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Автор - Alan Kupperberg
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Творчество Alan Kupperberg

На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Alan Kupperberg. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Vol. 22: Round Robin
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Vol. 22: Round Robin

Spidey gets by with a little help from his friends! If he can survive a rematch with the Tri-Sentinel, this time without Captain Universe powers, Spider-Man will face a sidekick's revenge! But wait, he never had a sidekick. So who is the Secret Empire's cyborg powerhouse, Midnight? To get to the bottom of this mess, the web-slinger will need to do a little old-fashioned teaming up. How's Moon Knig...

Spider-Man vs. Silver Sable
Spider-Man vs. Silver Sable

He's a wall-crawling wonder; she's a mercenary marvel! Together, they - well, get on each other's nerves, mostly - but they make a great team, as long as they're not matching blows and ideologies themselves! See their lives intertwine both in shared

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