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Автор - Owen Jones

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Творчество Owen Jones

На нашем сайте представлены 56 книг автора Owen Jones. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Изобразительное искусство
Ornament and Design of the Alhambra
Ornament and Design of the Alhambra

Amid the rugged natural beauty of southern Spain's Sierra Nevada mountain range stands the Alhambra, one of the world's great architectural gems. The grand medieval palace arose in the fourteenth century, and it remains a peerless example of Moorish art that developed in a European setting, apart from direct Byzantine influence. This splendid volume ventures inside the stone walls, gates...

Examples of Chinese Ornament: Selected from Objects in the South Kensington Museum and Other Collections
Examples of Chinese Ornament: Selected from Objects in the South Kensington Museum and Other Collections

The late war in China, and the Ti-ping rebellion, by the destruction and sacking of many public buildings, has caused the introduction to Europe of a great number of truly magnificent works of Ornamental Art, of a character which had been rarely seen before that period, and which are remarkable, not only for the perfection and skill shown in the technical processes, but also for the beauty and har...

Культура и искусство
The Grammar of Ornament
The Grammar of Ornament

First published in 1856, The Grammar of Ornament remains a design classic. Its inspiration came from the pioneering architect and designer Owen Jones. His observations of decorative art on his extensive travels in Europe and the Near East were employed to improve the poor quality of British design. He increasingly disapproved of the Victorian habit of mixing elements from a wide variety of sources...

The Misconception
The Misconception

Megan is a psychic teen, who cannot find anyone to help her understand her powers… no-one living that is.'The Misconception' is a short story about a young girl's growing realisation that she is able to do things that none of her family can, although some of her school friends say they have similar unusual psychic abilities.The girl's name is Megan and she is twelve years old in this, the first bo...

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