This is a science fiction tale about a time-traveling girl and a zombie apocalypse. With her peaceful utopian world crumbling and humanity’s very existence under threat, Kala must travel back in time to 2079—when a synthetic viral pandemic is raging—in a desperate attempt to change the course of the future. She must succeed… But if she does, it will mean the end of her and her people forever. Книга «The X-Variant (The Guardians Book 1)» автора Rosemary Cole оценена посетителями КнигоГид, ...
This is a science fiction tale about a time-traveling girl and a zombie apocalypse. With her peaceful utopian world crumbling and humanity’s very existence under threat, Kala must travel back in time to 2079—when a synthetic viral pandemic is raging—in a desperate attempt to change the course of the future. She must succeed… But if she does, it will mean the end of her and her people forever. Книга «The X-Variant (The Guardians Book 1)» автора Rosemary Cole оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 6.00 из 10.
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