Сильвия Таунсенд Уорнер - автор 7 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Lolly Willowes, Kingdoms of Elfin, After the Death of Don Juan. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
In Lolly Willowes, an ageing spinster rebels against her role as the universal aunt, at everybody's beck and call. How she escapes all that "?to have a life of one's own, not an existence doled out to you by others", is the theme of this story.
Changelings, poets, dissidents and gypsies, professors and witches, fairies of high and low degree spring to life in these magical tales.
An instant classic in the literature of friendship: the witty, affectionate 40-year correspondence between a great story-writer and her New Yorker editor. For forty years, until her death in 1978, Sylvia Townsend Warner (poet, novelist, and short-story writer) and her New Yorker editor William Maxwell (himself a fiction writer of great distinction) exchanged more than 1,300 letters. Their formal r...
The Reverend Timothy Fortune, ex-bank clerk, has spent ten years as a South Seas Island missionary when a ³maggot² impels him to embark on what he describes as a ³sort of pious escapade² ‹ an assignment to the even more remote island of Fanua, where a white man is a rarity. Mr. Fortune is a good man, humble and earnest. He wishes to bring the joys of Christianity to the innocent heathen. But in hi...