In her debut novel, Amy Bloom, a National Book Award finalist for Come to Me has written an unsettling tale of desire. With her finely honed style and her generous, unflinching sensibility, she shows us how profoundly the forces of love shape our lives. In Love Invents Us, a girl becomes a woman; a boy becomes a man; a man grows old and dies; Elizabeth, Horace, and Max know each other, leave each other, and find each other again over the course of thirty years. The need to be loved, the unrea...
In her debut novel, Amy Bloom, a National Book Award finalist for Come to Me has written an unsettling tale of desire. With her finely honed style and her generous, unflinching sensibility, she shows us how profoundly the forces of love shape our lives. In Love Invents Us, a girl becomes a woman; a boy becomes a man; a man grows old and dies; Elizabeth, Horace, and Max know each other, leave each other, and find each other again over the course of thirty years. The need to be loved, the unreasonable and unarguable demands of the heart, take all of Bloom’s characters, young and old, black and white, through lives they could not have even imagined. Unsparingly real, funny, and razor-sharp, Bloom gives us love simultaneously delightful and painful, necessary and devastating. Книга «Love Invents Us» автора Эми Блум оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 3.00 из 10.
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