На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Bill Granger. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
The president learned long ago that the CIA could not be trusted. And so he created his own group of deadly efficient men to gather independent intelligence: a watchdog organization to keep the CIA in check. R Section was born. "There are no spies . . . " Until he heard those four simple words, Devereaux thought he'd left his days in R Section behind. He was no longer The November Man, a...
Bestselling TV cook Bill Granger brings his trademark fresh flavours and easy-going recipes to the well-loved food of Italy.The cornerstone of Bill’s cooking is also the cornerstone of the best of Italian cuisine: simple, flavoursome dishes with short ingredient lists and uncomplicated methods, centred on ingredients that are easy to find and needn’t be expensive. And better yet, those ingredients...
Simple, laidback food that bursts with flavour; fresh, inspiring recipes using favourite everyday ingredients – no one does fantastic easy cooking like Bill Granger.Simple, laidback food that bursts with flavour; fresh, inspiring recipes using favourite everyday ingredients – no one does fantastic easy cooking like Bill Granger.Bill Granger has long been a champion of no-fuss food. Bill is a resta...
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