На нашем сайте представлены 13 книг автора Джэми Делано. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Written by JAMIE DELANO Art by RICHARD PIERS RAYNER, BRYAN TALBOT, DAVID LLOYD and others Cover by JOHN CASSADAY In these tales from issue #10-13, THE HORRORIST #1-2 and ANNUAL #1, Constantine wins his first victory in the war with Nergal and encounters a woman who is the embodiment of the world's horrors.
Collected for the first time in chronological order and featuring stories by fan-favorite writer Grant Morrison (Batman Inc., Final Crisis) and the legendary Neil Gaiman (Sandman, American Gods), Family Man continues the arcane adventures of Vertigo's chain-smoking magician John Constantine. In this volume, Constantine attempts a vacation after recent events, but as usual, things don't g...
The complete saga complete in one volume! Story Johnson, a hundred-year-old semi-deranged amnesiac pulp fiction-writer returns home from 25 years MIA in Vietnam. All Story wants is to recover his missing time and catch up with some legendary, larger-than-life Johnson Family members. Trouble is, a lot of cousins have "disappeared," and those that are left have put the blame on him.
Молодой Джон с командой друзей совершает свои первые шаги в оккультизме. До них дошли вести о странных событиях в Ньюкасле, куда начинающие "маги" и решили наведаться. Взломав дверь клуба, где они когда-то тусовались, герои увидели на полу гору расчлененных трупов и маленькую девочку. Ну а дальше... Как мы уже говорили, история "Ньюкасла" имела свои последствия для каждого из членов команды, ведь...
For the first time ever, the two-issue miniseries The Children’s Crusade, written by Neil Gaiman, Alisa Kwitney and Jamie Delano (Hellblazer), is collected – and with them, a new chapter written by Toby Litt (The Dead Boy Detectives), with Rachel Pollack, that completes the tale as Gaiman originally envisioned it. When several children go missing in a small English town, the Dead Boy Detective...
More stories of Animal Man following Grant Morrison's genre-defining run on the series, this volume features stories never before reprinted from writer Jamie Delano, best known for his run on HELLBLAZER. After tragedy strikes Animal Man's young daughter Maxine—but is it the result of a government conspiracy? Animal Man attacks Washington D.C. with an army of rats and birds, only to learn that ...
Главный герой - Джон Константин - детектив, расследующий дела, связанные с мистикой и сверхъестественным. Духи, демоны, ангелы - с некоторыми из них главный герой знаком лично и даже успел получить врагов среди этой потусторонней братии. Константин нередко использует грязные приемы для достижения целей, хотя и думает, что делает то или иное дело во благо.
The sequel to Grant Morrison's genre-defining run on ANIMAL MAN, this volume features stories never before reprinted from writer Jamie Delano, best known for his run on HELLBLAZER. After being killed in a car crash, Animal Man struggles to return to life by climbing the evolutionary ladder one step at a time. But can he reincarnate himself as a creature with ...
At the Geotronik security office, a Mr. Webster receives orders, and then assigns Doctor Fulton to choose a suitable psychic tracker to help him. Initially, Webster asks about young Mercury, who was recently kidnapped from a campsite at Wyke's Valley. Fulton suggests a Corporal Morgan instead. Webster explains that a soviet spy's corpse was found at the ley line site (confirming that Joh...
Written by JAMIE DELANO Art by RICHARD PIERS RAYNER, BRYAN TALBOT, DAVID LLOYD and others Cover by JOHN CASSADAY In these tales from issue #10-13, THE HORRORIST #1-2 and ANNUAL #1, Constantine wins his first victory in the war with Nergal and encounters a woman who is the embodiment of the world's horrors.
Collected for the first time in chronological order and featuring stories by fan-favorite writer Grant Morrison (Batman Inc., Final Crisis) and the legendary Neil Gaiman (Sandman, American Gods), Family Man continues the arcane adventures of Vertigo's chain-smoking magician John Constantine. In this volume, Constantine attempts a vacation after recent events, but as usual, things don't g...
