Паула Фокс (англ. Paula Fox; род. 22 апреля 1923) — американский автор книг для детей и взрослых, писала сценарии для телевидения, работала преподавателем и журналистом. Она выиграла несколько наград: в 1974 году медаль Джона Ньюбери за роман «Погонщик рабов», Национальную книжную премию по детской литературе (1983), Немецкую премию за детскую литературу (2008) и премию имени Х. К. Андерсена за долгосрочный вклад (1978). Её романы для взрослых вышли из печати в 1992 году. Паула Фокс родилась в ...
Паула Фокс (англ. Paula Fox; род. 22 апреля 1923) — американский автор книг для детей и взрослых, писала сценарии для телевидения, работала преподавателем и журналистом. Она выиграла несколько наград: в 1974 году медаль Джона Ньюбери за роман «Погонщик рабов», Национальную книжную премию по детской литературе (1983), Немецкую премию за детскую литературу (2008) и премию имени Х. К. Андерсена за долгосрочный вклад (1978). Её романы для взрослых вышли из печати в 1992 году. Паула Фокс родилась в 1923 году в Нью-Йорке, училась в школах на Кубе, Канаде и в США. Её отец, Павел Хервей Фокс — писал сценарии и часто приходил домой пьяным. Её мать была кубинского происхождения, при рождении она отказалась от Паулы Фокс. Бабушка Паулы, по материнской линии, временно пребывающая в Нью-Йорке спасла её.В 1944 году она родила дочь. Однако, учитывая бурные отношения с её родителями, она отказалась от ребёнка(девочка выросла психологом Линдой Карролл, родила множество детей, в том числе рок-звезду Кортни Лав). Позже Фокс училась в Колумбийском университете и вышла замуж за литературного критика и переводчика Мартина Гринберга. У них было два сына. Паула Фокс некоторое время работала учителем и воспитателем.
На нашем книжном сайте Вы можете скачать книги автора Паулы Фокс в самых разных форматах (epub, fb2, pdf, txt и многие другие). А так же читать книги онлайн и бесплатно на любом устройстве – iPad, iPhone, планшете под управлением Android, на любой специализированной читалке. Электронная библиотека КнигоГид предлагает литературу Паулы Фокс в жанрах .
На нашем сайте представлены 8 книг автора Паулы Фокс. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
When Emma's father goes to the hospital for surgery, she is sent to stay with Aunt Bea the "terror" and kindly Uncle Crispin. Emma wonders how she will survive two weeks with the always hostile Aunt Bea.
At the end of the school term, Catherine waits with her bags for her father to pick her up. She waits and waits... for three weeks, making excuses for him and hoping he'll show up. Harry Ames, Catherine's father, calls one night, and she's soon on her way to Nova Scotia, where Mr. Ames lives in a small house. When Catherine's parents divorced she was very young, and so she barely knows this...
Otto and Sophie Bentwood live in a changing neighborhood in Brooklyn. Their stainless-steel kitchen is newly installed, and their Mercedes is parked curbside. After Sophie is bitten on the hand while trying to feed a stray, perhaps rabies-infected cat, a series of small and ominous disasters begin to plague the Bentwoods' lives, revealing the fault lines and fractures in a marriage―and a society―w...
In 1941, twenty-three-year-old Helen Bynum leaves home for the first time and sets out from rural New York to find her Aunt Lulu, an aging actress in New Orleans. There she finds a life of passion and adventure, possibilities and choices. Falling in with a bohemian group of intellectuals, she discovers romance and sex, friendship and risk, her world mirrored by the steamy mystery of the French Qua...
Snatched from the docks of New Orleans, thirteen-year-old Jessie is thrown aboard a slave ship where he must play his fife while captured slaves dance to keep their muscles strong and their bodies profitable. Jessie is sickened by the horrible practices of the slave business. But they are nothing compared to the one final horror that Jessie will witness. Can the cruelty be stopped? And will it be ...
When Emma's father goes to the hospital for surgery, she is sent to stay with Aunt Bea the "terror" and kindly Uncle Crispin. Emma wonders how she will survive two weeks with the always hostile Aunt Bea.
At the end of the school term, Catherine waits with her bags for her father to pick her up. She waits and waits... for three weeks, making excuses for him and hoping he'll show up. Harry Ames, Catherine's father, calls one night, and she's soon on her way to Nova Scotia, where Mr. Ames lives in a small house. When Catherine's parents divorced she was very young, and so she barely knows this...
Otto and Sophie Bentwood live in a changing neighborhood in Brooklyn. Their stainless-steel kitchen is newly installed, and their Mercedes is parked curbside. After Sophie is bitten on the hand while trying to feed a stray, perhaps rabies-infected cat, a series of small and ominous disasters begin to plague the Bentwoods' lives, revealing the fault lines and fractures in a marriage―and a society―w...
In 1941, twenty-three-year-old Helen Bynum leaves home for the first time and sets out from rural New York to find her Aunt Lulu, an aging actress in New Orleans. There she finds a life of passion and adventure, possibilities and choices. Falling in with a bohemian group of intellectuals, she discovers romance and sex, friendship and risk, her world mirrored by the steamy mystery of the French Qua...
Snatched from the docks of New Orleans, thirteen-year-old Jessie is thrown aboard a slave ship where he must play his fife while captured slaves dance to keep their muscles strong and their bodies profitable. Jessie is sickened by the horrible practices of the slave business. But they are nothing compared to the one final horror that Jessie will witness. Can the cruelty be stopped? And will it be ...
When Emma's father goes to the hospital for surgery, she is sent to stay with Aunt Bea the "terror" and kindly Uncle Crispin. Emma wonders how she will survive two weeks with the always hostile Aunt Bea.
At the end of the school term, Catherine waits with her bags for her father to pick her up. She waits and waits... for three weeks, making excuses for him and hoping he'll show up. Harry Ames, Catherine's father, calls one night, and she's soon on her way to Nova Scotia, where Mr. Ames lives in a small house. When Catherine's parents divorced she was very young, and so she barely knows this...
Otto and Sophie Bentwood live in a changing neighborhood in Brooklyn. Their stainless-steel kitchen is newly installed, and their Mercedes is parked curbside. After Sophie is bitten on the hand while trying to feed a stray, perhaps rabies-infected cat, a series of small and ominous disasters begin to plague the Bentwoods' lives, revealing the fault lines and fractures in a marriage―and a society―w...
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