites And Celebrations From The Norse, German And Anglo-saxon Traditions
Exploring The Northern Tradition: A Guide To The Gods, Lore, Rites And Celebrations From The Norse, German And Anglo-saxon Traditions

Exploring the Northern Tradition is an overview of the modern reconstruction of the ancient religion of the Germanic and Scandinavian peoples. This religion, called Heathenry, is one of the fastest growing polytheistic religious movements in the United States today with over forty thousand adherents. This book provides a thorough guide to the cosmology, values, ethics, and rituals practiced by mod...

Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner
Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner

Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner is not denomination-specific: rather, it seeks to provide an entry into interior practice for anyone involved in a branch of this broad family of traditions of the ancient Norse, Germanic, and Saxon peoples, using material suitable for the solitary, independent practitioner. Those outside of the Northern Tradition who wish to deepen their own devoti...

Essays in Modern Heathenry
Essays in Modern Heathenry

At a time when contemporary Heathenry is in the midst of a dramatic internal schism, when fundamentalism, hostility, and religious xenophobia are being put forward within the American Heathen community as the dominant interactive paradigm, "Essays in Modern Heathenry" offers a critique of these current religious and social trends and seeks to provide historical context, through the lens of Religio...

Neolithic Shamanism: Spirit Work in the Norse Tradition
Neolithic Shamanism: Spirit Work in the Norse Tradition

A step-by-step guide to working with the spirits of ancient northern Europe • Explains how to build relationships with Earth, Sun, Moon, Plants, Animals, Water, Fire, Craft, Air, and the Ancestors through 83 practical exercises • Explores the role of altered states in spirit work • Outlines the ancient cultural rules and taboos to avoid spiritual debt or offense We are all surround...

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