The complete saga complete in one volume! Story Johnson, a hundred-year-old semi-deranged amnesiac pulp fiction-writer returns home from 25 years MIA in Vietnam. All Story wants is to recover his missing time and catch up with some legendary, larger-than-life Johnson Family members. Trouble is, a lot of cousins have "disappeared," and those that are left have put the blame on him.
Молодой Джон с командой друзей совершает свои первые шаги в оккультизме. До них дошли вести о странных событиях в Ньюкасле, куда начинающие "маги" и решили наведаться. Взломав дверь клуба, где они когда-то тусовались, герои увидели на полу гору расчлененных трупов и маленькую девочку. Ну а дальше... Как мы уже говорили, история "Ньюкасла" имела свои последствия для каждого из членов команды, ведь...
For the first time ever, the two-issue miniseries The Children’s Crusade, written by Neil Gaiman, Alisa Kwitney and Jamie Delano (Hellblazer), is collected – and with them, a new chapter written by Toby Litt (The Dead Boy Detectives), with Rachel Pollack, that completes the tale as Gaiman originally envisioned it. When several children go missing in a small English town, the Dead Boy Detective...
More stories of Animal Man following Grant Morrison's genre-defining run on the series, this volume features stories never before reprinted from writer Jamie Delano, best known for his run on HELLBLAZER. After tragedy strikes Animal Man's young daughter Maxine—but is it the result of a government conspiracy? Animal Man attacks Washington D.C. with an army of rats and birds, only to learn that ...
Главный герой - Джон Константин - детектив, расследующий дела, связанные с мистикой и сверхъестественным. Духи, демоны, ангелы - с некоторыми из них главный герой знаком лично и даже успел получить врагов среди этой потусторонней братии. Константин нередко использует грязные приемы для достижения целей, хотя и думает, что делает то или иное дело во благо.
The sequel to Grant Morrison's genre-defining run on ANIMAL MAN, this volume features stories never before reprinted from writer Jamie Delano, best known for his run on HELLBLAZER. After being killed in a car crash, Animal Man struggles to return to life by climbing the evolutionary ladder one step at a time. But can he reincarnate himself as a creature with ...
At the Geotronik security office, a Mr. Webster receives orders, and then assigns Doctor Fulton to choose a suitable psychic tracker to help him. Initially, Webster asks about young Mercury, who was recently kidnapped from a campsite at Wyke's Valley. Fulton suggests a Corporal Morgan instead. Webster explains that a soviet spy's corpse was found at the ley line site (confirming that Joh...
Written by JAMIE DELANO Art by RICHARD PIERS RAYNER, BRYAN TALBOT, DAVID LLOYD and others Cover by JOHN CASSADAY In these tales from issue #10-13, THE HORRORIST #1-2 and ANNUAL #1, Constantine wins his first victory in the war with Nergal and encounters a woman who is the embodiment of the world's horrors.
Collected for the first time in chronological order and featuring stories by fan-favorite writer Grant Morrison (Batman Inc., Final Crisis) and the legendary Neil Gaiman (Sandman, American Gods), Family Man continues the arcane adventures of Vertigo's chain-smoking magician John Constantine. In this volume, Constantine attempts a vacation after recent events, but as usual, things don't g...
The complete saga complete in one volume! Story Johnson, a hundred-year-old semi-deranged amnesiac pulp fiction-writer returns home from 25 years MIA in Vietnam. All Story wants is to recover his missing time and catch up with some legendary, larger-than-life Johnson Family members. Trouble is, a lot of cousins have "disappeared," and those that are left have put the blame on him.
Молодой Джон с командой друзей совершает свои первые шаги в оккультизме. До них дошли вести о странных событиях в Ньюкасле, куда начинающие "маги" и решили наведаться. Взломав дверь клуба, где они когда-то тусовались, герои увидели на полу гору расчлененных трупов и маленькую девочку. Ну а дальше... Как мы уже говорили, история "Ньюкасла" имела свои последствия для каждого из членов команды, ведь...
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