Учебник предназначен для старших классов школы (гуманитарных классов или гимназий и лицеев), им можно пользоваться не только на уроках литературы, но и на уроках русского языка. Учебник также ориентирован на студентов первых курсов гуманитарных факультетов филологических и нефилологических специальностей и на зарубежных студентов, изучающих славистику. Кроме того, он может служить основой гуманита...
Издание представляет собой сборник примерных экзаменационных материалов для письменных вступительных экзаменов по английскому языку. Для поступающих в МГИМО.
One hot summer day, Alice sees a white rabbit and runs after it. She follows it down a rabbit-hole - and arrives in Wonderland. Here, caterpillars can talk and rabbits have watches. And the Queen wants to cut off everybody's head!
В книге представлен роман-антиутопия Рэя Брэдбери 451 ГРАДУС ПО ФАРЕНГЕЙТУ - классика научной фантастики. Издание содержит сокращенный и адаптированный текст романа, снабжено словарем, постраничными комментариями, лексико-грамматическими упражнениями, творческими заданиями, заданиями на перевод, вопросами на восприятие и для обсуждения. Пособие адресовано учащимся 9-11 классов школ с углубленным и...
To the Top is a course designed for young teenagers, taking learners from Beginner to Intermediate level. The course follows the modular approach which enables students to deal with topics in depth. Its multi-dimensional syllabus combines lexis, grammar structures, language functions, skills wok and pronunciation.
Учебник для 9 класса знакомит обучающихся с основами общей биологии. Учебный материал курса учитывает возрастные особенности восприятия и мышления девятиклассников. Основные понятия цитологии, генетики, селекции, экологии и других биологических наук излагаются логично, последовательно и доступно. Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего обр...
Задания частей 1 и 2 по физике, аналогичные заданиям из банка заданий ЕГЭ. Сборник содержит более 1000 заданий Единого государственного экзамена по физике. В пособии приведены ответы ко всем заданиям, а также решения всех сложных задач, требующих развернутого ответа. Пособие будет полезно учителям, учащимся старших классов, их родителям, а также методистам и членам приемных комиссий. П...
This title is based on the classic fairy tale. When an old man plants some turnip seeds, one of the turnips grows enormous! How will he ever get it out of the ground? Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills. Each Read it yourself book is very ca...
Chuck is bored, and even the rod he finds doesn't cheer him up. However the pigs find his haul VERY interesting indeed! Read it yourself is a series of character stories and traditional tales, written in a simple way for children who are learning to read.
Chuck is bored, and even the rod he finds doesn't cheer him up. However the pigs find his haul very interesting indeed! READ IT YOURSELF is a series of character stories and traditional tales, written in a simple way for children who are learning to read.
Once, Giraffe had a short neck. This all changed the day she put her head in a tree to get some honey to eat... Read it yourself is a series of character stories and traditional tales, written in a simple way for children who are learning to read.
When a fairy godmother visits Cinderella, the girl's dream of going to the prince's ball soon comes true! Read it yourself is a series of character stories and traditional tales, written in a simple way for children who are learning to read. For children who are ready to take their first steps in reading.
Un serie de cuentos populares y tradicionales escritos de una manera facil para ninos que estan aprendiendo a lear. A series of popular traditional tales written in a simple way for children who are learning to read.
This is a gentle adaptation of the classic tale by Beatrix Potter. Jemima Puddle-Duck wants to lay and hatch her own eggs, so she sets off to find a safe spot in the woods to make a nest. All's well until she meets an unusual gentleman who has other plans for Jemima! Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young ch...
This title is based on the classic fairy tale. The ugly duckling doesn't fit in and is chased away by everyone he meets. Will he ever find some true friends? Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills. Each Read it yourself book is very carefully w...
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