The picturesque coastal town of Florence was known for millennia as a pleasure resort for the Nobility. As retribution for their decadence, the cruel and beautiful vampire inhabitants were "punished," driven out more than a thousand years ago by a solitary traveler in black. Only one-Baron Meinster-refused to leave, only to be thrown to the waves by the mysterious assassin. Summoned to contempo...
Vampire Hunter D Volume 20: Scenes from an Unholy War
Vampire Hunter D Volume 22
After a Frontier village's monitoring station fails, deadly vampire Nobles return to life, swearing vengeance on the descendants of the family that defeated them three hundred years ago. The mayor of the village hires five vampire hunters, including the legendary D, but as the mayor returns from the Capital, he finds that his daughter has been targeted by vicious human enemies! In this brewin...
Vampire Hunter D Volume 14: Dark Road Parts 1 & 2
Vampire Hunter D Volume 16: Tyrant's Stars Parts 1 & 2
Vampire Hunter D Volume 17: Tyrant's Stars Parts 3 & 4
Vampire Hunter D Volume 23
Vampire Hunter D Volume 19: Mercenary Road
Vampire Hunter D Volume 21
Vampire Hunter D Volume 11: Pale Fallen Angel Parts 1 & 2
Ди приходит в процветающий город, где в прошлые века смертные и Аристократы жили вместе мирно. 17-летняя красавица Сибилла Шмитц спала там 30 лет с тех пор, как её укусил Аристократ, не просыпаясь и не старея. Это - мечты о том, что она танцует в призрачном замке, залитом синим светом, который заманивает Ди туда, где весь город уже мечтает об этом красивом дампире. Есть много людей, которые чув...
Классическое произведение мастера японской фантастики ужасов Хидеюки Кикути, по которому снято прогремевшее на весь мир аниме «Ди, охотник на вампиров», поклонники ждали много лет, и теперь издательство «Азбука» счастливо представить: впервые на русском языке первая книга из серии о знаменитом охотнике на вампиров Ди! Год 12090. Мир погиб, разрушенный безумными человеческими войнами. Но некото...
Новый роман знаменитой саги Хидеюки Кикути о прекрасном dампире по имени Ди! Впервые на русском языке! Вампир-аристократ похитил у деревенского старосты красавицу-дочь! Чтобы догнать и уничтожить чудовище, нанят сразу целый клан охотников - четверо братьев Маркус и их сестра Лейла. Но у команды внезапно обнаруживается серьезный конкурент - загадочный полукровка по имени Ди. Он мчит по следу черной...
Granny Viper is a "people finder," a searcher for lost souls along the roads of a forbidding wasteland. Her latest mission: the safe return of a young woman named Tae, kidnapped eight years ago by vampire Nobility and held in Castle Gradinia on the Frontier's far border. But rescuing Tae is only half the battle - Viper knows she and the girl can't cross the formidable expanse to the town...
In Sakuri, a young woman is about to be sacrificed to the vampiric Noblewoman who reigns over the village. But before the princess can drain the life from the woman, a young man tries to slay the vampire. He fails and manages to escape, but in doing so incurs the wrath of the entire town. The citizens of Sakuri have entered into a pact with the Undead princess and her monstrous bodyguards. With th...
A girl's dying wish sends D on an impossible quest in this riveting prose novel. Even a reluctant hero can't refuse the last request of a beautiful woman. On her deathbed, the mortally wounded woman gives him a strange gem and asks him to deliver the priceless stone to her sister, far off in a North Sea fishing village. D's journey is made ever more perilous by a series of scound...
Vampire Hunter D Volume 10: Dark Nocturne
Vampire Hunter D Volume 18: Fortress of the Elder God
When a floating city becomes the target of a rash of vampire attacks, only one man can restore the oasis. "The City," a tiny metropolis of a few hundred sheltered citizens floating serenely on a seemingly random course a few feet above the ground, has long been thought safe from the predation of marauding monsters. It seemed like a paradise. A paradise shattered when an invasion of apparent ...
In a world where even the smallest and most remote village is being terrorized by the monsters that stalk the night, there is a hamlet, prosperous and peaceful, where mortals and vampires have lived in harmony for years. It is there that seventeen-year-old Sheavil Schmidt has slept, neither waking nor aging, for thirty years since first receiving the vampire's immortal kiss. The mysterious Va...