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Автор - David Bishop

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Творчество David Bishop

На нашем сайте представлены 5 книг автора David Bishop. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Who Killed Kennedy
Who Killed Kennedy

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on 22 November, 1963. Now, the publication of this volume reveals frightening new information about the assassination, the real reasons why the President of the United States had to die and an incredible plan to save the man known as JFK! These stunning revelations involve an ultra-secret military force disguised as a minor off-shoo...

A Murder in Marienburg
A Murder in Marienburg

Marienburg is the greatest port of the Old World, a melting pot of different cultures and races. When he is made a captain of the watch, ex Imperial army officer Kurt Schnell soon finds his promotion is a poison chalice. His watch station is in the worst part of town, his men are scum, strange creatures prowl the streets at night - what more could possibly go wrong?

Amorality Tale
Amorality Tale

Those people that die must die. It's history, it's already happened and there's nothing we can do to prevent it, Sarah. East End gangster Tommy Ramsey emerges from prison in 1952, determined to retake control of his territory on the streets of Shoreditch. But new arrivals threaten his grip on all illegal activity in the area. An evangelical minister at St Luke's Church is per...

Full Fathom Five
Full Fathom Five

"If I told you the truth, I'd have to kill you..." The Deep-sea Energy Exploration Project was apparently destroyed by dirty bombs in 2039 AD, turning the surrounding sea bed into a radioactive tomb. Rumours suggest the DEEP was conducting illegal, unethical experiments... In 2066 the Doctor discovers the research centre remains intact. The terrible truth about what happened 27 years ...

The Pirate Planet
The Pirate Planet

The Doctor and Romana head for Calufrax in search of the second segment of the all-powerful Key to Time. But something blocks their attempts to materialise on the barren, ice-covered planet. When the TARDIS does materialise it is not on Calufrax but on the affluent world of Zanak, controlled by the Captain's harsh regime. What is the secret behind Zanak's bountiful mines and its unseen leader? Wh...