На нашем сайте представлены 13 книг автора Робби Родригес. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Will Thanksgiving be a happy one for Spider-Gwen and friends? That very much depends on what crime lord Matt Murdock and his ninjas bring to dinner! It's time for Gwen Stacy to stop running from Earth-65's Kingpin of Crime - but Matt may have a thing or two to teach the budding Spider-Woman!
THAT'S JUST ONE OF THE THINGS that makes this a very modern Marvel team-up, as the two most sensational web-spinners of the 21st century cross paths - and lock lips! Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy are two young heroes from different Earths, but what threat could unite the Spider-Man and Spider-Woman of the new generation? The answer will rock both their worlds! Not for the first time, Miles wil...
Принесёт ли День благодарения счастье Гвен-Паук и её друзьям? В основном это зависит от того, что преступный босс Мэтт Мёрдок и его ниндзя принесут на ужин! Пришла пора Гвен Стейси перестать бегать от Кингпина Земли-65 - ведь Мэтту есть чему научить начинающую Женщину-Паука! А также: "Мэри Джейн" играют из каждого переулка, а Гвен всё больше времени проводит в своём социальном круге, который тол...
In a near future where humanity’s needs are provided for by a godlike A.I., it’s one young woman’s horrible job to do tech support on it. But Cassandra Price’s life changes forever when she discovers a hidden digital world beneath our own, one where a group of super-powered women are locked in a secret war for the cheat codes to reality.
Ваша любимица - Женщиина-Паук с Земли-65, Гвен Стейси, которую укусил радиоактивный паук, дебютировавшая в прологе к событию "Паучьи Миры", появляется в сольной серии! В сборник вошли комиксы "Паучьи Миры. Грань" №2 и "Гвен-Паук" №1-5.
WHO IS THE VULTURE?! Gwen finds herself between a rock (this vulture) and a hard place (the entire NYPD)! Don?t miss this second issue of the Spider-Character who set the world on fire!
SPIDER-GWEN SPINS INTO HER OWN SERIES! BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! The breakout hit of the biggest Spider-Event of the century is taking comic shops by storm this winter with her own new ongoing series – SPIDER-GWEN! Gwen Stacy is Spider-Woman, but you knew that already. What you DON’T know is what friends and foes are waiting for her in the aftermath of Spider-Verse! From the fan-favorite creative t...
The aftermath of the "Predators" storyline leaves Gwen in a very different place. Matt Murdock's plans all come home to roost, and when you know how our good friend Murderdock plans, you know that ain't pretty. What is the next evolutionary step for Spider-Gwen?! And Gwen's life irrevocably changes as she bonds with her universe's version of the Venom Symbiote. What does it mean for her relationsh...
To defeat Matt Murdock, the Kingpin of her dimension, Gwen has to let Venom win! But there's a problem -if Murdock dies, then so does Gwen! But that's the least of her worries, as after recent events Gwen has found herself on a one-way road into darkness. And the only one that can help her find her way back to the light...is Gwen Stacy. Is the universe trying to save her, or does fate only hold on...
Wormholes in your kitchen. Gravity failures at school. Quantum tornadoes tearing through the midwest. As with all natural disasters, people do what they always do: They adapt and survive. And if things get really bad, the Federal Bureau of Physics (FBP) is only a call away.
Will Thanksgiving be a happy one for Spider-Gwen and friends? That very much depends on what crime lord Matt Murdock and his ninjas bring to dinner! It's time for Gwen Stacy to stop running from Earth-65's Kingpin of Crime - but Matt may have a thing or two to teach the budding Spider-Woman!
THAT'S JUST ONE OF THE THINGS that makes this a very modern Marvel team-up, as the two most sensational web-spinners of the 21st century cross paths - and lock lips! Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy are two young heroes from different Earths, but what threat could unite the Spider-Man and Spider-Woman of the new generation? The answer will rock both their worlds! Not for the first time, Miles wil...
