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Автор - Дуг Уитли

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Творчество Дуг Уитли

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Дуг Уитли. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Aliens Omnibus: Volume 6
Aliens Omnibus: Volume 6

Mankind has always struggled to balance exploration and exploitation when stepping into new lands. In the era of the colonization of space, the discovery of new wonders is countered by the awful realities when species once separated by light years of airless void are suddenly thrown together, and the heady intoxication of discovery becomes the feral nightmare of a battle for supremacy. Humanity�...

Star Wars: Vector Volume 1
Star Wars: Vector Volume 1

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Volume 5: Vector and Star Wars: Dark Times Volume 3: Vector "Vector," an event with repercussions for every era and every hero in the Star Wars galaxy, begins here! In Chapter One Knights of the Old Republic Volume Five, a terrible vision reaching far into the future alerts the secret Jedi Covenant to the importance of Taris. They activate operative Celest...

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