На нашем сайте представлены 33 книги автора Kamachi Kazuma. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Kamijou Touma receives permission to go outside Academy City and goes on a beach vacation with his family. Then he discovers that his mother is Index, Index is Aogami Pierce, Kanzaki Kaori is Stiyl Magnus, Stiyl is a fisherman, Misaka Imouto is the son, and Misaka Mikoto is his younger sister...!? A certain magic spell is to blame. Kamijou Touma finds himself in the middle of the unfoldin...
During July, the unusual event called the Daihaseisai unfolds. Steering Committee member Fukiyose Seiri, Tsukuyomi Komoe dressed in a cheerleader's attire, a well-known "Onee-sama" Misaka Mikoto, and all the faculty members and students of Academy City tackle the very large-scale event. At that event, a certain item shall risk affecting the event altogether: the Croce di Pietro. The cir...
Kamijou Touma receives permission to go outside Academy City and goes on a beach vacation with his family. Then he discovers that his mother is Index, Index is Aogami Pierce, Kanzaki Kaori is Stiyl Magnus, Stiyl is a fisherman, Misaka Imouto is the son, and Misaka Mikoto is his younger sister...!? A certain magic spell is to blame. Kamijou Touma finds himself in the middle of the unfoldin...
During July, the unusual event called the Daihaseisai unfolds. Steering Committee member Fukiyose Seiri, Tsukuyomi Komoe dressed in a cheerleader's attire, a well-known "Onee-sama" Misaka Mikoto, and all the faculty members and students of Academy City tackle the very large-scale event. At that event, a certain item shall risk affecting the event altogether: the Croce di Pietro. The cir...
Kamijou Touma receives permission to go outside Academy City and goes on a beach vacation with his family. Then he discovers that his mother is Index, Index is Aogami Pierce, Kanzaki Kaori is Stiyl Magnus, Stiyl is a fisherman, Misaka Imouto is the son, and Misaka Mikoto is his younger sister...!? A certain magic spell is to blame. Kamijou Touma finds himself in the middle of the unfoldin...
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