Принесёт ли День благодарения счастье Гвен-Паук и её друзьям? В основном это зависит от того, что преступный босс Мэтт Мёрдок и его ниндзя принесут на ужин! Пришла пора Гвен Стейси перестать бегать от Кингпина Земли-65 - ведь Мэтту есть чему научить начинающую Женщину-Паука! А также: "Мэри Джейн" играют из каждого переулка, а Гвен всё больше времени проводит в своём социальном круге, который тол...
In a near future where humanity’s needs are provided for by a godlike A.I., it’s one young woman’s horrible job to do tech support on it. But Cassandra Price’s life changes forever when she discovers a hidden digital world beneath our own, one where a group of super-powered women are locked in a secret war for the cheat codes to reality.
Ваша любимица - Женщиина-Паук с Земли-65, Гвен Стейси, которую укусил радиоактивный паук, дебютировавшая в прологе к событию "Паучьи Миры", появляется в сольной серии! В сборник вошли комиксы "Паучьи Миры. Грань" №2 и "Гвен-Паук" №1-5.
WHO IS THE VULTURE?! Gwen finds herself between a rock (this vulture) and a hard place (the entire NYPD)! Don?t miss this second issue of the Spider-Character who set the world on fire!
SPIDER-GWEN SPINS INTO HER OWN SERIES! BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! The breakout hit of the biggest Spider-Event of the century is taking comic shops by storm this winter with her own new ongoing series – SPIDER-GWEN! Gwen Stacy is Spider-Woman, but you knew that already. What you DON’T know is what friends and foes are waiting for her in the aftermath of Spider-Verse! From the fan-favorite creative t...
The aftermath of the "Predators" storyline leaves Gwen in a very different place. Matt Murdock's plans all come home to roost, and when you know how our good friend Murderdock plans, you know that ain't pretty. What is the next evolutionary step for Spider-Gwen?! And Gwen's life irrevocably changes as she bonds with her universe's version of the Venom Symbiote. What does it mean for her relationsh...
To defeat Matt Murdock, the Kingpin of her dimension, Gwen has to let Venom win! But there's a problem -if Murdock dies, then so does Gwen! But that's the least of her worries, as after recent events Gwen has found herself on a one-way road into darkness. And the only one that can help her find her way back to the light...is Gwen Stacy. Is the universe trying to save her, or does fate only hold on...
Wormholes in your kitchen. Gravity failures at school. Quantum tornadoes tearing through the midwest. As with all natural disasters, people do what they always do: They adapt and survive. And if things get really bad, the Federal Bureau of Physics (FBP) is only a call away.
Will Thanksgiving be a happy one for Spider-Gwen and friends? That very much depends on what crime lord Matt Murdock and his ninjas bring to dinner! It's time for Gwen Stacy to stop running from Earth-65's Kingpin of Crime - but Matt may have a thing or two to teach the budding Spider-Woman!
THAT'S JUST ONE OF THE THINGS that makes this a very modern Marvel team-up, as the two most sensational web-spinners of the 21st century cross paths - and lock lips! Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy are two young heroes from different Earths, but what threat could unite the Spider-Man and Spider-Woman of the new generation? The answer will rock both their worlds! Not for the first time, Miles wil...
Принесёт ли День благодарения счастье Гвен-Паук и её друзьям? В основном это зависит от того, что преступный босс Мэтт Мёрдок и его ниндзя принесут на ужин! Пришла пора Гвен Стейси перестать бегать от Кингпина Земли-65 - ведь Мэтту есть чему научить начинающую Женщину-Паука! А также: "Мэри Джейн" играют из каждого переулка, а Гвен всё больше времени проводит в своём социальном круге, который тол...
In a near future where humanity’s needs are provided for by a godlike A.I., it’s one young woman’s horrible job to do tech support on it. But Cassandra Price’s life changes forever when she discovers a hidden digital world beneath our own, one where a group of super-powered women are locked in a secret war for the cheat codes to reality.
Ваша любимица - Женщиина-Паук с Земли-65, Гвен Стейси, которую укусил радиоактивный паук, дебютировавшая в прологе к событию "Паучьи Миры", появляется в сольной серии! В сборник вошли комиксы "Паучьи Миры. Грань" №2 и "Гвен-Паук" №1-5.
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