Гао Синцзянь (кит. трад. 高行健, упр. 高行健, пиньинь: Gāo Xíngjiàn, káu ɕĭŋ tɕiɛ̂n) (р. 4 января 1940, Ганьчжоу, Цзянси, КНР) — проживающий в Париже китайский прозаик, новеллист, переводчик, драматург и критик. Он так же известный сценарист, постановщик и известный художник. Лауреат Нобелевской премии по литературе 2000 года «Произведения вселенского значения, отмеченные горечью за положение человека в современном мире». Драмы Гао отличаются своим своеобразием и авангардизмом, не присущим традиционно...
Гао Синцзянь (кит. трад. 高行健, упр. 高行健, пиньинь: Gāo Xíngjiàn, káu ɕĭŋ tɕiɛ̂n) (р. 4 января 1940, Ганьчжоу, Цзянси, КНР) — проживающий в Париже китайский прозаик, новеллист, переводчик, драматург и критик. Он так же известный сценарист, постановщик и известный художник. Лауреат Нобелевской премии по литературе 2000 года «Произведения вселенского значения, отмеченные горечью за положение человека в современном мире». Драмы Гао отличаются своим своеобразием и авангардизмом, не присущим традиционной китайской культуре. В Китае ценность его произведений не признавалась, да и местной цензуры он не выдерживал. Однажды даже был вынужден сжечь пачку своих рукописей чтобы избежать преследования. Говорят что он сделал это во время бегства от властей, но истинные причины остаются в тумане. Является пионером китайской абсурдной драмы и оказал влияние на современный китайский театр.
На нашем книжном сайте Вы можете скачать книги автора Гао Синцзянь в самых разных форматах (epub, fb2, pdf, txt и многие другие). А так же читать книги онлайн и бесплатно на любом устройстве – iPad, iPhone, планшете под управлением Android, на любой специализированной читалке. Электронная библиотека КнигоГид предлагает литературу Гао Синцзянь в жанрах .
На нашем сайте представлены 9 книг автора Гао Синцзянь. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
About the Author Born in China in 1940, Gao Xingjian started painting as a child and at the age of ten wrote and illustrated his first short story. He graduated from the Beijing Foreign Language Academy in 1962 with a major in French. During the Cultural Revolution, Gao was sent to the countryside where he spent five years. From 1982 to 1986, he wrote a number of plays that were banned from the s...
Presents a collection of more than one hundred of the author's paintings, created from India ink on rice paper, that span his artistic career from the 1960s to the present day.
Moves between the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution insanities in the China of the late 1960s and early 1970s to the tentative, limited liberations of the 1990s.
the worldwide bestselling novel by the winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature. Soul Mountain is a picaresque novel of immense wisdom and sparse beauty, bursting with knowledge and experience and portraying a culture as vast and fascinating as the history of humankind itself. In China in the early eighties, the book's central character embarks on a cross-country journey in search of the...
When Gao Xingjian won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2000, he became the only Chinese writer to achieve such international acclaim. The Chinese University Press is the first publisher of his work in the English language. Indeed, The Other Shore is one of the few works by the author available in English today. The Other Shore: Plays by Gao Xingjian contains five of Gao's most recent works:T...
When Gao Xingjian was crowned Nobel Laureate in 2000, it was the first time in the hundred-year history of the Nobel Prize that this honor had been awarded to an author for a body of work written in Chinese. The same year, American readers embraced Mabel Lee’s translation of Gao’s lyrical and autobiographical novel Soul Mountain, making it a national bestseller. Gao’s plays, novels, and short fict...
За последние годы поток информации о Китае — нашем великом соседе — заметно возрос. Поражают резкие контрасты, неожиданные повороты событий в жизни этой страны. Вероятно, осмыслить неповторимый исторический опыт Китая, проникнуть в загадку его национального характера трудно и попросту невозможно, не освоив богатейшей культуры Китая, особенно ее художественного пласта. Издавна на родине древнейшей ...
About the Author Born in China in 1940, Gao Xingjian started painting as a child and at the age of ten wrote and illustrated his first short story. He graduated from the Beijing Foreign Language Academy in 1962 with a major in French. During the Cultural Revolution, Gao was sent to the countryside where he spent five years. From 1982 to 1986, he wrote a number of plays that were banned from the s...
Presents a collection of more than one hundred of the author's paintings, created from India ink on rice paper, that span his artistic career from the 1960s to the present day.
Moves between the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution insanities in the China of the late 1960s and early 1970s to the tentative, limited liberations of the 1990s.
the worldwide bestselling novel by the winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature. Soul Mountain is a picaresque novel of immense wisdom and sparse beauty, bursting with knowledge and experience and portraying a culture as vast and fascinating as the history of humankind itself. In China in the early eighties, the book's central character embarks on a cross-country journey in search of the...
When Gao Xingjian won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2000, he became the only Chinese writer to achieve such international acclaim. The Chinese University Press is the first publisher of his work in the English language. Indeed, The Other Shore is one of the few works by the author available in English today. The Other Shore: Plays by Gao Xingjian contains five of Gao's most recent works:T...
When Gao Xingjian was crowned Nobel Laureate in 2000, it was the first time in the hundred-year history of the Nobel Prize that this honor had been awarded to an author for a body of work written in Chinese. The same year, American readers embraced Mabel Lee’s translation of Gao’s lyrical and autobiographical novel Soul Mountain, making it a national bestseller. Gao’s plays, novels, and short fict...
За последние годы поток информации о Китае — нашем великом соседе — заметно возрос. Поражают резкие контрасты, неожиданные повороты событий в жизни этой страны. Вероятно, осмыслить неповторимый исторический опыт Китая, проникнуть в загадку его национального характера трудно и попросту невозможно, не освоив богатейшей культуры Китая, особенно ее художественного пласта. Издавна на родине древнейшей ...
About the Author Born in China in 1940, Gao Xingjian started painting as a child and at the age of ten wrote and illustrated his first short story. He graduated from the Beijing Foreign Language Academy in 1962 with a major in French. During the Cultural Revolution, Gao was sent to the countryside where he spent five years. From 1982 to 1986, he wrote a number of plays that were banned from the s...
Presents a collection of more than one hundred of the author's paintings, created from India ink on rice paper, that span his artistic career from the 1960s to the present day.
Moves between the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution insanities in the China of the late 1960s and early 1970s to the tentative, limited liberations of the 1990s.
the worldwide bestselling novel by the winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Literature. Soul Mountain is a picaresque novel of immense wisdom and sparse beauty, bursting with knowledge and experience and portraying a culture as vast and fascinating as the history of humankind itself. In China in the early eighties, the book's central character embarks on a cross-country journey in search of the...
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