Джо Кесада - автор 18 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Daredevil: Guardian Devil, Зловещая шестерка, Железный человек. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
"Guardian Devil found Kevin Smith (Clerks, Chasing Amy) confidently transitioning from writing acclaimed screenplays to comics that hit the top of the sales charts and critics' lists. It also found artist Joe Quesada at his peak as the stylist who would usher MARVEL COMICS into the 21st century-- both as an artist and its future editor in chief. It's a landmark story now available in thi...
Зеленый Гоблин. Доктор Октопус. Электро, Песочный Человек. Крэйвен-Окотник... Эти злодеи - самые опасные преступники мира! Когда-то всех их победил юный супергерой Человек-Паук, и теперь монстры надежно заперты в лучшей тюрьме "Защиты". По приказу Ника Фьюри ученые ставят на них генетические эксперименты. Но внезапно суперзлодеям удается сбежать из заключения, и они горят желанием отомстить сво...
Богатейший конструктор-оружейник Тони Старк был похищен террористами и в плену создал невероятную высокотехнологичную броню, чтобы вырваться на свободу. Вернувшись к нормальной жизни, он стал использовать суперсилы своего костюма, чтобы спасать людей, попавших в беду, став Неуязвимым Железным Человеком. Тони предстоит одна из самых суровых схваток в истории - он сразится со своей собственной броне...
X-23: Innocence Lost reveals the full story behind the origin of X-23 - who she is, where she came from and the exact nature of her relationship to Wolverine. You think you know, but you have no idea. In NYX: Wannabe, X-23 joins up with a pack of
Where were you when Captain America died? It's one year since the death of Captain America. And for the many friends and foes of Steve Rogers, this is the last step on the road to Reborn. For Sharon Carter, it is a journey for redemption. For Bucky Barnes, it is a journey of reflection. For his friends in the Avengers, it is a journey of reconnection. And for Norman Osborn, the Red Skull an...
В основной вселенной Марвел сложилась такая традиция - как только у юного создания ген Икс впервые проявляет своё действие, к очередному мутанту приходит "письмо из Хогвартса" в виде одного из учителей Института Ксавьера, и жизнь подростка становится напряжённой, но всё же по-своему прекрасной. Однако бывают и те, кому не посчастливилось попасть под крылышко лысого джентльмена. Вот им уже приходит...
This paperback collects the Batman: Sword of Azrael storyline which was written by Dennis O'Neil and illustrated by Joe Quesada and Kevin Nowlan. It was published from October, 1992 to January, 1993 in its own comic book mini-series Batman: Sword of Azrael. The series introduces Azrael, who becomes a prominent figure in the Knightfall crossover.
Meredith unleashes a heretofore unseen level of mystical power which unsettles her Spelljammer comrades. Written by Barbara Kesel, with art by new regular penciller Joe Quesada and Dan Panosian. Cover by Quesada and Joe Rubinstein.
An evil wizard has cast a spell on Meredith, forcing her to act as an agent for his malevolent army planning an assault on the Spelljammer mothership. Written by Jeff Grubb, with art by Joe Quesada and Dan Panosian. Cover by Chris Wozniak and Jerry Acerno with a painted backdrop by Eric Kachelhofer.
While Meredith and her crew take refuge in a dwarf citadel, Kirstig contemplates whether to challenge Meredith's leadership. Written by Barbara Kesel and Adam Blaustein, with art by Joe Quesada and Don Heck. Cover by Quesada and Joe Rubinstein.
Jasmine is marooned in wildspace with a swiftly-shrinking air envelope and Meredith refuses to search for her. This forces a deadly confrontation between Meredith and Kirstig for control of Meredith's skyship. Written by Adam Blaustein, with art by Joe Quesada and Dan Panosian. Cover by Quesada and Joe Rubinstein.
Meredith's skyship is impounded by a clan of warrior elves whose own warship is the spelljamming equivalent of an aircraft carrier! It's up to Tember to singlehandedly rescue the ship. Written by Don Kraar, with art by Joe Quesada and Dan Panosian. Cover by Quesada and Joe Rubinstein.
Final issue. Meredith's son, Bors, has forsaken his mother, but the deadly pirates of Gith may force him to break that vow when Meredith is taken hostage. Written by Don Kraar, with art by Joe Quesada, Dave Simons and Dan Panosian. Cover by Rags Morales. (And here's the description for the unpublished #16: Kirstig returns home to find herself the most reviled being in the world while th...
You've wanted answers, well here they are! What really happened at the wedding of Spider-Man and Mary Jane? What does Mary Jane know about Spider-Man today? How did One More Day really affect Peter Parker, MJ and the rest of the Marvel U? Joe Quesada, Paolo Rivera and Marcos Martin lay out all the cards, pull back the curtain and fill in every blank. This arc will hold answers, resolutions an...
Spelljammer and Dragonlance meet as a space-travelling Spanish galleon crashes into Taladas and, as a reward for rescuing him, Giles Goforth relates to Riva Silvercrown the story of his run-in with Meredith, captain of the Spelljamming crew, in a special prose story. Written by Don Kraar, with art by Joe Quesada and Dan Panosian. Cover by Quesada and Joe Rubinstein.
Конец эпохи! Все карты будут раскрыты! Однажды Питер Паркер и Мэри Джейн Уотсон пожертвовали браком ради спасения тёти Мэй. Настало время рассказать, что произошло в день их свадьбы на самом деле. Что Мэри Джейн прошептала Мефисто? Как выжила Мэй? Какие события прошлого перевернули нынешнюю жизнь Питера и Эм Джей? Противоречивый сюжет "Ещё один день" оставил после себя множество вопросов... но "Е...