На нашем сайте представлены 11 книг автора Джоэля Шарбонно. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
DO YOU POSSESS A WINNING COMBINATION OF THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE, PRACTICAL SKLLS AND RAW INTELLIGENCE? DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO LEAD OTHERS? ARE YOU WILLING TO CRUSH THOSE WHO STAND IN YOUR WAY? Every year, the United Commonwealth invites top graduates from each colony to participate in The Testing. Successful candidates will go on to the University and help the government work to rebuild our wa...
In book three of the Testing series, the United Commonwealth wants to eliminate the rebel alliance fighting to destroy The Testing for good. Cia is ready to lead the charge, but will her lethal classmates follow her into battle? She wants to put an end to the Testing In a scarred and brutal future, The United Commonwealth teeters on the brink of all-out civil war. The rebel resistance plots ag...
In the series debut The Testing, sixteen-year-old Cia Vale was chosen by the United Commonwealth government as one of the best and brightest graduates of all the colonies . . . a promising leader in the effort to revitalize postwar civilization. In Independent Study, Cia is a freshman at the University in Tosu City with her hometown sweetheart, Tomas—and though the government has tried to erase he...
It's an honor to be chosen for The Testing. But it's not enough to pass The Testing. Cia will have to survive it. The Testing Guide is the short story prequel to The Testing, the first novel in the stunning and epic Testing Trilogy.
Война превратила большую часть планеты в обугленные развалины. Строительство будущего – удел немногих избранных нового поколения, которым выпала честь восстанавливать землю. Но чтобы войти в избранный круг, кандидаты должны пройти Тестирование – и это их единственный шанс на высшее образование и достойную карьеру. Маленсия Вейл – девушка из отдаленной колонии, попав в столицу Соединенного Содружес...
Казалось бы, все позади - Испытание пройдено, Маленсия Вейл, уроженка дальней колонии Пять Озер, зачислена в Университет столичного города. Однако получить высшие баллы по всем экзаменам так же опасно, как и вовсе провалить их, - и вот уже за 16-летней девушкой ведется настоящая охота, и Маленсия по-прежнему не знает, кому она может доверять. Возможно, ее доброжелательно улыбающиеся ровесники на с...
Meri Beckley lives in a world without lies. When she turns on the news, she hears only the facts. When she swipes the pages of her online textbooks, she reads only the truth. When she looks at the peaceful Chicago streets, she feels the pride everyone in the country feels about the era of unprecedented hope and prosperity over which the government presides. But when Meri’s mother is killed, Mer...
A sweeping fantasy, by the bestselling author of The Testing, about two royal siblings forced to compete for the crown. Twins Carys and Andreus were never destined to rule Eden. With their older brother next in line to inherit the throne, the future of the kingdom was secure. But appearances—and rivals—can be deceiving. When Eden’s king and crown prince are killed by assassins, Eden desperat...
DO YOU POSSESS A WINNING COMBINATION OF THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE, PRACTICAL SKLLS AND RAW INTELLIGENCE? DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO LEAD OTHERS? ARE YOU WILLING TO CRUSH THOSE WHO STAND IN YOUR WAY? Every year, the United Commonwealth invites top graduates from each colony to participate in The Testing. Successful candidates will go on to the University and help the government work to rebuild our wa...
In book three of the Testing series, the United Commonwealth wants to eliminate the rebel alliance fighting to destroy The Testing for good. Cia is ready to lead the charge, but will her lethal classmates follow her into battle? She wants to put an end to the Testing In a scarred and brutal future, The United Commonwealth teeters on the brink of all-out civil war. The rebel resistance plots ag...
In the series debut The Testing, sixteen-year-old Cia Vale was chosen by the United Commonwealth government as one of the best and brightest graduates of all the colonies . . . a promising leader in the effort to revitalize postwar civilization. In Independent Study, Cia is a freshman at the University in Tosu City with her hometown sweetheart, Tomas—and though the government has tried to erase he...
It's an honor to be chosen for The Testing. But it's not enough to pass The Testing. Cia will have to survive it. The Testing Guide is the short story prequel to The Testing, the first novel in the stunning and epic Testing Trilogy.
Война превратила большую часть планеты в обугленные развалины. Строительство будущего – удел немногих избранных нового поколения, которым выпала честь восстанавливать землю. Но чтобы войти в избранный круг, кандидаты должны пройти Тестирование – и это их единственный шанс на высшее образование и достойную карьеру. Маленсия Вейл – девушка из отдаленной колонии, попав в столицу Соединенного Содружес...
Казалось бы, все позади - Испытание пройдено, Маленсия Вейл, уроженка дальней колонии Пять Озер, зачислена в Университет столичного города. Однако получить высшие баллы по всем экзаменам так же опасно, как и вовсе провалить их, - и вот уже за 16-летней девушкой ведется настоящая охота, и Маленсия по-прежнему не знает, кому она может доверять. Возможно, ее доброжелательно улыбающиеся ровесники на с...
Meri Beckley lives in a world without lies. When she turns on the news, she hears only the facts. When she swipes the pages of her online textbooks, she reads only the truth. When she looks at the peaceful Chicago streets, she feels the pride everyone in the country feels about the era of unprecedented hope and prosperity over which the government presides. But when Meri’s mother is killed, Mer...
A sweeping fantasy, by the bestselling author of The Testing, about two royal siblings forced to compete for the crown. Twins Carys and Andreus were never destined to rule Eden. With their older brother next in line to inherit the throne, the future of the kingdom was secure. But appearances—and rivals—can be deceiving. When Eden’s king and crown prince are killed by assassins, Eden desperat...
DO YOU POSSESS A WINNING COMBINATION OF THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE, PRACTICAL SKLLS AND RAW INTELLIGENCE? DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO LEAD OTHERS? ARE YOU WILLING TO CRUSH THOSE WHO STAND IN YOUR WAY? Every year, the United Commonwealth invites top graduates from each colony to participate in The Testing. Successful candidates will go on to the University and help the government work to rebuild our wa...
In book three of the Testing series, the United Commonwealth wants to eliminate the rebel alliance fighting to destroy The Testing for good. Cia is ready to lead the charge, but will her lethal classmates follow her into battle? She wants to put an end to the Testing In a scarred and brutal future, The United Commonwealth teeters on the brink of all-out civil war. The rebel resistance plots ag...
In the series debut The Testing, sixteen-year-old Cia Vale was chosen by the United Commonwealth government as one of the best and brightest graduates of all the colonies . . . a promising leader in the effort to revitalize postwar civilization. In Independent Study, Cia is a freshman at the University in Tosu City with her hometown sweetheart, Tomas—and though the government has tried to erase he...
It's an honor to be chosen for The Testing. But it's not enough to pass The Testing. Cia will have to survive it. The Testing Guide is the short story prequel to The Testing, the first novel in the stunning and epic Testing Trilogy.
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